Collection of Hack-Phreak Scene Programs
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Assembly Source File
89 lines
;INT8.COM B.Kauler
;This program demonstrates "multitasking" by using a resident
;program and the timer-interrupt.
;A resident program opens many possibilities, and can be made to
;execute at the "same" time as another program.
;This is achieved by using int08 to call the resident program.
;Int08 is generated every 55mSec, and updates the BIOS clock.
;Our INSTALL routine can change the interrupt-8 vector in the
;interrupt table, to divert to the RUN_TIME routine, which would
;in turn transfer control back to the proper BIOS routine after
;doing whatever it wants.
;However, IBM considered that programmers would want to access the
;55mSec timer, so provided int1Ch "USER_TIMER_INT", which is
;called by int08 routine after it has done its own housekeeping.
;Normally int1Ch consists of simply an IRET instruction, but we
;can divert it to our own routine, which would terminate with an
;Note that our RUN_TIME routine could do many other things; maybe
;display the date or time on the screen continuously if we wished,
;rather than a message, in which case our routine would have to
;access int21h, functions 2Ah and 2Ch.
;The program INT9.COM accessed the interrupt table, but due to
;the danger of an interrupt occurring while writing to it (which
;we got around by a CLI), IBM provided INT21h functions 35h and
;25h to do the job. This program uses these.
com_seg segment
assume cs:com_seg,ds:com_seg,ss:com_seg
org 100h
int8 proc far
jmp install
;data area....
int_offset dw 0 ;original int1Ch vector.
int_seg dw 0 ; /
column db 0 ;original cursor position.
row db 0 ; /
run_time: ;displays message on screen.
;note; routine must be kept very short, as it is recalled every 55mSec.
;best to drive video ram directly.
push si
push di
push cx
push ax
push es
push ds
push cs
pop ds
mov ax,0b000h ;video ram segment.
;****change this to 0B800h for colour adaptor*****
mov es,ax ; /
mov si,offset message
mov di,0 ;video offset.
mov ah,0f0h ;attribute.
mov cx,001dh ;loop count.
next_char: lodsb ;display a char.
stosw ; /
loop next_char
pop ds
pop es
pop ax
pop cx
pop di
pop si
mov al,1Ch ;get interrupt vector.
mov ah,35h ; /
int 21h ; / (--> ES:BX).
mov int_offset,bx ;save vector.
mov int_seg,es ; /
;note that I have saved the original vector, to show how it is
;done, though in this program there's no need to.
mov dx,offset run_time ;load new vector.
;COM file, so DS already set okay.
mov al,1Ch ; /
mov ah,25h ; /
int 21h ; / (DS:DX-->).
mov dx,offset install ;point free memory,
int 27h ;leave resident.
int8 endp
com_seg ends
end int8