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/ Compute! Gazette 1994 December / 1994-12b.d64 / christmas (.txt) < prev    next >
Commodore BASIC  |  2022-09-20  |  910b  |  37 lines

  1. 10 rem
  2. 11 rem  commodore 64 christmas album
  3. 12 rem
  4. 13 rem
  5. 14 rem            music: wayne eastwood
  6. 15 rem  screens/sprites: h. rex boucher
  7. 16 rem      design/prog: stephen murri
  8. 17 rem
  9. 18 rem
  10. 19 rem
  11. 20 rem
  12. 21 rem
  13. 30 poke53280,6:poke53281,6:print"[147]"
  14. 31 print"note:":print""
  15. 32 print"   for maximum effect, it is"
  16. 33 print"   recommended that the audio output"
  17. 34 print"   be connected to a high quality"
  18. 35 print"   sound system."
  19. 36 print"enter option:":print""
  20. 37 print"   r=run continuously"
  21. 38 print"   s=run once, sit and wait for any key"
  22. 39 geti$:ifi$=""thengoto39
  23. 40 ifi$<>"s"thenifi$<>"r"then goto39
  24. 42 if i$="s"thenpoke40959,1:goto50
  25. 43 poke40959,0
  26. 50 print"[147]loading":print""
  27. 52 poke198,10
  28. 60 print"load"chr$(34)"christmasmusic"chr$(34)",8,1"
  29. 61 print"new"
  30. 62 print"load"chr$(34)"christmascode"chr$(34)",8,1"
  31. 63 print"new"
  32. 64 print"load"chr$(34)"christmasroot"chr$(34)",8"
  33. 65 poke198,10
  34. 66 data 19,13,13,13,13,13,82,85,78,13
  35. 67 fori=1to10:readx:poke630+i,x:next
  36. 68 poke56,13:new