CD Direkt 1995 #3
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LHA.DLL Version1.10 + Sample Program (LHCTK Version1.20)
Presented by Rhizome Project (Feb. 21th, 1993)
Translated by Hitoshi Ozawa
1. Introduction by MYO
After unzipping the LHDL11.ZIP file, please check that the following
files were created:
LHA.DLL DLL version of LHA file compression/decompression utility
LHA.H LHA.DLL header file
LHA.LIB LHA.DLL library file
LHCTK.EXE LHA.DLL controller (sample program)
README.TXT The file you are reading right now
LHA110.TXT Most recent information on LHA.DLL
API.TXT Explanation of LHA.DLL API(application programming interface)
VERSION.TXT LHA.DLL update information
LHCTK120.TXT Most recent information on LHCT
If you do not have the above 3 files, they are available from
THREED.VBX file necessary to run LHCTK
CMDIALOG.VBX file necessary to run LHCTK
COMMDLG.DLL file necessary to run LHCTK
5 Japanese *.TXT files are also included:
(Japanese environment is necessary to read this files)
JLHA110.TXT Most recent information on LHA.DLL
JAPI.TXT Explanation of LHA.DLL API(application programming interface)
JVERSION.TXT LHA.DLL update information
JLHCTK.TXT Most recent information on LHCT
In future release of LHA.DLL we will only upload differences from the
previous version. We are planning to make public the source to LHA.DLL
when the software seem stable. To help us to make a quicker release of
a source code, please send any bugs you may find and any modification to
the software specification.
2. Liability
The author and the developer of this software will not take any
responsibilities for any damages that may occur with the use of this software.
The files contained in LHDLL1.ZIP are distributed "as is" and without any
expressed and implied warranties. The user assumes the entire risk of using
the software.
3. How to call LHA.DLL from your C program by kom
1. <How to use LHA.DLL>
To call LHA.DLL from your C program, include lha.h (Part 1),
define output buffer (Part 2), and call the LHA.DLL (Part 3).
Finally, include the LHA.LIB file in the include library option
during the link operation.
2. <LHA.DLL parameters>
int FAR PASCAL Lha(LPSTR szCmdLine, LPSTR szOutput, WORD wSize)
LPSTR szCmdLine Pointer to LHA.DLL option string
LPSTR szOutput Output buffer pointer
WORD wSize Output buffer size
3. <Example>
#include <windows.h>
#include <lha.h> /* lha.h ... Part 1 */
char buffer[8000]; /* define output buffer ...Part 2 */
int PASCAL WinMain( HANDLE hInstance, HANDLE hPrevInstance,
LPSTR lpszCmdLine,int nCmdShow )
/* call LHA.DLL ...Part 3 */
return Lha("a a:test.lzh a:*.bat",buffer,sizeof(buffer));
4. How to call LHA.DLL from Visual Basic program by TakTak
The following explains how to call LHA() from a Visual Basic program.
Include the following in the Form declarations section:
Declare Function LHA Lib "lha.dll" (ByVal szCmdLine As String,
ByVal szOutPut As String,ByVal iSize As Integer) As Integer
szCmdLine Command line parameter (same as parameters in DOS
version of LHA)
szOutPut Function output (list or return code)
iSize size of szOutPut
Finally, in the main program, call LHA function:
RetCode% = LHA(szCmdLine, szOutPut, iSize)
5. Installing and using VB DLL controller by TakTak
The following is a sample program to show how LHA.DLL can be controlled
from Visual Basic.
Because this program uses Professional Toolkit for Visual Basic, it was
named LHA.DLL Controller ToolKit version or LHCTK for short.
This section explains unzipped files by separating them into 2 groups.
(Group B) LHA.DLL
Group A file can be located anywhere on your hard disk, but 4 files
in Group B must be copied to \WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory.
Please use the most recent Group B files (especially the COMMDLG.DLL
file) you can obtain. If you have a newer version then the one
included in this archive file, use the newer version.
An English version of COMMDLG.DLL file is included in the LHDLL1.ZIP
A Japanese version of COMMDLG.DLL is included in Microsoft Excel
Version 4.0 (Japanese version). This will allow Japanese characters
to be properly displayed.
If English of COMMDLG.DLL is installed in your system (Japanese),
Excel (Japanese) might not properly operate.
On the other hand, if Japanese version of COMMDLG.DLL is used,
Japanese file names will be properly displayed.
Additionally, LHCTK.EXE is written in Visual Basic Ver.1
and requires VBRUN100.DLL to execute the program. This file
can be down loaded from various forums on the BBS.
WARNING: There is a difference between English and Japanese version
of *.VBX files. Be sure to know which version you are
working with to assure proper operation in your other
applications. You will need English version if your other
applications are English versions. On the other hand, if
you are using Japanese version of other Windows applications,
you will need Japanese versions of these files.
6. Distribution and Copyright by MYO
LHA.DLL and LHCTK.EXE are freewares. There are not special
distribution and use restrictions to these softwares. However, please
respect wishes made by LHA developer, Yoshisaki Eiso.
7. Rhizome Staff and how to contact them
1. Development and Support Network
TRY24-Net TEL: 0723-68-3609
Tri-P mnemonic CXTRY
Support Board B38
We could only guarantee quick response to messages send to the
above network.
2. Members
MYO TRY24-Net TRY214
(Rhizome Project Leader) NIKKEI MIX myo
XR'Y TRY24-Net TRY001
(Net SysOp and Consultant)
TakTak TRY24-Net TRY210
(ASCII-PCS contact) ASCII-PCS pcs50440
kom TRY24-Net TRY216
(NiftyServe & PC-Van contact) NiftyServe TCC02104
w.koba TRY24-Net TRY221
(PULLPULL-NET contact) Nikkei MIX w.koba
NiftyServe NBC02474