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/ Collection of Hack-Phreak Scene Programs / cleanhpvac.zip / cleanhpvac / DFA-007.ZIP / DFA.NFO < prev    next >
Text File  |  1997-07-07  |  7KB  |  92 lines

  1.     .                                 _______                 ____
  2.        %  `            _______________|     |                /  _ \
  3.       (  +          ___\____     /    |     |_____________  /   \\/
  4.   ___  )     _______\    __/    /     |     |    ________/_/_____\`*
  5.   | | (      \       \___\      \___________|    \__    __/\ x X /
  6.   | | o'   ___\______ \   \______/____      |_     /    /___\_c_/_________
  7.   | |/    /       __/  \     _/       \_     /_________/                 /_
  8.  (___)    \       \__   \_  /    _______\          _______         _____/_ \
  9.            \_________\---'  \    \  X x /   ______/  ____/_ ______ |   ==(_/
  10.  ___________________.-----,  \__/ \__=_/___/     /  ______/_\     \    |.%.|
  11.  \             /   /     /___*____   /   _/     /____________\____ \   |$#:|
  12.   \   ________/   /     /  ______/__/    \      \       /      __/  \  `~~~'
  13.    \   ____/ \_________/           /______\      \_     \      \__   \_
  14.     \____|-tl!97       \__________/        \______/ _    \________\---'
  15.   ____________     _______   ____________________  (_)
  16. __\_______   / ____\_____ \__\_____    /  ______/___|\_____________:_______
  17. \   _____/  /__| \   ___/  \    __/   /          /  | \  __/__   __|\ ____/_
  18.  \  \__    /   |  \  \___   \___\     \_________/   |  \___   \  \ | \____  \
  19.   \___|---/  | |   \____\----'   \_____/       /____|          \__\|         \_
  20.         _/   |______\                               |___________/  |__________/
  21.  .......\______|......... .  .   .    .     .     .      .        .         .
  22.                         xXx dRUG%ƒUCKED%aNARCHiStS xXx
  24. ┌--------- - - ----------- - ----------- - - -------------------------------┐
  25. |                       ∙-∙ ReLeAse iNFoRMaTion ∙-∙                         |
  26. >------------------- - - -----------\/-------------- - - -------------------<
  27. |    PRODUCT NAME : BoNG TeXT FiLE!    | RELEASE DATE : 7/7/97              |
  28. |     SUPPLIED BY : [eXTReMe]          |         TYPE : ZIP                 |
  29. |     PACKAGED BY : SiKko              |        DISKS : X 1                 |
  30. └----- - - ----------------------------------- - - -------------------------┘
  32. ┌---------------------------------------------- - - ------------- - - ------┐
  33. |                        ∙-∙ MeMBeR iNFoRMaTion ∙-∙                         |
  34. )------------------------------------------------------ - - ----------------(
  35. |                              ∙-∙ FoUndErS ∙-∙                             |
  36. |                                                                           |
  37. |                              [eXTReMe] . SiKko                            |
  38. |                                                                           |
  39. |                              ∙-∙ MeMBeRs ∙-∙                              |
  40. |                                                                           |
  41. |              [eXTReMe] . SiKko . DaRk SouL . aMoRPHis . SiLENCeR .        |
  42. |        MORTY! . AbYss . ViLLAiN . MaMbO . GwarMi . SubVert . Outseeker.   |
  43. |                                                                           |
  44. |                           ∙-∙ ^LiT DiViSioN ∙-∙                           |
  45. |                                                                           |
  46. |  [eXTReMe] . SiKko . SiLENCeR . GwarMi . MaMbO . The LandLord . ViLLAiN . |
  47. |                                . SubVert .                                |
  48. |                                                                           |
  49. |                            ∙-∙ aRT DiViSioN ∙-∙                           |
  50. |                                                                           |
  51. |                 [eXTReMe] . AbYss . SiKko . The LandLord .                |
  52. |                                                                           |
  53. |                              ∙-∙ CoURiERs ∙-∙                             |
  54. |                                                                           |
  55. |                         [eXTReMe] . SiKko . MORTY!                        |
  56. |                                                                           |
  57. └-------------------------------------------------------- - - --------------┘
  59. ┌------------------------------------------ - - -------------------- - - ---┐
  60. |                      ∙-∙ BoaRd iNFoRMaTion ∙-∙                            |
  61. )--------------------+-------------------+-----------+-------+--------------(
  62. |    NaMe            :  NuMBeR           : SySop     : NoDes : PoSiTion     |
  63. )--------------------+-------------------+-----------+-------+--------------(
  64. | [ Z E R o  B B S ] : +.6.1.3 9459-xXxX : eXTReMe   :  x1   : WoRld HQ!    |
  65. |    NO^END^OZ!      : +.6.1.3 9458-xXxX : SiKko     :  x2   :  oZ HQ!      |
  66. |    UNLeAsHed       : +.6.1.3 9xXx-xXxX : DaRk aNGel:  x1   :  DiSTRO      |
  67. |   Druids Keep!     : +.6.1.3 9XxX-XxXx | Shadow!   :  x4   |  DiSTRO      |
  68. |   mUR.sYSTEMS      : +.6.1.3 9XxX-XxXx : SyD-WaTERS:  x1   :  MeMBeR      |
  69. |  SUDDEN^AMNESiA    : +.6.1.3 9xxX-XxXx : ViLLAiN   :  x1   :  MeMBeR      |
  70. |    Dark^dRiFt      : +.6.1.3 9XxX-xXxX : BrainScaN :  x3   :  MeMBeR      |
  71. | Hall Of Justice    | +.6.1.3 9xXx-XxXx : Justice   |  x2   :  MeMBeR      |
  72. |   FaTaL ToXinS     : +.6.1.3 9xXx-xXxX : SiLENCeR  :  x1   :  MeMBeR      |
  73. |  eTERNAL viSAGE    | +.6.1.3 9XxX-xXxX | MuLL MaN  |  x1   |  MeMBeR      |
  74. └--------------------+-------------------+-----------+-------+--------------┘
  76. ┌------------------------------------------------------------- - - ---------┐
  77. |                          ∙-∙ aPPLiCaTionS ∙-∙                             |
  78. )-------------------------------------------------- - - --------------------(
  79. |   To apply for any position which you think you would be good at, mail    |
  80. |   eXTReMe or SiKko on of the boardz above, saying why you want to join. At|
  81. |   the moment, we need some cool artists, and some ^lit people. So if      |
  82. |   youre a hacker, anarchist, phreaker or an artist, apply now!!!          |
  83. └------------------------------------------------------- - - ---------------┘
  84.                               _______________
  85.                               \             /
  86.                         _______\    _______/
  87.                         \       \    ___/_________
  88.                       ___\_______\____|_\_______  \_
  89.                      /        __/ \   |   _____/   /
  90.                      \        \__  \_ |   \__     /
  91.                       \__________\---'|_____|----'-tl97!