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/ Compute! Gazette 1989 November / 1989-11.d64 / inputdemo2 (.txt) < prev    next >
Commodore BASIC  |  2022-09-20  |  702b  |  20 lines

  1. 0 rem copyright 1989 compute! publications, inc. - all rights reserved
  2. 1 rem --- this demo stores most of ---
  3. 2 rem --- the screen to variables ---
  4. 3 rem --- a$,b$,c$ & d$ ---
  5. 4 poke53280,14:poke53281,6:poke646,14
  6. 10 ifpeek(49152)<>32thenload"input.ml",8,1
  7. 20 dimvt$(25):vt$(0)="":fori=1to25:vt$(i)=vt$(i-1)+"":next
  8. 30 print"[147]"vt$(21)"please enter any data on this screen"
  9. 40 print"and press <return> when done."
  10. 50 sys49152,0,0,20,40,1,a$
  11. 60 rem --- save to a$,b$,c$ & d$ ---
  12. 70 poke631,13:poke198,1:sys49152,0,0,5,40,0,a$
  13. 80 poke631,13:poke198,1:sys49152,5,0,5,40,0,b$
  14. 90 poke631,13:poke198,1:sys49152,10,0,5,40,0,c$
  15. 100 poke631,13:poke198,1:sys49152,15,0,5,40,0,d$
  16. 110 print"[147]press any key to see the screen..."
  17. 120 getk$:ifk$=""then120
  18. 130 print"[147]"a$;b$;c$;d$
  19. 140 print