Compute! Gazette 1984 November
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Commodore BASIC
45 lines
1 rem hes games demo boot
3 rem copyright 3-2-1 software 1984
5 a=a+1
10 if a=2 then load "sg",8,1
20 if a=3 then load "sc",8,1
30 if a=4 then (NULL)
100 rem
110 poke 32534,96:poke 32512,96:poke 32515,96:poke 32518,96:poke 5632,0
120 print"[147][149]"
130 poke 53280,5:poke 53281,7
150 print"[164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164]"
160 print" hesgames/long jump ";
180 print "[146] programmed by 3-2-1 software inc."
190 print "[146] copyright 1984 hes[146]"
195 fort=1to2000:nextt
196 rempoke53280,0
197 print"[147]";
198 print "[146] hesgames/longjump : please copy [146]";
200 print "to play:run by moving the joystick back"
202 print " and forth;( left and right ). run as"
204 print " fast as you can. at the board, push"
206 print" the stick up to jump. hold the stick"
207 print" to the right for a forward landing."
208 print " [164][164] [164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164]"
209 print "[215] press f1[146] for a demo or instant replay[146]"
210 print " [164][164][164][164][164][164][164][164] "
212 print "the full hesgames[146] also features:"
213 print " [215] 100 meter dash"
214 print " [215] 110 meter hurdles"
216 print " [215] archery"
217 print " [215] springboard diving"
218 print " [215] two hand snatch and"
219 print " clean & jerk weightlifting events"
220 print "[215] 1-6 players can choose their country,"
222 print " shirt color, sock color & their name.
223 [153] "(NULL) displays u.s., olympic, world records"
224 [153] "(NULL) save yourwait great performances and show"
226 [153] " them to your friends later!"
228 [153] " tototototototototototototototototototototototototo"
230 [153] " get coupon at your dealer";
250 [151]198,10
260 [131] 147,83,89,83,49,54,51,56,52,13
270 [129]i[178]1[164]10:[135]x:[151]630[170]i,x:[130]
280 [147] "lj.md",8,1