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/ Compute! Gazette 1985 February / 1985-02.d64 / namethatnote_64 (.txt) < prev    next >
Commodore BASIC  |  2022-09-20  |  3KB  |  80 lines

  1. 100 dim low%(25),hi%(25)
  2. 110 print"[144][147]just a second..."
  3. 120 poke53281,12:poke53280,12
  4. 130 rem initiialize routine
  5. 140 no$ = "efgabcdefgabcdefgabcdefga"
  6. 150 for t= 1 to 25:read low%(t):next:for t=1to25:read hi%(t):next
  7. 160 for t=0 to 63:readd:poke704+t,d:next:poke2040,11
  8. 170 for t= 832to1020:readd:poket,d:next:poke2041,13:poke2042,14
  9. 180 poke2043,15
  10. 190 v= 53248:pokev+21,0
  11. 200 pokev,255:pokev+16,0:pokev+39,0:poke53280,12:poke53281,12
  12. 210 pokev+2,90:pokev+3,84:pokev+4,88:pokev+5,126:pokev+23,14:pokev+29,14
  13. 220 pokev+6,90:pokev+7,163:pokev+40,0:pokev+41,0:pokev+42,0
  14. 230 s=54272:for t= s to s+24:poket,0:next
  15. 240 pokes+24,13:pokes+5,17:pokes+6,243
  16. 250 print"[147]name that note":fort=6to 20:pokes,low%(t)
  17. 260 pokes+1,hi%(t):pokes+4,17:for t1= 1to150:next:pokes+4,16
  18. 270 for t2=1to40:next:next
  19. 280 ch$="":print"do you want t[146]reble, b[146]ass or a[146]ll":input "";ch$
  20. 290 if ch$<>"b"andch$<>"t"and ch$<>"a"then print"[145][145][145][145][145]" :goto280
  21. 300 lw=-(ch$="b"orch$="a")-(ch$="t")*13
  22. 310 tp=-(ch$="b")*13-(ch$="t"orch$="a")*25
  23. 320 poke646,6:print"[147]"
  24. 330 li$="[192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192]":for t= 1 to 5:printspc(3)li$:next
  25. 340 print""
  26. 350 for t= 1 to 5:printspc(3)li$:next
  27. 360 print"counterscoremisses"
  28. 370 for tr= 1 to 20
  29. 380 nn=int(rnd(0)*(tp-lw)+lw):ifnn=no then 380
  30. 390 pokes,low%(nn):pokes+1,hi%(nn)
  31. 400 if nn=1ornn=25ornn=13then poke 752,127:poke754,240:goto420
  32. 410 poke752,1:poke754,0
  33. 420 poke v+1,(194-4*nn)+8*(nn>13):pokev+21,15
  34. 430 ts=10
  35. 440 for t=0to 500:next:ts=ts-1:print"";ts:get g$
  36. 450 if g$<>""thenpoke1934,(asc(g$)-64)and255
  37. 460 if(g$<>""and g$<>mid$(no$,nn,1))orts=0thenwr=wr+1:poke198,0
  38. 470 print"";wr
  39. 480 ifg$<>mid$(no$,nn,1)andts<>0then440
  40. 485 if ts<>0thenpokes+4,17:fort=1to300:next:pokes+4,16
  41. 490 sc=sc+ts:print"";sc;
  42. 500 for t= 0 to 1500:next
  43. 510 no=nn:next
  44. 520 pokev+21,0:print"[147]your score was";sc
  45. 530 print"and you missed";wr;"time(s)"
  46. 540 print"would you like to play again?"
  47. 550 get a$:if a$=""then550
  48. 560 if a$<>"y"anda$<>"n"then550
  49. 570 if a$="y"then run
  50. 580 rem data notes (low bytes)
  51. 590 data 71,152,71,12,233,97,104,143,48,143,24,210
  52. 600 data 195,209,31,96,30,49,165,135,162,62,193,60,99
  53. 610 rem data notes (high bytes)
  54. 620 data 5,5,6,7,7,8,9,10,11,12,14,15
  55. 630 data 16,18,21,22,25,28,31,33,37,42,44,50,56
  56. 640 rem data for sprite
  57. 650 data000,002,000,000,003,000,000,002
  58. 660 data128,000,002,064,000,002,032,000
  59. 670 data002,032,000,002,032,000,002,064
  60. 680 data000,002,000,000,002,000,000,002
  61. 690 data000,000,002,000,000,002,000,000
  62. 700 data122,000,000,254,000,001,254,000
  63. 710 data001,254,000,001,254,000,000,252
  64. 720 data000,000,120,000,000,000,000,000
  65. 730 data0,224,0,0,208,0,0,216,0,0,204,0,0
  66. 740 data206,0,0,199,0,0,199,0,0,199,0,0,206,0
  67. 750 data0,204,0,0,216,0,0,240,0,0,224,0,1
  68. 760 data192,0,3,192,0,6,192,0,12,192,0,24,192
  69. 770 data0,48,192,0,96,192,0,224,192,0,255
  70. 780 data48,111,128,97,248,192,195,96,96,198,96,48,195,104,48,193
  71. 790 data232,48,96,248,96
  72. 800 data112,96,224,56,96,192,28,99,192,7
  73. 810 data111,0,1,248,0,0,96,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
  74. 820 data0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
  75. 830 data 0,248,0,3,6,0,6,3,128,6,0,198,3,192
  76. 840 data 198,3,192,192,0,0,198,0,1,134,0,1
  77. 850 data128,0,3,0,0,3,0,0,6,0,0,12,0,0
  78. 860 data24,0,0,112,0,1,192,0,3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
  79. 870 data0,0,0,0,0,0