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  1. ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
  2. │     ████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████     │
  3. │     █       ROTFL Digest!   Volume 1, Issue 4   November, 1993     █     │
  4. │     █                                                              █     │
  5. │     █                                                              █     │
  6. │     █    Published by Access Media Systems                         █     │
  7. │     █    Voice/Fax: (905)847-7362  Data: <Node 3> (905)825-8653    █     │
  8. │     █                                                              █     │
  9. │     █  Editor/Official Dishwasher: Sandy Illes                     █     │
  10. │░░░░░█  Contributing Editor/Elvis Impersonator: Richard Platel      █░░░░░│
  11. │     █                                                              █     │
  12. │     ████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████     │
  13. │     █                                                              █     │
  14. │     █                                                              █     │
  15. │     █  Contents:                                                   █     │
  16. │     █                                                              █     │
  17. │     █  Editorial                                                   █     │
  18. │     █  True Silly Stories From Around The World                    █     │
  19. │     █  Manners                                                     █     │
  20. │     █  The Borg Assimilate Archie Andrews                          █     │
  21. │     █  Dear Blabby                                                 █     │
  22. │     █  Flame Of The Month                                          █     │
  23. │     █  Top Ten Lists                                               █     │
  24. │     █  Jokes, Jokes, Jokes!                                        █     │
  25. │     █  New Software Products Due Out Any Day For Your PC!          █     │
  26. │     █                                                              █     │
  27. │     ████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████     │
  28. │                                                                          │
  29. │    Editorial                                                             │
  30. │    ---------                                                             │
  31. │                                                                          │
  32. │    Welcome to the fourth issue of Rolling On The Floor Laughing          │
  33. │    Digest! This electronic publication is proof that some                │
  34. │    people have way too much time on their hands. :)                      │
  35. │                                                                          │
  36. │    All submissions are welcomed! Please note that only original          │
  37. │    material will be considered for publication. Plagiarists will         │
  38. │    be impersonated, and I think you all know how painful that can be.    │
  39. │                                                                          │
  40. │░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░│
  41. │                                                                          │
  42. │     ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐    │
  43. │     │ ROTFL Digest may be freely reposted on any BBS, as long as it │    │
  44. │     │ remains unaltered in any way. Submissions to ROTFL Digest may │    │
  45. │     │ be uploaded to Access Media BBS at (905)825-8653 as an ascii  │    │
  46. │     │ [C]omment to Sysop, or sent via Fidonet netmail to 1:259/314. │    │
  47. │     │ ROTFL Digest may not be reproduced for commercial purposes    │    │
  48. │     │ without the express written consent of the publishers.        │    │
  49. │     └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘    │
  50. │                                                                          │
  51. ├──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
  52. │       True Silly Stories From Around The World:                          │
  53. ├──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
  54. │                                                                          │
  55. │       Vancouver, B.C. - The Humane Society seized a pig                  │
  56. │       from a stripper, dubbed Nadia the Beastmaster, who                 │
  57. │       had been using it in her act. ROTFL Digest wonders                 │
  58. │       exactly *how she was using it in her act!                          │
  59. │                                                                          │
  60. │       Crystal Falls, Michigan - A 1500-year old mushroom                 │
  61. │       that weighs 100 tons and spans 37 acres has been                   │
  62. │       found growing in Michigan. No indication was given                 │
  63. │       if someone had been found to eat it. (Mushroom soup,               │
  64. │       anyone? Anyone? ANYONE???)                                         │
  65. │                                                                          │
  66. │       New York , N.Y. - Someone stole a box from a parked                │
  67. │       car, unaware that it contained human heads. The                    │
  68. │       heads were used for research at a New York medical                 │
  69. │       school. ROTFL Digest imagines the robbers were                     │
  70. │       trying to get a-HEAD in the world of thievery. <groan!>            │
  71. ├──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
  72. │                                                                          │
  73. │       MANNERS                                                            │
  74. ├──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
  75. │                                                                          │
  76. │       At The Movies:                                                     │
  77. │                                                                          │
  78. │       An evening at the movies is a very social occasion, yet most       │
  79. │       people do not interact. You can do something about this by         │
  80. │       following a few rules.                                             │
  81. │                                                                          │
  82. │       If you aren't over 6 feet tall, it is wise to wear a very          │
  83. │       tall hat or hairdo. This compells the people sitting behind        │
  84. │       you to instigate a conversation.                                   │
  85. │                                                                          │
  86. │       Whisper a lot. If you don't have a friend with you, simply         │
  87. │       whisper to an imaginary friend. Tell them how much your gas        │
  88. │       bill was last month, what color you wish your hair really          │
  89. │       was, how the movie ends, anything you like. It's important         │
  90. │       that you talk a lot, as it encourages others to join in.           │
  91. │                                                                          │
  92. │       Kick the seat in front of you. This will focus attention on        │
  93. │       you and create an opportunity for the person sitting in that       │
  94. │       seat to turn around and talk.                                      │
  95. │                                                                          │
  96. │       Burp a lot. This will take attention from the movie and put        │
  97. │       it where it belongs - on you.                                      │
  98. │                                                                          │
  99. │       Chew gum and blow bubbles. Lots of people will ask, "Where         │
  100. │       the he@@ did you get that gum???"                                  │
  101. │                                                                          │
  102. │       Cough. Although it sounds simple enough, coughing is an art.       │
  103. │       Taking coughing lessons will provide you with the necessary        │
  104. │       skills to impress the other movie-goers.                           │
  105. │                                                                          │
  106. │       Presuming you have followed all steps correctly, you will          │
  107. │       have conversed with at least a dozen people before the movie       │
  108. │       is over. Of course, there's a very high chance that they will      │
  109. │       gang up and attack you in a dark alley after the show, but         │
  110. │       you can be secure in the knowledge that you have done your         │
  111. │       small part to make the world a friendlier place.                   │
  112. │                                                                          │
  113. │       In A Restaurant:                                                   │
  114. │                                                                          │
  115. │       While it is considered extremely rude to push aside the            │
  116. │       people who have made reservations, it is the easiest way to        │
  117. │       be seated quickly. Those people probably aren't as hungry as       │
  118. │       you are, anyway.                                                   │
  119. │                                                                          │
  120. │       To impress your date, you should order in French. If the           │
  121. │       waiter is named Jacques and seems to understand French, it is      │
  122. │       wise to switch to an obscure Tibetan dialect.                      │
  123. │                                                                          │
  124. │       The waiter will bring you water. You are expected to drink         │
  125. │       this water, although no one else ever does. Recommendation:        │
  126. │       Gargle with it.                                                    │
  127. │                                                                          │
  128. │       Always remember your mother's advice to "chew your food forty      │
  129. │       times." Then, just for the heck of it, stick out your tongue       │
  130. │       and ask the waiter, "What does this remind you of?"                │
  131. │                                                                          │
  132. │       It is rude to talk to people with pieces of food stuck in          │
  133. │       between your teeth. Always remember to remove the food chunks      │
  134. │       and offer them to the other diners.                                │
  135. │                                                                          │
  136. │       If the maitre'd is one of those snooty types, it's always fun      │
  137. │       to insist that he give you a foot massage. If he doesn't,          │
  138. │       burp the "Star-Spangled Banner" while standing on your head.       │
  139. │                                                                          │
  140. │       Food can be fun. While spaghetti is traditionally eaten with       │
  141. │       a fork, it can easily be sucked up through your nose.              │
  142. │                                                                          │
  143. │       Waiters appreciate it when you joke around with them. Scream       │
  144. │       that your escargots are still alive and slithering into your       │
  145. │       date's blouse. The waiter will enjoy it so much, he probably       │
  146. │       won't even notice when you don't leave him a tip.                  │
  147. │                                                                          │
  148. │       Another method of bonding with the waiter involves pretending      │
  149. │       to choke on a cockroach. Waiters never get along with cooks,       │
  150. │       and this will indicate that you have tremendous understanding      │
  151. │       and empathy for him.                                               │
  152. │                                                                          │
  153. │       Forks and knives can be an impediment if you're very, very         │
  154. │       hungry. The best solution in this situation is to throw away       │
  155. │       your cutlery and eat voraciously, not stopping until your          │
  156. │       fingers are accidentally chewed to bloody stumps.                  │
  157. │                                                                          │
  158. │       A good meal is never complete without a cup of coffee. Stick       │
  159. │       your fingers into the coffee to stop the bleeding.                 │
  160. │                                                                          │
  161. │       Once the meal is finished, you will be offered a doggy bag to      │
  162. │       take home. Why go to the bother? It's much more practical to       │
  163. │       bring your dog into the restaurant and let him lick your           │
  164. │       plate clean on the spot.                                           │
  165. │                                                                          │
  166. │       What To Do If You Spot Elvis:                                      │
  167. │                                                                          │
  168. │       It is always best to be discreet, yet friendly, when dealing       │
  169. │       with the undead. Offer him a manicure, since his nails will        │
  170. │       certainly be ragged from scraping at the inside of his             │
  171. │       coffin.                                                            │
  172. │                                                                          │
  173. │       Try to instill a bond of familiarity with him by saying, "I        │
  174. │       don't know if you remember me, but I sat between you and           │
  175. │       Bigfoot on the UFO last week."                                     │
  176. │                                                                          │
  177. │       Tell him that his new diet - Thinness Through Death - has          │
  178. │       done absolute wonders. Elvis will certainly be glad to hear        │
  179. │       that.                                                              │
  180. │                                                                          │
  181. │       Offer to call up the doctor who did the autopsy and arrange        │
  182. │       to get Elvis's brain put back into his head.                       │
  183. │                                                                          │
  184. │       Do not - repeat, do not! - dangle a peanut butter and banana       │
  185. │       sandwich in front of him! All those years of being buried          │
  186. │       will have made him extremely hungry, and he will probably          │
  187. │       kill you.                                                          │
  188. │                                                                          │
  189. │       On A Bus:                                                          │
  190. │                                                                          │
  191. │       Although there is always a sign saying, "Correct Change            │
  192. │       Only," bus drivers secretly enjoy refusing to make change for      │
  193. │       passengers. Insist that the driver change a fifty dollar bill      │
  194. │       and you'll be his friend for life.                                 │
  195. │                                                                          │
  196. │       The bus may be crowded but you shouldn't have to stand up.         │
  197. │       Simply throw yourself into the lap of the meekest looking          │
  198. │       person with a seat.                                                │
  199. │                                                                          │
  200. │       Riding a bus can be a socially invigorating experience. Start      │
  201. │       up a conversation with the person sitting next to you. If          │
  202. │       they seem too agreeable, loudly point out that their breath        │
  203. │       stinks. This is certain to engender some lively conversation.      │
  204. │                                                                          │
  205. │       A gang of teenagers will invariably get on the bus, carrying       │
  206. │       a loud radio. Since the noise is bound to interfere with your      │
  207. │       conversation, you should scream at them to turn it off. They       │
  208. │       will probably knife you, necessitating an emergency trip to        │
  209. │       the hospital to have your leg reattached. While you're             │
  210. │       recovering, you will have the wonderful memories of your bus       │
  211. │       trip to help speed your recovery.                                  │
  212. │                                                                          │
  213. ├──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
  214. │                                                                          │
  215. │       The Borg Assimilate Archie Andrews                                 │
  216. ├──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
  217. │                                                                          │
  218. │       Scene: Riverdale High, where Archie is quietly                     │
  219. │       leaving the school after having served detention.                  │
  220. │       Suddenly, a Borg ship appears in the sky.                          │
  221. │                                                                          │
  222. │       Borg: We must assimilate these earthlings. We must                 │
  223. │       begin with this red-haired one right now.                          │
  224. │                                                                          │
  225. │       Archie is transported to the Borg ship. He looks at                │
  226. │       the strange spaceship.                                             │
  227. │                                                                          │
  228. │       Archie: Whoa! Wait till the gang hear about this!                  │
  229. │                                                                          │
  230. │       Borg: Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.               │
  231. │                                                                          │
  232. │       Archie: I have a date with Ronnie tonight so you'd                 │
  233. │       better get this assimilation over with quickly.                    │
  234. │                                                                          │
  235. │       Borg (to each other): What is "Ronnie"?                            │
  236. │                                                                          │
  237. │       Archie: Veronica Lodge. She gets totally out of                    │
  238. │       joint if I'm even one minute late.                                 │
  239. │                                                                          │
  240. │       Just then, an emergency warning beeps throughout the               │
  241. │       Borg ship.                                                         │
  242. │                                                                          │
  243. │       Borg (to each other): A Federation ship approaches!                │
  244. │                                                                          │
  245. │       Archie: Federation... assimilation... this stuff is                │
  246. │       going to make me late!                                             │
  247. │                                                                          │
  248. │       The Borg begin attacking the Federation ship, which                │
  249. │       conveniently enough for this story, happens to be                  │
  250. │       the Enterprise. Naturally, Captain Picard creates a                │
  251. │       new maneuver to prevent being destroyed, while Riker               │
  252. │       attempts to have sex with a Borg female.                           │
  253. │                                                                          │
  254. │       As the battle ends, Archie is beamed over to the                   │
  255. │       Enterprise.                                                        │
  256. │                                                                          │
  257. │       Archie: Oh no! I suppose you want to assimilate me                 │
  258. │       too???                                                             │
  259. │                                                                          │
  260. │       Picard: I am Jean-Luc Picard of the Federation                     │
  261. │       starship USS Enterprise. We just saved your life.                  │
  262. │                                                                          │
  263. │       Archie: Oh great. So Ronnie can kill me later...                   │
  264. │                                                                          │
  265. │       Picard: Where are you from?                                        │
  266. │                                                                          │
  267. │       Archie: Riverdale.                                                 │
  268. │                                                                          │
  269. │       Picard: And what planet is that on?                                │
  270. │                                                                          │
  271. │       Archie: Earth!                                                     │
  272. │                                                                          │
  273. │       Picard: Oh no! The Borg transported you through a                  │
  274. │       time warp! You're in a different century.                          │
  275. │                                                                          │
  276. │       Archie: Well, this has been fun, but I really have                 │
  277. │       to go now.                                                         │
  278. │                                                                          │
  279. │       Picard: There's nowhere for you to go, I'm afraid.                 │
  280. │                                                                          │
  281. │       Archie moans softly.                                               │
  282. │                                                                          │
  283. │       Riker enters the room with a Borg babe on his arm.                 │
  284. │                                                                          │
  285. │       Riker: Perhaps we can fly into the Sun to set the                  │
  286. │       chronometer backwards?                                             │
  287. │                                                                          │
  288. │       Picard: Naw. Captain Kirk already did that.                        │
  289. │                                                                          │
  290. │       Data: If it worked before, it should work now.                     │
  291. │                                                                          │
  292. │       Picard: Isn't there something more original we can                 │
  293. │       do? We already ripoff the old Star Trek plots too                  │
  294. │       much as it is.                                                     │
  295. │                                                                          │
  296. │       Geordi: Perhaps if I doubled the interlink of the                  │
  297. │       anti-matter transistor thingamajigs and got a 16.8                 │
  298. │       connect on the subspace skylink while using a DOS                  │
  299. │       interface (preferably without Windows) and then                    │
  300. │       uploaded the past into the present.... of course, it               │
  301. │       would kill him, but otherwise, I think it could                    │
  302. │       work.                                                              │
  303. │                                                                          │
  304. │       Picard: We'd prefer to send him back alive.                        │
  305. │                                                                          │
  306. │       Geordi: Darn! Okay, how about this: I implode his                  │
  307. │       subatomic particles in the transporter, put them                   │
  308. │       into a bottle, drop it into space, and someone in                  │
  309. │       another time opens the bottle to free him?                         │
  310. │                                                                          │
  311. │       Riker: Too risky. How do we know he'll end up in his               │
  312. │       own time?                                                          │
  313. │                                                                          │
  314. │       Geordi: We don't. But he won't be our problem                      │
  315. │       anymore.                                                           │
  316. │                                                                          │
  317. │       Data: I have a suggestion, Sir. Perhaps if Geordi                  │
  318. │       can hook this earthling teenager into my high speed                │
  319. │       duotronic full duplex bidirectional brain, I can put               │
  320. │       on a pair of red shoes, click them together three                  │
  321. │       times, and wish for him to be in Kansas. I saw that                │
  322. │       in a movie once, Sir.                                              │
  323. │                                                                          │
  324. │       Picard (to Archie): Is Kansas near Riverdale?                      │
  325. │                                                                          │
  326. │       Archie: No.                                                        │
  327. │                                                                          │
  328. │       Picard: Sorry Data, but we have to bring him back to               │
  329. │       exactly where he belongs. Can't take any chances on                │
  330. │       changing the past.                                                 │
  331. │                                                                          │
  332. │       Troi enters the transporter room.                                  │
  333. │                                                                          │
  334. │       Troi: I sensed the need for my presence.                           │
  335. │                                                                          │
  336. │       Archie (eyes popping out): Va-va-voom!                             │
  337. │                                                                          │
  338. │       Picard: We need to get this boy back to his own time               │
  339. │       so the future of the world won't be changed.                       │
  340. │                                                                          │
  341. │       Troi: That is a perplexing problem, Sir. I suggest                 │
  342. │       we call the Traveller.                                             │
  343. │                                                                          │
  344. │       Picard: Brilliant idea! Where's Wesley?                            │
  345. │                                                                          │
  346. │       Troi: He left the show a while ago.                                │
  347. │                                                                          │
  348. │       Picard: Well, get him back NOW!                                    │
  349. │                                                                          │
  350. │       The officers scramble amid cries of "Yes, SIR!"                    │
  351. │                                                                          │
  352. │       A few hours later, Wesley is onboard the Enterprise.               │
  353. │                                                                          │
  354. │       Wesley: What can I do for you, Sir?                                │
  355. │                                                                          │
  356. │       Picard: Get the Traveller. We need his help to send                │
  357. │       this boy back to his own time.                                     │
  358. │                                                                          │
  359. │       Wesley: Why didn't you just call him yourself? His                 │
  360. │       phone number is in my mom's rolodex.                               │
  361. │                                                                          │
  362. │       Picard: Don't annoy me with practical suggestions!                 │
  363. │       This is STAR TREK for God's sake! We can't solve                   │
  364. │       problems as easily as that!                                        │
  365. │                                                                          │
  366. │       Wesley: Sorry, Sir. Why didn't you fly backwards                   │
  367. │       into the Sun and reset the chronometer?                            │
  368. │                                                                          │
  369. │       Picard: Because IT'S BEEN DONE!!!                                  │
  370. │                                                                          │
  371. │       Wesley (quivering): Sorry, Sir!                                    │
  372. │                                                                          │
  373. │       Wesley goes to the telephone and calls the                         │
  374. │       Traveller, who gladly sends Archie Andrews back to                 │
  375. │       his own time.                                                      │
  376. │                                                                          │
  377. │       The moral of the story is: He who assimilates last,                │
  378. │       assimilates best.                                                  │
  379. ├──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
  380. │                                                                          │
  381. │       Dear Blabby,                                                       │
  382. │                                                                          │
  383. │       Why can't I win the lottery?                                       │
  384. │                                                                          │
  385. │       >You have to buy a ticket!                                         │
  386. │                                                                          │
  387. │       Dear Blabby,                                                       │
  388. │                                                                          │
  389. │       I recently pulled out all of my hair in frustration.               │
  390. │       What should I do now?                                              │
  391. │                                                                          │
  392. │       >Start pulling out your leg hair.                                  │
  393. │                                                                          │
  394. ├──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
  395. │                                                                          │
  396. │       Flame Of The Month:                                                │
  397. │                                                                          │
  398. │       I considered replying to your inarticulate,                        │
  399. │       injudicious, and unintelligible message, but                       │
  400. │       reconsidered after considering the possibility that                │
  401. │       others might accidentally believe that I know you.                 │
  402. │                                                                          │
  403. │       Please desist from this sick compulsion to                         │
  404. │       intellectually barf all over the net.                              │
  405. │                                                                          │
  406. ├──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
  407. │ Top Ten Lists!                                                           │
  408. ├──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
  409. │ From: SANDY ILLES                                                        │
  410. │                                                                          │
  411. │ Top Ten Lines Guaranteed To Heat Up Your Modem:                          │
  412. │                                                                          │
  413. │ 10. Of course, I don't expect YOU to understand since it takes someone   │
  414. │     with at least the intelligence of a retarded chimpanzee.             │
  415. │ 9.  Sorry to hear of your recent brain death.                            │
  416. │ 8.  Don't be such an idiot! Oops... forgot who I was talking to...       │
  417. │ 7.  I'm sure you're not a complete idiot - parts must be missing.        │
  418. │ 6.  It's hard to believe some biology lab hasn't dissected you yet.      │
  419. │ 5.  0-60 in one second mouth, 0-0 in one second brain.                   │
  420. │ 4.  Surely no one actually believes such a stupid thing?                 │
  421. │ 3.  You could raise your IQ by becoming a moron.                         │
  422. │ 2.  Why don't you go get some spelling lessons? (Many variations but all │
  423. │     of them are successful in offending the e-mail recipient)            │
  424. │ 1.  Didn't you play the personality of Booger in "Revenge Of The Nerds"? │
  425. │                                                                          │
  426. │ * All of the above lines are flame-bait. Author is not responsible for   │
  427. │ combustibles generated by use of these flames. Furthermore, it is        │
  428. │ advised that asbestos gloves be worn when at the keyboard using these    │
  429. │ flames. Failure to do so may result in electrocution or, at the very     │
  430. │ least, CPU meltdown.                                                     │
  431. │                                                                          │
  432. │ From: SANDY ILLES                                                        │
  433. │                                                                          │
  434. │ Top Ten Things I'd Rather Do Instead Of Watching Anything With Madonna   │
  435. │ In It (This Includes Videos, Books, Magazines, Movies, And Super-8       │
  436. │ Swedish Erotica Home Movies Made By The 3 Billion Men And Women She Has  │
  437. │ Already Served):                                                         │
  438. │                                                                          │
  439. │ 10. Poke my eyes out with hot needles.                                   │
  440. │ 9.  Have a 2-for-1 prefrontal lobotomy at McSurgeon's drive-thru.        │
  441. │ 8.  Eat a McDonald's hamburger.                                          │
  442. │ 7.  Bathe in SPAM that has been liquified through age.                   │
  443. │ 6.  Eat tequila worms.                                                   │
  444. │ 5.  Go to Paris and be insulted by the rude French waiters.              │
  445. │ 4.  Eat Haggis while drinking Ovaltine through a straw inserted into my  │
  446. │     nose.                                                                │
  447. │ 3.  Spend a week in the Andes with the original survivors of the story   │
  448. │     "Alive."                                                             │
  449. │ 2.  Look at some geek's x-rated GIF collection - which probably includes │
  450. │     Madonna so cross number 2 off this list.                             │
  451. │ 1.  Spend a week trying to get Kim Campbell to take a stand on           │
  452. │     something... anything...                                             │
  453. │                                                                          │
  454. │ From: SANDY ILLES                                                        │
  455. │                                                                          │
  456. │ Top Ten Things Most Likely To Be Found In Water:                         │
  457. │                                                                          │
  458. │ 10. Urine from that little kid who just couldn't hold onto his bladder.  │
  459. │ 9.  Vomit from that little kid who insisted on eating a couple of hot    │
  460. │     dogs before swimming.                                                │
  461. │ 8.  Avon-scented sweat from really fat women.                            │
  462. │ 7.  Fish feces.                                                          │
  463. │ 6.  Fish urine.                                                          │
  464. │ 5.  Eye snot from early morning swimmers.                                │
  465. │ 4.  Nose snot from little kids who never remember to blow their noses    │
  466. │     before going swimming.                                               │
  467. │ 3.  Multitudes of bacteria.                                              │
  468. │ 2.  Toejam.                                                              │
  469. │ 1.  Raw sewage.                                                          │
  470. │                                                                          │
  471. │ From: SANDY ILLES                                                        │
  472. │                                                                          │
  473. │ Top Ten Reasons To Vote For Sandy As Ruler Of The World:                 │
  474. │                                                                          │
  475. │ 10. Mondays will be abolished.                                           │
  476. │ 9.  Days will not start until the crack of noon.                         │
  477. │ 8.  Free gifts for everyone!                                             │
  478. │ 7.  Axl Rose will be nominated as my foreign affairs minister, so things │
  479. │     promise to get *real* exciting.                                      │
  480. │ 6.  Unlike Kim Campbell, I am able to actually say something when I      │
  481. │     speak.                                                               │
  482. │ 5.  Unlike Brian Mulroney, I'm not a psychopathic liar.                  │
  483. │ 4.  Unlike Jean Chretien, I don't have a "cute" accent. ("Dis is da time │
  484. │     for change, mes amis!")                                              │
  485. │ 3.  I promise to drink lots of coffee while typing at my keyboard.       │
  486. │ 2.  I promise to remain totally uninterested in war, free trade, and     │
  487. │     all-expenses-paid fact-finding trips to Hawaii in January.           │
  488. │ 1.  I promise to have the Surgeon General locked in a room with fifty    │
  489. │     chainsmokers. ("Smoking is bad for you... eating is bad for you...   │
  490. │     breathing is bad for you... whine, whine, whine... )                 │
  491. │                                                                          │
  492. │ From: SANDY ILLES                                                        │
  493. │                                                                          │
  494. │ Top Ten Jokes That Made Me Laugh Out Loud Lately:                        │
  495. │                                                                          │
  496. │ 10. You know you're a redneck if your father is also your uncle.         │
  497. │ 9.  You know you're a redneck if you think a family reunion is a good    │
  498. │     place to meet women.                                                 │
  499. │ 8.  You know you're a redneck if you mow your front yard and find a      │
  500. │     pickup truck.                                                        │
  501. │ 7.  You know you're a redneck if your father walks you to school and     │
  502. │     you're in the same grade.                                            │
  503. │ 6.  What does a 14-year old South Carolina girl say after sex? "Get offa │
  504. │     me, Pa! Yer crushin' my cigarettes!"                                 │
  505. │ 5.  What do you get if you cross a Hell's Angel with a Jehovah's         │
  506. │     Witness? Someone who bangs on your door Sunday morning at 8:00 am    │
  507. │     and tells you to go to Hell.                                         │
  508. │ 4.  Two Hell's Angels met on the street. "I heard you got married," said │
  509. │     the first. "How's the sex?" "Not that great," replied his friend,    │
  510. │     "but at least you don't gotta wait on line."                         │
  511. │ 3.  You know you're a redneck when your grandmother says, "Hey, come and │
  512. │     look at this before I flush it!"                                     │
  513. │ 2.  Did you hear about the new Italian sports car called the Mafia? It's │
  514. │     got a hood under the hood and a real nice body - in the trunk.       │
  515. │ 1.  What's the difference between a Jewish mother and an Italian mother? │
  516. │     An Italian mother says, "Eat all the food on your plate or I'll kill │
  517. │     you!" A Jewish mother says, "Eat all the food on your plate or I'll  │
  518. │     kill myself!"                                                        │
  519. │                                                                          │
  520. ├──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
  522. ├──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
  523. │                                                                          │
  524. │ A woman went to the pet shop and looked at a parrot. She                 │
  525. │ asked the shop owner, "Is he smart?"                                     │
  526. │                                                                          │
  527. │ "Is he smart, lady?  Does a bear sh*t in the woods?                      │
  528. │ This bird is so smart he speaks six languages!"                          │
  529. │                                                                          │
  530. │ So she bought him and brought him home.                                  │
  531. │                                                                          │
  532. │ She had to go out, but her husband came home.  Seeing that she           │
  533. │ had spent all of the grocery money on this parrot, and there was         │
  534. │ no food in the house, the husband - who was starving -                   │
  535. │ strangled the bird, plucked it, cleaned it, and cooked it.               │
  536. │ When his wife came home, dinner was served.                              │
  537. │                                                                          │
  538. │ She screamed, "How could you do this?"                                   │
  539. │                                                                          │
  540. │ To which he replied, "Hey, we gotta eat!"                                │
  541. │                                                                          │
  542. │ She said, "This bird was brilliant!  He spoke six languages!"            │
  543. │                                                                          │
  544. │ To which he said, "Oh yeah? If he was so fu*king smart, why              │
  545. │ didn't he say something?"                                                │
  546. │------------------------------------------------------------------------  │
  547. │                                                                          │
  548. │ Q.  How many Conservatives does it take to change a lightbulb?           │
  549. │ A. Thirty: one to do it, and 29 to stuff it down everyone's throat.      │
  550. │------------------------------------------------------------------------  │
  551. │                                                                          │
  552. │                          THE NEW PRIEST                                  │
  553. │                                                                          │
  554. │  A new priest at his first mass was so scared, he could                  │
  555. │  hardly speak. After the Mass was over he asked the                      │
  556. │  Monsignor how he'd done. The Monsignor said fine, but                   │
  557. │  next time it might help if you put some gin or vodka                    │
  558. │  in your glass to help relax you. The next Sunday the                    │
  559. │  priest put some vodka in his glass and really talked                    │
  560. │  up a storm. After the Mass he asked the Monsignor how                   │
  561. │  he'd done. The Monsignor says fine but there are                        │
  562. │  a few things we need to get straightened out:                           │
  563. │                                                                          │
  564. │  1) There are 10 commandments not 12                                     │
  565. │  2) There are 12 disciples not 10                                        │
  566. │  3) David slew Goliath, he did not kick the sh*t out of him              │
  567. │  4) We do not refer to Jesus Christ as the late J.C.                     │
  568. │  5) Next Sunday there is a taffy pulling contest at St.                  │
  569. │     Peters, not a peter pulling contest at St. Taffy's                   │
  570. │  6) The Father, Son and the Holy Ghost are not referred to as            │
  571. │     Big Daddy, Junior, and The Spook                                     │
  572. │  7) They crucified Jesus, they didn't nail his ass to the cross          │
  573. │------------------------------------------------------------------------  │
  574. │                                                                          │
  575. │ A man was out driving when he saw a police car in his rear-view mirror,  │
  576. │ with it's siren wailing. The man pulled over and the police car stopped  │
  577. │ behind him. The policeman approached the man's car and said to the man:  │
  578. │ "Do you know that your wife fell out of the car five miles back?"        │
  579. │                                                                          │
  580. │ The man replied: "Oh thank God! I thought I had gone deaf!"              │
  581. │------------------------------------------------------------------------  │
  582. │                                                                          │
  583. │ Leroy, a local football star, is jogging down the street when he sees    │
  584. │ a building on fire.  A lady is standing on a third-storey ledge holding  │
  585. │ her pet cat in her arms.                                                 │
  586. │                                                                          │
  587. │    "Hey, lady," yells Leroy, "Throw me the cat."                         │
  588. │    "No," she cries, "It's too far."                                      │
  589. │    "I play football, I can catch him."                                   │
  590. │                                                                          │
  591. │ The smoke is pouring from the windows, so finally the woman waves to     │
  592. │ Leroy, kisses her cat good-bye, and tosses it down to the street.        │
  593. │ Leroy keeps his eye on the cat as it comes hurtling down toward him.     │
  594. │ The feline bounces off an awning and Leroy runs into the street          │
  595. │ to catch it.  He jumps six feet into the air and makes a spectacular     │
  596. │ one-handed catch.  The crowd that has gathered to watch the fire         │
  597. │ breaks into cheers.                                                      │
  598. │                                                                          │
  599. │ Leroy does a little dance, lifts the cat above his head, wiggles his     │
  600. │ knees back and forth, then spikes the cat into the pavement.             │
  601. │------------------------------------------------------------------------  │
  602. │                                                                          │
  603. │ A lawyer and his brother, a doctor, were hunting.  A mountain lion       │
  604. │ jumped out in front of them and started snarling.                        │
  605. │                                                                          │
  606. │ The doctor asked, "What should we do?"                                   │
  607. │                                                                          │
  608. │ The lawyer said, "I'm gonna run for it!"                                 │
  609. │                                                                          │
  610. │ The doctor replied, "You can't outrun a mountain lion!"                  │
  611. │                                                                          │
  612. │ The lawyer said, "I don't have to outrun HIM - I only have to            │
  613. │ outrun YOU!"                                                             │
  614. │------------------------------------------------------------------------  │
  615. │                                                                          │
  616. │ A man had a weird illness.  Whenever he broke wind, it made the sound    │
  617. │ "Honda."  He asked his doctor about it but the doctor (after months of   │
  618. │ tests and literature-reading) could not figure it out. Finally, just     │
  619. │ before he was about to give up, he had an idea. "I'll call the Honda     │
  620. │ Company in Japan and ask the company doctor!"  Well, he called the       │
  621. │ Japanese doctor and was told by him to see if the patient had an         │
  622. │ abscess in his teeth somewhere.  Sure enough, there was, and when it     │
  623. │ was treated, the other affliction ended.  When the doctor asked his      │
  624. │ Japanese counterpart how he could make such a great diagnosis over       │
  625. │ the phone from such a long distance away the man replied:                │
  626. │                                                                          │
  627. │ "Simple. Abscess makes a fart go Honda."                                 │
  628. │------------------------------------------------------------------------  │
  629. │                                                                          │
  630. │ Q:  Did you hear what happened to the blonde tap-dancer?                 │
  631. │                                                                          │
  632. │ A:  She fell into the sink.                                              │
  633. │------------------------------------------------------------------------  │
  634. │                                                                          │
  635. │ An old lady, who lived on the third floor of a boardinghouse             │
  636. │ fell and broke her leg. As the doctor put a cast on it, he               │
  637. │ warned her not to climb any stairs.                                      │
  638. │                                                                          │
  639. │  Several months later, the doctor took off the cast.                     │
  640. │                                                                          │
  641. │  "Can I climb stairs now?" asked the little old lady.                    │
  642. │                                                                          │
  643. │  "Yes," he replied.                                                      │
  644. │                                                                          │
  645. │  "Thank goodness!" she said.  "I'm sick and tired of shinnying           │
  646. │  up and down that drainpipe!"                                            │
  647. │------------------------------------------------------------------------  │
  648. │                                                                          │
  649. │ How can you tell if an Ethiopian woman is pregnant?                      │
  650. │ Hold her up to the light.                                                │
  651. │                                                                          │
  652. │ [Take a comb and hold it upside-down] What's this?                       │
  653. │ A hundred Ethiopians carrying a canoe.                                   │
  654. │                                                                          │
  655. │ How many Ethiopians can you put in a shower?                             │
  656. │ I don't know they keep falling down the drain.                           │
  657. │                                                                          │
  658. │ How many Ethiopians can you put in a Volkswagen?                         │
  659. │ All of 'em!                                                              │
  660. │                                                                          │
  661. │ How do Ethiopians camouflage themselves?                                 │
  662. │ They stand sideways.                                                     │
  663. │                                                                          │
  664. │ What's the world's fastest animal?                                       │
  665. │ -The Ethiopian Chicken.                                                  │
  666. │                                                                          │
  667. │ What's the world's second fastest animal?                                │
  668. │ -The Ethiopian running after it.                                         │
  669. │------------------------------------------------------------------------  │
  670. │                                                                          │
  671. │ Q: What's a brunette's idea of the ideal weight of a blonde?             │
  672. │ A: Two kilos, including the URN.                                         │
  673. │------------------------------------------------------------------------  │
  674. │                                                                          │
  675. │ Q: How do you get 50 Jewish people in a car?                             │
  676. │ A: Throw a dime inside.                                                  │
  677. │                                                                          │
  678. │ Q: How do you get 50 germans in a car?                                   │
  679. │ A: Throw a Jewish person inside.                                         │
  680. │------------------------------------------------------------------------  │
  681. │                                                                          │
  682. │ "I just got a new hearing aid.  It's the best one I've ever had."        │
  683. │                                                                          │
  684. │ "What kind is it?"                                                       │
  685. │                                                                          │
  686. │ "Oh, about 9:30......."                                                  │
  687. │------------------------------------------------------------------------  │
  688. │                                                                          │
  689. │     The dumb blonde was invited on an outing so she decided              │
  690. │     to shop for some luggage. She asked the clerk, "Do you have          │
  691. │     any overnight cases?"                                                │
  692. │                                                                          │
  693. │     "Yes'm," he said.                                                    │
  694. │                                                                          │
  695. │     "You'd better give me seven of them, then. I'll be gone a week."     │
  696. │------------------------------------------------------------------------  │
  697. │                                                                          │
  698. │ A sensational new shortstop was being interviewed by the press.          │
  699. │ The trouble was, the guy spoke so quietly no one could hear him.         │
  700. │ One of them finally asked the coach, "What's the matter with him?"       │
  701. │ "Nothing at all," replied the coach.  "That's just the way the           │
  702. │ rookie mumbles."                                                         │
  703. │------------------------------------------------------------------------  │
  704. │                                                                          │
  705. │What do you call a dog with no legs?                                      │
  706. │                                                                          │
  707. │Doesn't matter, it won't come anyway.                                     │
  708. │------------------------------------------------------------------------  │
  709. │                                                                          │
  710. │What do you do with a dog with no arms and no legs?                       │
  711. │                                                                          │
  712. │Take it for a drag.                                                       │
  713. │------------------------------------------------------------------------  │
  714. │                                                                          │
  715. │ There was this guy who went to Spain.  One day, he goes over to          │
  716. │ the bullfights and watches as the bullfighter kills the bull. After that │
  717. │ afternoon of excitement he got hungry and went over to a cafe right next │
  718. │ to the arena.                                                            │
  719. │                                                                          │
  720. │ There he looks at the menu, and orders the special, "Meatballs."         │
  721. │ The waiter comes out with 2 huge meatballs, and the guy eagerly eats it. │
  722. │ The bullfight was so interesting, he came back the next day, and went    │
  723. │ over to the cafe again to have the delicious meatballs. This continued   │
  724. │ on for 5 or so days, until the guy goes to the cafe, and the waiter      │
  725. │ comes out with 2 dinky little balls.                                     │
  726. │                                                                          │
  727. │   "What's wrong with the meatballs? Why are they so small?" asks the     │
  728. │   man.                                                                   │
  729. │                                                                          │
  730. │   "Well, Senor," said the waiter, "sometimes dee bull weens."            │
  731. │------------------------------------------------------------------------  │
  732. │                                                                          │
  733. │ You Know You're A Redneck If:                                            │
  734. │                                                                          │
  735. │ You own a home that is mobile and 5 cars that aren't.                    │
  736. │ You own a homemade fur coat.                                             │
  737. │ You burn your front yard instead of mow it.                              │
  738. │ Your wife has ever said "Come move this transmission so I can take       │
  739. │ a bath."                                                                 │
  740. │ You've ever raked leaves in your kitchen.                                │
  741. │ Your wife's job requires her to wear an orange vest.                     │
  742. │ Your school fight song was "Dueling Banjos."                             │
  743. │ You've ever given rat traps as a gift.                                   │
  744. │ You always answer the front door with a baseball bat in                  │
  745. │ your hand.                                                               │
  746. │ Your coffee table used to be a telephone cable spool.                    │
  747. │ Your mother has "ammo" on her Christmas list.                            │
  748. │ You've never paid for a haircut.                                         │
  749. │ The taillight covers on your car are made of tape.                       │
  750. │ Your car has never had a full tank of gas.                               │
  751. │ You've ever worn shorts to a funeral home.                               │
  752. │ You have every episode of "Hee-Haw" on tape.                             │
  753. │ Your kid takes a siphon hose to "Show & Tell."                           │
  754. │ You've ever bought a used cap.                                           │
  755. │ Your baby's first words are "Attention K-Mart shoppers."                 │
  756. │ You've ever shot a deer from inside your house.                          │
  757. │ Your primary source of income is the pawn shop.                          │
  758. │ Your wife's best shoes have steel toes.                                  │
  759. │ You can entertain yourself for more than 1 hour with a fly               │
  760. │ swatter.                                                                 │
  761. │ You've ever stolen toilet paper.                                         │
  762. │ Your baby's favorite teething ring is a garden hose.                     │
  763. │ Your pocket knife has ever been refered to as "Exhibit A."               │
  764. │ Your wife ever burned out an electric razor.                             │
  765. │ You're turned on by a woman who can field dress a deer.                  │
  766. │ Your Xmas cards include a Xerox copy of your butt.                       │
  767. │ Your bumper stick says "My other car is a combine."                      │
  768. │ You prefer car keys to Q-tips.                                           │
  769. │ You list your parole officer as a reference.                             │
  770. │ Your local ambulance has a trailer hitch.                                │
  771. │                                                                          │
  772. ├──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
  773. │       New Software Products Due Out Any Day For Your PC!                 │
  774. ├──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤
  775. │                                                                          │
  776. │       PC-TOILET v1.0                                                     │
  777. │                                                                          │
  778. │       This new product for IBM and compatible computers replaces         │
  779. │       those silly trashcans. Yes, instead of dumping your old            │
  780. │       files into a trashcan, you can flush them down the toilet!         │
  781. │       Comes with PCTOILETPAPER to clean up those messy files that        │
  782. │       are hard to flush.                                                 │
  783. │                                                                          │
  784. │       PC-PAINTER v1.0                                                    │
  785. │                                                                          │
  786. │       Not a graphics drawing program, PCPAINTER will actually            │
  787. │       paint your house for you! No more having to lose valuable          │
  788. │       computer time because your wife wants to repaint the               │
  789. │       kitchen! Once installed onto a 1 gig drive, PCPAINTER will         │
  790. │       be capable of painting your house in a VGA 256-color               │
  791. │       palette.                                                           │
  792. │                                                                          │
  793. │       PC-PEPSI v1.0                                                      │
  794. │                                                                          │
  795. │       Instead of buying a can of Pepsi and risking infectious            │
  796. │       diseases through the needles randomly inserted in cans, you        │
  797. │       can use PCPEPSI to simulate the look, taste, and smell of          │
  798. │       real Pepsi! It bubbles, it fizzes, it's better than the real       │
  799. │       thing because you can't catch any diseases from it! Just be        │
  800. │       careful not to spill it on your keyboard!                          │
  801. │                                                                          │
  802. │       PC-NICOTINE v1.0                                                   │
  803. │                                                                          │
  804. │       Why spend thousands of dollars a year on cigarettes when           │
  805. │       PC-NICOTINE will provide all the carcinogens you need for the      │
  806. │       low, low price of $39.95??? (SmellBlaster (tm) card required)      │
  807. │                                                                          │
  808. │       PC-SYSOP v1.0                                                      │
  809. │                                                                          │
  810. │       The ultimate program for BBS Sysops! Why waste time replying       │
  811. │       to messages that say "Yuor bord sukz and I nede more filz          │
  812. │       rite now or I'l hak you, sukker!" when PC-SYSOP can send 50        │
  813. │       million volts of electricity through the modem and straight        │
  814. │       up their patooties? Avoid aggravation with PC-SYSOP!               │
  815. │                                                                          │
  816. │       PC-JOKES v1.0                                                      │
  817. │                                                                          │
  818. │       The ultimate joke generator that creates original                  │
  819. │       jokes from its database of commonly used DOS words.                │
  820. │       Examples: Why did the Alzheimer's victim fail the                  │
  821. │       science quiz? C:\DOS\Out of memory. How many crooks                │
  822. │       does it take to steal a lightbulb? C:\DOS\Illegal                  │
  823. │       function call. This program has a million of 'em!                  │
  824. │                                                                          │
  825. │       PC-RUDEMAIL v1.0                                                   │
  826. │                                                                          │
  827. │       Why be insulted via echomail by rude people that are               │
  828. │       thousands of miles away, when PC-RUDEMAIL will provide the         │
  829. │       same features without a time lag? No more waiting 3-4 days         │
  830. │       to have someone in Australia tell you that you're an idiot -       │
  831. │       your computer can cut out the middleman and tell you that          │
  832. │       you're an idiot right away!                                        │
  833. │                                                                          │
  834. │       PC-GHOST v1.0                                                      │
  835. │                                                                          │
  836. │       Have you ever wondered if your computer was haunted? Now it        │
  837. │       can be, with PC-GHOST! Guaranteed to send at least one angry       │
  838. │       spirit screaming after your hardware. Takes the guesswork          │
  839. │       out of figuring out what those strange sounds mean that            │
  840. │       drive a:\ is making... they're the hollerings of the undead!       │
  841. │                                                                          │
  842. │       PC-TABLOID v1.0                                                    │
  843. │                                                                          │
  844. │       Why wait for next week's issue of the Weekly World News when       │
  845. │       PC-TABLOID can give you the headlines in advance? Elvis Is         │
  846. │       Secretly Engaged To The Face On Mars! Elvis Is Hillary's           │
  847. │       Secret Lover! Plus Lots More! PC-TABLOID is guaranteed to          │
  848. │       check its facts just as closely as the Weekly World News.          │
  849. │                                                                          │
  850. │       PC-LAMER v1.0                                                      │
  851. │                                                                          │
  852. │       Don't be insulted by elite warez d00dz - let PC-LAMER do it        │
  853. │       for you! Every time you boot your system, it will remind you       │
  854. │       that you're a pathetic lamer and will make rude sounds using       │
  855. │       your LamerBlaster (tm) card to ensure you don't ignore it.         │
  856. │                                                                          │
  857. │       PC-PIR8 v1.0                                                       │
  858. │                                                                          │
  859. │       Don't let the elite warez d00dz be one up on you - let             │
  860. │       PC-PIR8 translate all your echomail messages! If you write         │
  861. │       "Where can I get an illegal copy of Wordperfect 6.0,"              │
  862. │       PC-PIR8 will translate it to "Hey man, eye nede a cracked          │
  863. │       copy of WP6 for my warez colection." Spelling options              │
  864. │       include Bad, Very Bad, and Moronic.                                │
  865. │                                                                          │
  866. │       PC-GEEK v1.0                                                       │
  867. │                                                                          │
  868. │       Why spend your Friday nights memorizing a dictionary? Let          │
  869. │       PC-GEEK do it for you! Yes, now you can finally have the           │
  870. │       time to change that bandage on your glasses so you can view        │
  871. │       your x-rated GIF collection a little more clearly! Includes        │
  872. │       bonus gifts: a pocket protector and a nasal decongestant           │
  873. │       spray.                                                             │
  874. │                                                                          │
  875. │       PC-TEENGIRL v1.0                                                   │
  876. │                                                                          │
  877. │       A Sysop utility that eliminates the need for begging females       │
  878. │       to call your board. PC-TEENGIRL creates random messages at         │
  879. │       Sysop configurable frequencies (try putting it in your             │
  880. │       board.bat if you want to see the teenaged boys slobber!).          │
  881. │       PC-TEENGIRL messages are designed specifically for PC-GEEK         │
  882. │       kinds of guys. Options include: flirtatious, sexy,                 │
  883. │       and "babelicious."                                                 │
  884. │                                                                          │
  885. └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘