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Text File  |  1993-08-28  |  6KB  |  75 lines

  1. ╔══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
  2. ║                             EDITORS NOTE                                 ║
  3. ║                                                                          ║
  4. ║   Well, while there are many different things going on this month that   ║
  5. ║   I could discuss, I choose to discuss a personal problem here.          ║
  6. ║                                                                          ║
  7. ║   I have graduated from being a DOS Dummy, PC illiterate, just out and   ║
  8. ║   out KNOW NOTHING to the point where I feel I can hold my own!  And     ║
  9. ║   just when I feel can hold my own, I have outside help to confuse me.   ║
  10. ║                                                                          ║
  11. ║   For the past month my voice/BBS line comes/goes in and out with the    ║
  12. ║   weather, meaning when it rains it seems that the phone will not        ║
  13. ║   allow me to talk/type through water.                                   ║
  14. ║                                                                          ║
  15. ║   For an entire week my BBS line was down.  If I were on drugs I don't   ║
  16. ║   think I would have gotten the shakes so bad, but after day 2, I        ║
  17. ║   thought I would have to admit myself into a PC ADDICT program!         ║
  18. ║                                                                          ║
  19. ║   Now, I am sure that there are those of you who feel that "OK, there    ║
  20. ║   are problems and you go with the flow".  There are also those of you   ║
  21. ║   who know that I asked if anyone was able to perform an exorcist        ║
  22. ║   which I felt/feel that I am in dire need of.                           ║
  23. ║                                                                          ║
  24. ║   I now share with you part of my editorial from September of 1992:      ║
  25. ║                                                                          ║
  26. ║  ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐  ║
  27. ║  │There's a saying that lightning never strikes in the same place     │  ║
  28. ║  │twice and I'm of the opinion that somebody told a lie.              │  ║
  29. ║  │                                                                    │  ║
  30. ║  │Let me share my grief with all of you.  After using my offline      │  ║
  31. ║  │reader which contained 15-20 messages, my PC decided that it was    │  ║
  32. ║  │sick and requested that I reboot.  Well, I'm a understanding person │  ║
  33. ║  │and therefore I rebooted, only to discover to my horror that not    │  ║
  34. ║  │only was my .REP packet missing but the .QWK file also.             │  ║
  35. ║  │                                                                    │  ║
  36. ║  │I immediately sent out a message informing everyone of this predica-│  ║
  37. ║  │ment begging for forgiveness!  I then began the task of trying to   │  ║
  38. ║  │catch up (yet again).  As faith would have it, it was not raining   │  ║
  39. ║  │outside but inside my livingroom.  A pipe burst in the apartment    │  ║
  40. ║  │above me and I was slowly loosing my mind and still trying to reply │  ║
  41. ║  │to my messages (I'm a die hard).  The bottomline was when I logged  │  ║
  42. ║  │on to upload my replies only to discover that there was a problem   │  ║
  43. ║  │and all the messages I had previously uploaded were deleted!        │  ║
  44. ║  │                                                                    │  ║
  45. ║  │I know what you're thinking, all I had to do was to upload them     │  ║
  46. ║  │again.                                                              │  ║
  47. ║  │                                                                    │  ║
  48. ║  │                            WRONG!!!                                │  ║
  49. ║  │                                                                    │  ║
  50. ║  │I use an automatic uploader that automatically deletes the .REP     │  ║
  51. ║  │packet after it's done.  I have changed this for the future but I'll│  ║
  52. ║  │probably be in a lunatic asylum so it's all irrelevant!             │  ║
  53. ║  │                                                                    │  ║
  54. ║  │I'd like warm wishes from everyone but more importantly, if you know│  ║
  55. ║  │of anyone that can perform an "exorcism" I'd appreciate it!         │  ║
  56. ║  │                                                                    │  ║
  57. ║  │                                        Insanely yours,             │  ║
  58. ║  └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘  ║
  59. ║                                                                          ║
  60. ║   WHAT GIVES HERE?                                                       ║
  61. ║                                                                          ║
  62. ║   I've had enough problems for Satan to say "What the HELL"!!!!          ║
  63. ║                                                                          ║
  64. ║   But do you know what drives me on?  The fact that you're reading       ║
  65. ║   this message.                                                          ║
  66. ║                                                                          ║
  67. ║   Hey folks, get aboard the Poetry Train because, come HELL or High      ║
  68. ║   Water,                                                                 ║
  69. ║                                                                          ║
  70. ║                   "I'M RIDING THIS TRAIN TO GLORY"                       ║
  71. ║                                                                          ║
  72. ║   Ciao,                                                                  ║
  73. ║   Inez Harrison                                                          ║
  74. ╚══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝