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Commodore BASIC  |  2022-09-20  |  6KB  |  177 lines

  1. 2 printchr$(147)"would you like instructions (y/n)?
  2. 5 [161] a$: [139] a$[179][177] "y" [175] a$[179][177]"n" [167] 5
  3. 8 [139] a$[178]"n" [167] 458
  4. 11 [153]"instructions on screen or printer (s/p)?
  5. 14 get b$: if b$<> "s" and b$<>"p" then 14
  6. 17 if b$="s"then  d=3
  7. 20 if b$="p" then d=4
  8. 23 open d,d
  9. 26 print#d,"
  10. 29 [152]d,"
  11. 32 print#d,"
  12. 35 [152]d,"islands by john ryan
  13. 38 print#d,"run it right: c-64; 2 joysticks
  14. 41 [152]d,"
  15. 44 print#d,"though this game is intended for two
  16. 47 [152]d,"players, it is possible to play alone,
  17. 50 print#d,"which is helpful when learning the
  18. 53 [152]d,"controls.":[139] d[178]4 [167] 67
  19. 56 [152]d,"
  20. 59 print"press a key to continue"
  21. 62 get dd$:if dd$="" then 62
  22. 65 print#d,"
  23. 66 [152]d,"
  24. 67 print#d,"
  25. 68 [152]d,"in this game you must transform your
  26. 71 print#d,"island into a viable economic and
  27. 74 [152]d,"military entity, either by treachery
  28. 77 print#d,"against the neighboring colony or by
  29. 80 [152]d,"developing your natural resources. it
  30. 83 print#d,"will take careful planning to feed,
  31. 86 [152]d,"house and protect your subjects, or you
  32. 89 print#d,"will face reduced productivity, reduced
  33. 92 [152]d,"revenue and dangerous social unrest.
  34. 95 print#d,"you have five years to build up your
  35. 98 [152]d,"island, at the end of which the player
  36. 101 print#d,"with the most points wins. the maximum
  37. 104 [152]d,"you can earn each month is 260 points
  38. 107 print#d,"plus hospital bonuses.":if d=4 then 121
  39. 110 print#d,"
  40. 113 [153]"press a key to continue"
  41. 116 [161] dd$:[139] dd$[178]"" [167] 116
  42. 119 [152]d,"
  43. 120 print#d,"
  44. 121 [152]d,"
  45. 122 print#d,"player one rules the north island, key
  46. 125 [152]d,"antigua, with a joystick in port 2.
  47. 128 print#d,"player 2 controls the south island, st.
  48. 131 [152]d,"christopher, with a joystick in port
  49. 134 print#d,"1. to the right of the game screen is a
  50. 137 [152]d,"display of your score, the date,
  51. 140 print#d,"population, gold pieces (gp) and a
  52. 143 [152]d,"box that shows what icon you have
  53. 146 print#d,"selected.
  54. 149 [152]d,"
  55. 152 print#d,"use the icons to purchase goods and
  56. 155 [152]d,"develop the island. a monthly report
  57. 158 print#d,"appears at the bottom of the screen
  58. 161 [152]d,"showing how many houses (h), crops (c),
  59. 164 print#d,"and defenses (d) you own.
  60. 167 [152]d,"
  61. 170 print#d,"move your cursor to an edge of the game
  62. 173 [152]d,"screen to activate the icon selection
  63. 176 print#d,"box and scroll through your options.":if d=4 then 190
  64. 179 print#d,"
  65. 182 [153]"press a key to continue"
  66. 185 [161] dd$:[139] dd$[178]"" [167] 185
  67. 188 [152]d,"
  68. 189 print#d,"
  69. 190 [152]d,"
  70. 191 print#d,"when the icon you desire appears in the
  71. 194 [152]d,"selection box, press the firebutton.
  72. 197 print#d,"then move your cursor to the place you
  73. 200 [152]d,"want to put your purchase, and press
  74. 203 print#d,"the firebutton again. boats can only be
  75. 206 [152]d,"placed in water, and troops can only
  76. 209 print#d,"be placed on your opponent's island.
  77. 212 [152]d,"
  78. 215 print#d,"tropical showers (clouds) roam over
  79. 218 [152]d,"the islands, improving your fishing and
  80. 221 print#d,"crop harvests, thereby increasing your
  81. 224 [152]d,"income. a stormy season, may-november,
  82. 227 print#d,"brings hurricanes (flashing clouds) and
  83. 230 [152]d,"lesser tropical storms (black clouds).
  84. 233 print#d,"for each parcel of property that is
  85. 236 [152]d,"destroyed in these severe storms, a
  86. 239 print#d,"portion of the population dies.":if d=4 then 253
  87. 242 print#d,"
  88. 245 [153]"press a key to continue"
  89. 248 [161] dd$:[139] dd$[178]"" [167] 248
  90. 251 [152]d,"
  91. 252 print#d,"
  92. 253 [152]d,"
  93. 254 print#d,"some parts of the island get more
  94. 257 [152]d,"precipitation, but since this means
  95. 260 print#d,"that they also bear the brunt of the
  96. 263 [152]d,"destructive storms, it is a mixed
  97. 266 print#d,"blessing.
  98. 269 [152]d,"
  99. 272 print#d,"to activate a boat for fishing or naval
  100. 275 [152]d,"warfare, select the boat icon and place
  101. 278 print#d,"your cursor on the boat that you want
  102. 281 [152]d,"to activate. press the firebutton once
  103. 284 print#d,"to begin movement mode, and a second
  104. 287 [152]d,"time to end movement mode. to sink an
  105. 290 print#d,"enemy boat, move your boat on top of
  106. 293 [152]d,"the enemy's and exit the movement mode.":[139] d[178]4 [167] 307
  107. 296 [152]d,"
  108. 299 print"press a key to continue"
  109. 302 get dd$:if dd$="" then 302
  110. 305 print#d,"
  111. 306 [152]d,"
  112. 307 print#d,"
  113. 308 [152]d,"hunger, crowding and overwork reduce
  114. 311 print#d,"your nations's productivity and erode
  115. 314 [152]d,"morale. be sure to keep enough food and
  116. 317 print#d,"shelter to provide for your growing
  117. 320 [152]d,"(hopefully!) population. productivity
  118. 323 print#d,"and therefore income decline as morale
  119. 326 [152]d,"wears down. rebels, which appear with
  120. 329 print#d,"shield and spear icon of the invasion
  121. 332 [152]d,"troops, will rise up and destroy your
  122. 335 print#d,"property. rebels are only eliminated by
  123. 338 [152]d,"attrition.":[139] d[178]4 [167] 352
  124. 341 [152]d,"
  125. 344 print"press a key to continue"
  126. 347 get dd$:if dd$="" then 347
  127. 350 print#d,"
  128. 351 [152]d,"
  129. 352 print#d,"
  130. 353 [152]d,"
  131. 356 print#d,"icon    cost(gp) income(gp/month)
  132. 359 [152]d,"---------------------------------
  133. 362 print#d,"house      50      0
  134. 365 [152]d,"crops       5      2+
  135. 368 print#d,"boat       25      5+
  136. 371 [152]d,"factory    35     10
  137. 374 print#d,"mine      100     15-20
  138. 377 [152]d,"hospital   75      0
  139. 380 print#d,"fort       60      0
  140. 383 [152]d,"invasion  150      0
  141. 386 print#d,"  troops
  142. 389 [152]d,"--------------------------------":[139] d[178]4 [167] 401
  143. 392 [152]d,"
  144. 395 print"press a key to continue"
  145. 398 get dd$:if dd$="" then 398
  146. 401 print#d,"
  147. 404 [152]d,"
  148. 405 print#d,"
  149. 406 [152]d,"
  150. 407 print#d,"house - accommodates 500 people
  151. 410 [152]d,"crops - one planting feeds 400 people
  152. 413 print#d,"  crops that get good rain yield more
  153. 416 [152]d,"  income.
  154. 419 print#d,"boat - active fishing increases income.
  155. 422 [152]d,"  fishing in the rain is more lucrative.
  156. 425 print#d,"factory - income varies with morale.
  157. 428 [152]d,"  work-related death increase mortality
  158. 431 print#d,"  rate.
  159. 434 [152]d,"mine - same notes as factory.
  160. 437 print#d,"hospital - increases productivity.
  161. 440 [152]d,"  increases birth rate by 10%.
  162. 443 print#d,"  adds monthly bonus points.
  163. 446 [152]d,"fort - adds 10 defense points.
  164. 449 print#d,"invasion troops - attack specific
  165. 452 [152]d,"  target on the other island.
  166. 455 print#d,"":closed
  167. 458 print"press any key to begin..."
  168. 461 get e$:if e$="" then 461
  169. 464 clr
  170. 466 n$="boot islands"
  171. 467 print""
  172. 468 print"load"chr$(34)n$chr$(34)","8"  [145][145][145]"
  173. 470 a$="run"
  174. 472 a$=a$+chr$(13)
  175. 473 poke631,13:forb=1tolen(a$):poke631+b,asc(mid$(a$,b,1)):next:poke198,10
  176. 474 new