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/ Compute! Gazette 1993 July / 1993-07.d64 / demo1 (.txt) < prev    next >
Commodore BASIC  |  2022-09-20  |  1KB  |  26 lines

  1. 10 print"[147]               demo program 1"
  2. 12 print"  demonstrate the ability of the smart"
  3. 14 print"  loader to load a ml program that has"
  4. 16 print"  been saved as basic data statements."
  5. 20 print"  the ml portion (the data statements),"
  6. 22 print"   when single steped through, show"
  7. 24 print" each of the 56 mnemonics. also covered"
  8. 26 print"   are each of the addressing modes"
  9. 30 x=8192:y=x
  10. 32 read a:ifa<0then40
  11. 34 pokey,a:y=y+1:goto32
  12. 40 print"      press any key to continue";
  13. 45 get a$:ifa$=""then45
  14. 50 sys x
  15. 100 data 120,169,145,141,22,3,169,32,141,23,3,162,4,138,168
  16. 101 data 150,248,24,10,42,248,56,233,4,216,133,251,180,247,238
  17. 102 data 33,208,136,16,250,152,140,0,4,129,247,24,121,6,4,41
  18. 103 data 16,141,2,5,206,92,7,78,92,7,208,248,32,75,32,169,162
  19. 104 data 72,40,112,239,48,1,0,44,6,4,48,45,169,98,170,169,113
  20. 105 data 157,0,4,9,128,157,0,4,202,224,92,176,241,160,89,169
  21. 106 data 128,81,251,145,251,200,192,95,144,245,32,110,32,96
  22. 107 data 234,32,115,32,0,186,232,232,154,96,8,104,56,110,32
  23. 108 data 208,173,32,208,205,6,4,240,3,184,80,241,88,0,234,234
  24. 109 data 234,76,11,32,169,147,32,210,255,104,168,104,170,104
  25. 110 data 64,-1