Collection of Hack-Phreak Scene Programs
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Text File
399 lines
-- --
-- Separate Unit: Execute -- Execute operators for Prover --
-- --
-- Author: Bradley L. Richards --
-- --
-- Version Date Notes . . . --
-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --
-- 1.0 - - - - - Never existed. First version implemented after --
-- Parser et al reached version 2.0 --
-- 2.0 20 Jun 86 Initial Version --
-- 2.05 13 Jul 86 Split into separate spec and package files --
-- 2.1 21 Jul 86 Demonstration version -- initial predicates --
-- implemented; initial debugging completed --
-- 2.2 28 Jul 86 Initial operational version -- 20 predicates --
-- implemented, plus lots of squashed bugs --
-- 2.3 19 Aug 86 Use AVL trees for rule_base, add many reserved --
-- predicates, and split output routines into --
-- package print_stuff. --
-- 2.4 31 Aug 86 Split do_reserved into separate file --
-- 2.5 1 Sep 86 Split execute into separate file --
-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --
-- --
-- Description: This file contains the routine Execute. Given an AST --
-- operator node which has its operands defined, this routine will --
-- execute that operator (and any operators beneath it) and alter --
-- the AST to reflect the result. --
-- --
-- It is possible that an error will creep in and the operands will --
-- not be of the appropriate types. In this case notify the user of --
-- the error. If thorough type-checking were included in the parser --
-- then the only way this error could arise would be through variable --
-- bindings. --
-- --
procedure execute( operator : in out AST_ptr; bindings : in out binding_list;
level : natural; failed : in out boolean ) is
temp : AST_ptr := null;
is_int_1, is_int_2, use_threshold : boolean := false;
matched, unified : boolean;
int_result, trash : integer;
fp_1, fp_2, fp_result : float;
fuzzy_1, fuzzy_2, fuzzy_result : fuzzy_values;
left_value, right_value : argument_ptr;
temp_bindings : binding_list;
procedure binary_arithmetic is
-- Execute a binary arithmetic operator
if (left_value.is_a = integer_num) and
(right_value.is_a = integer_num) then
if operator.binary_op = asterisk then
int_result := left_value.int_num * right_value.int_num;
elsif operator.binary_op = minus then
int_result := left_value.int_num - right_value.int_num;
elsif operator.binary_op = rw_mod then
int_result := left_value.int_num mod right_value.int_num;
elsif operator.binary_op = plus then
int_result := left_value.int_num + right_value.int_num;
else -- operator.binary_op = slash
int_result := left_value.int_num / right_value.int_num;
end if;
temp := new AST'(integer_num,int_result);
if left_value.is_a = integer_num then
fp_1 := float(left_value.int_num);
elsif left_value.is_a = float_num then
fp_1 := left_value.fp_num;
error(no_pointer,"invalid type to arithmetic operator");
failed := true;
end if;
if right_value.is_a = integer_num then
fp_2 := float(right_value.int_num);
elsif right_value.is_a = float_num then
fp_2 := right_value.fp_num;
error(no_pointer,"invalid type to arithmetic operator");
failed := true;
end if;
if not failed then
if operator.binary_op = asterisk then
fp_result := fp_1 * fp_2;
elsif operator.binary_op = minus then
fp_result := fp_1 - fp_2;
elsif operator.binary_op = rw_mod then
error(no_pointer,"'mod' only valid for integer arguments");
failed := true;
elsif operator.binary_op = plus then
fp_result := fp_1 + fp_2;
else -- operator.binary_op = slash
fp_result := fp_1 / fp_2;
end if;
if not failed then
temp := new AST'(float_num,fp_result);
end if;
end if;
end if;
end binary_arithmetic;
procedure binary_logic is
-- Execute logic operator
if operator.left_operand.node_type = fuzzy_value then
fuzzy_1 := operator.left_operand.fuzzy_num;
elsif operator.left_operand.node_type = threshold_marker then
fuzzy_1 := operator.left_operand.fuzzy_value;
threshold := operator.left_operand.threshold;
use_threshold := true;
failed := true;
put("Error -- fuzzy operator "); put(operator.binary_op);
put(" given invalid operand of type ");
put(operator.left_operand.node_type); new_line;
end if;
if operator.right_operand.node_type = fuzzy_value then
fuzzy_2 := operator.right_operand.fuzzy_num;
elsif operator.right_operand.node_type = threshold_marker then
fuzzy_2 := operator.right_operand.fuzzy_value;
threshold := operator.right_operand.threshold;
use_threshold := true;
failed := true;
put("fuzzy operator "); put(operator.binary_op);
put(" given invalid operand of type ");
put(operator.right_operand.node_type); new_line;
end if;
if failed then
fuzzy_result := 0.0;
if operator.binary_op = bar then
fp_result := fuzzy_1 + fuzzy_2 - (fuzzy_1 * fuzzy_2);
-- Occasionally borderline inaccuracies in floating point
-- arithmetic cause a result greater than one, which in turn
-- causes a constraint error.
if fp_result > 1.0 then
fuzzy_result := 1.0;
fuzzy_result := fp_result;
end if;
elsif operator.binary_op = comma then
if fuzzy_1 < fuzzy_2 then
fuzzy_result := fuzzy_1;
fuzzy_result := fuzzy_2;
end if;
elsif operator.binary_op = hat then
fuzzy_result := fuzzy_1 * fuzzy_2;
else -- operator.binary_op = semicolon
if fuzzy_1 > fuzzy_2 then
fuzzy_result := fuzzy_1;
fuzzy_result := fuzzy_2;
end if;
end if;
end if;
if use_threshold then
temp := new AST'(threshold_marker, fuzzy_result, threshold);
temp := new AST'(fuzzy_value, fuzzy_result);
end if;
current_truth := fuzzy_result;
end binary_logic;
procedure binding_comparator is
-- Execute a comparator
temp_bindings := bindings;
unify_arg(operator.left_operand, operator.right_operand, level,
level, temp_bindings, unified);
if (unified xor (operator.binary_op /= not_equal)) then
temp := new AST'(fuzzy_value, 0.0);
current_truth := 0.0;
failed := true;
temp := new AST'(fuzzy_value, 1.0);
current_truth := 1.0;
end if;
if not (operator.binary_op = not_equal) then -- save the bindings
bindings := temp_bindings;
end if;
end binding_comparator;
procedure comparator is
-- Execute a comparator
if (left_value.is_a = right_value.is_a) or
((left_value.is_a = integer_num) and (right_value.is_a = float_num)) or
((left_value.is_a = float_num) and (right_value.is_a = integer_num)) then
-- possible to compare the two
case left_value.is_a is
when predicate =>
if (operator.binary_op = equality) or
(operator.binary_op = not_equality) then
matched := left_value.name.name = right_value.name.name;
elsif operator.binary_op = less_than then
matched := left_value.name.name < right_value.name.name;
elsif operator.binary_op = greater_than then
matched := left_value.name.name > right_value.name.name;
elsif operator.binary_op = less_or_equal then
matched := left_value.name.name <= right_value.name.name;
else -- operator.binary_op = greater_or_equal then
matched := left_value.name.name >= right_value.name.name;
end if;
when variable =>
if (operator.binary_op = equality) or
(operator.binary_op = not_equality) then
matched := (left_value.v_name.name = right_value.v_name.name);
error(no_pointer,"uninstantiated variable to <, =<, >, or >=");
failed := true;
end if;
when integer_num | float_num =>
if left_value.is_a = integer_num then
fp_1 := float(left_value.int_num);
fp_1 := left_value.fp_num;
end if;
if right_value.is_a = integer_num then
fp_2 := float(right_value.int_num);
fp_2 := right_value.fp_num;
end if;
if (operator.binary_op = equality) or
(operator.binary_op = not_equality) then
matched := fp_1 = fp_2;
elsif operator.binary_op = less_than then
matched := fp_1 < fp_2;
elsif operator.binary_op = greater_than then
matched := fp_1 > fp_2;
elsif operator.binary_op = less_or_equal then
matched := fp_1 <= fp_2;
else -- operator.binary_op = greater_or_equal then
matched := fp_1 >= fp_2;
end if;
when character_lit =>
if (operator.binary_op = equality) or
(operator.binary_op = not_equality) then
matched := left_value.char = right_value.char;
elsif operator.binary_op = less_than then
matched := left_value.char < right_value.char;
elsif operator.binary_op = greater_than then
matched := left_value.char > right_value.char;
elsif operator.binary_op = less_or_equal then
matched := left_value.char <= right_value.char;
else -- operator.binary_op = greater_or_equal then
matched := left_value.char >= right_value.char;
end if;
when others =>
put("Error -- comparator "); put(operator.node_type);
put(" received invalid operand of type ");
put(left_value.is_a); new_line;
failed := true;
end case;
matched := false;
if (left_value.is_a = variable) or (right_value.is_a = variable) then
if (operator.binary_op /= equality) and
(operator.binary_op /= not_equality) then
error(no_pointer, "uninstantiated variable to <, =<, >, or >=");
failed := true;
-- else
-- no error since == and \== can have uninstantiated variables
end if;
if (operator.binary_op /= equality) and
(operator.binary_op /= not_equality) then
error(no_pointer, "cannot compare different node types");
failed := true;
-- else
-- no error since == and \== can compare different node types
end if;
end if;
end if;
if operator.binary_op = not_equality then
matched := not matched;
end if;
if matched and (not failed) then
temp := new AST'(fuzzy_value, 1.0);
current_truth := 1.0;
temp := new AST'(fuzzy_value, 0.0);
current_truth := 0.0;
failed := true;
end if;
end comparator;
procedure unary_logic is
-- Execute a unary logic operator. Turns out "not" is the only one
if operator.operand.node_type = fuzzy_value then
fuzzy_1 := operator.operand.fuzzy_num;
elsif operator.operand.node_type = threshold_marker then
fuzzy_1 := operator.operand.fuzzy_value;
use_threshold := true;
put("fuzzy operator "); put(operator.unary_op);
put(" given invalid operand of type ");
put(operator.operand.node_type); new_line;
failed := true;
end if;
if failed then
fuzzy_result := 0.0;
fuzzy_result := 1.0 - fuzzy_1;
end if;
if use_threshold then
temp := new AST'(threshold_marker, fuzzy_result, threshold);
temp := new AST'(fuzzy_value, fuzzy_result);
end if;
current_truth := fuzzy_result;
end unary_logic;
begin -- execute
case operator.node_type is
when binary_operator =>
-- If the operands are themselves operators, execute them
if (operator.left_operand.node_type = binary_operator) or
(operator.left_operand.node_type = binary_operator) then
execute(operator.left_operand, bindings, level, failed);
end if;
if (operator.right_operand.node_type = binary_operator) or
(operator.right_operand.node_type = binary_operator) then
execute(operator.right_operand, bindings, level, failed);
end if;
-- If successful so far, execute this operator
if not failed then
case operator.binary_op is
when asterisk | minus | rw_mod | plus | slash => binary_arithmetic;
when equal | rw_is | not_equal => binding_comparator;
when equality | not_equality | less_than | greater_than |
less_or_equal | greater_or_equal => comparator;
when bar | comma | hat | semicolon => binary_logic;
when others =>
error(no_pointer, "binary operator not implemented");
failed := true;
end case;
end if;
when unary_operator =>
-- If the operands are themselves operators, execute them
if (operator.operand.node_type = binary_operator) or
(operator.operand.node_type = binary_operator) then
execute(operator.operand, bindings, level, failed);
end if;
-- If successful so far, execute this operator
if not failed then
case operator.unary_op is
when rw_not => unary_logic;
when others =>
warning(no_pointer, "unary operator not implemented");
failed := true;
end case;
end if;
when others =>
error(no_pointer, "invalid operator node to 'execute'");
failed := true;
end case;
-- Now release everything from this operator on down
release(operator, null);
operator := temp;
end execute;