Current Shareware 1994 January
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[Note from the PRISM editor: the following BBS message is offered
here with the author's permission as a PRISM Guide resource. You
may respond to this message directly to the PRISM editor, or to
the author, Jim Vargiu, in care of the editor.]
Date: 07-07-93 Time: 02:38p
Hello, everybody,
I believe we have a good opportunity to do together something
very interesting, which I am proposing here. If it is something
you would like to do, by all means come along! And if you have
questions about it, by all means shoot.
---===<<< * Quoting JUDY STEIN to JIM VARGIU - 6/25/93 * >>>===---
Exceptional individuals may occasionally experience a brief but
drenching cloudburst--as with Einstein--but such occurrences are
viewed as highly mysterious and serendipitous by the rest of us.
We assume they are closely related to if not entirely dependent on
intellectual ability, on genius. And even the genius doesn't know
how to seed the cloud on any kind of systematic basis. The skies
open, then they close again, indefinitely. The genius wrings his
dripping intellect out into a bucket and passes it around to his
colleagues, in the process drying himself up again.
OK, this may well be the crux of the matter <VBG>. I am
firmly convinced that the main reason it is often just the
way you so cogently describe it, is because we are
conditioned to _believe_ that's the way it is. So it becomes a
self-fulfilling prophecy. But it does not have to _remain_ that
To me, people who are able to evoke "genius," who are way ahead of
the rest of us in intellectual ability (or in _any_ other
ability), are not "different." They are _precursors._ They have
learned to do early something that at some point in the future
will be perfectly _normal_ for everybody. And because it is
a _natural_ process, it's preliminary steps, and sometimes
a great deal more than that, can be found already right now, in
each of us. So we don't need to "make it happen." We need to
understand it, but having done that, all we need to do is to
help it along. And that is much faster! <g>
I'm not saying it is an easy thing to do, that anybody can do
it instantly full blown. And certainly not like Einstein... <g>
But a substantial minority of people today can almost instantly
_begin_ to do it, and having begun, go on and make good and
steady progress. And almost everybody can do it a great deal
more, and better, than they believe they can. Einstein spent
seven years building up his mental energy, before "the waters
broke" <g>. But he was dealing with a heck of a big "chunk" that
needed to be straightened up. I'm not saying that a lot of
people can do _that_. But we also don't need to. And furthermore
it is much easier today than it was in 1905, because the mental
aspect of humanity has developed a great deal since then, and
that makes it easier for everybody to think.
It is also much easier to do it as a group. That is the core of
what we made happen when I was working with the gifted kids, and
I've done it a number of times since, with other groups.
Sometimes it just won't come together, but in my experience
most of the times it does.
It's like pulling the cork from a bottle. Sometimes it's very
easy, other times, like in a champagne bottle, you need to work
at it a while -- but then you get to drink the champaign! :)
How about giving it a try! May I suggest something very
practical, that can be a good "way in," a first step in this
direction? And folks, anybody who is interested, and wants to
play, by all means do join us! Let's take the first steps
together, and then if it looks like a valuable thing to do, we
can keep going! (And I also need to say that this is the first
time I've tried to do it through EMail, so in that sense it
is an experiment. But I see no reason why it shouldn't work
out just as well this way :) And doing it this way may have some
very interesting advantages, as compared to when everybody
is in the same physical place. So here we go...
Take some time, about 15 minutes, in a quiet place where you
won't be disturbed. Have paper and pencil with you.
1. Think of a few, say between 4 and 6, beautiful things, or
objects, somewhat different from each other, and write down
what they are.
2. Take some time to think about why each is beautiful,
what is beautiful about each of them.
3. Consider what it is that those objects all have _in common,_
that makes them all beautiful. Try to "get in touch" with
that common quality, to _relate_ to it, even to experience it.
4. Gradually shift your focus, the center of your mental
attention, from the objects, to that common quality
itself. What is that quality like? What do you know about it?
What more can you learn, by thinking about it right now? Let
yourself "brood" about it, but with focus, with interest,
without "fuzzing out," and trying not to get distracted. See
what else comes to mind, or if what you are already holding
wants to "grow," to become richer.
5. Now keeping your mental focus on that quality (which is
Beauty, of course) "let go" of the beautiful objects, let
them "fade away" from your mental field, as much as
possible, and consider Beauty itself, as a quality,
independently from any specific beautiful object. See if
you can gain further understanding of what Beauty is like,
of it's true nature.
6. With the deeper understanding of beauty you have achieved,
think of other objects, or events, or people and how they act,
or ideas, or anything you know about in the world, and see if
you can find some that are beautiful, yet that you had
not thought of as beautiful before. Note those down as well.
7. Take your paper and pencil (or the keyboard <g>) and put
down briefly what you came up with, and especially anything
you can say about the quality itself. The writing down
is a very important part. More than a few times, in writing
things down, the insight grows, and a much deeper understanding
can be realized. But don't worry about "how well" you are
writing, or whether it expresses fully or even clearly the
understanding you achieved. Think of the writing primarily as
a _reminder_ to yourself, as if right then you were taking
notes, in order to write more about it later. Of course
if ideas start flowing, and before you know it you are
writing in finished paragraphs, (as it happens sometimes) by
all means keep writing! :-) But "finished paragraphs" is
not the purpose. The purpose is more of putting on paper what
is in your mind, to make room in your mind for more to come.
Now a few things:
Feel free to read everything that follows right now, if you like.
But some of it will only be useful after you have done the exercise
above, and before it may just complicate things. Either way, I
recommend you don't read everything and then move directly to
the exercise.
Give yourself some time to "shift gears."
In general, and especially when you are reflecting on the
quality of Beauty itself, try to concentrate, to hold your
mental focus, so as not to be distracted. But at the same time,
try to do it without making your mind become "rigid," or
overly tense. Don't get yourself a mental charlie-horse! <g>
For a while, it will be somewhat of a compromise. That's fine.
It will become much easier as you practice.
Also, as much as you can, take an attitude of _interest_ and
_mental curiosity_ in what you are focussing on. Interest keeps
the attention focused, and will help a great deal, especially at
first. You can do it with your eyes open, but it will probably
work better if you close them.
As you think this way, you also probably get some images. Keep
your focus on the ideas, and if the images help the ideas develop,
If they don't, just ignore them, and they'll "go away" <g>. (and
you can always go back to them after you are finished, if you
like). Images are _mental objects._ They can be very useful "on
the way up," just like the beautiful objects, and they can be
at least as much useful "on the way down," as a way to interpret,
or "translate" what you found at the top. And images can be very
useful also in all sort of other ways. At that highest point, we
can rely on images at first, if they make it easier to reach
"higher up." But gradually we want to learn to keep our mind focused
on the actual ideas, an let the images become more and more
subsidiary. However this is a process that takes some time, is
not at all critical, and so can be done with gentleness,
almost spontaneously.
Learning this way of thinking is of course a process, that
with practice one can get better and better at. It doesn't take
a great deal of time. Fifteen minutes a day, or even ten, are
enough. But for the progress to build, it is important to do it
every day. (It may be easier to do it at the same time every
day, but that is not necessary). If you miss one day once in a
while, that's ok (except that it becomes a precedent! <g>). But
if you miss several days in a row, it will set you back, especially
when you are beginning. And we all have inner resistances that
will try to sabotage this work. So if this is something you
want to do, make up your mind you'll make it important enough that
you'll find the 15 minutes a day it needs, for the next two weeks.
And in two weeks you can take another look at it, and decide again.
DON'T WORRY ABOUT RESULTS! This is the most important thing of
all. Especially, don't worry _while you are thinking_ about
whether what you are coming up with is right or wrong. There
is all the time in the world to do that _later!_ Instead, learn to
keep things _open!_ If you try to figure out "right" and "wrong"
_while_ you are thinking, that will certainly shut everything
down -- or even not let it open in the first place. When
things are open and flowing, think of it as being like in a meadow,
with green grass, beautiful flowers -- and some weeds. You don't
want to get involved in pulling all the weeds outs, before doing
anything else! Instead, pick the flowers you like best, and
arrange them in a bouquet. And if you go back often to that
particular meadow, and keep finding some types of weed that get in
the way, eventually you'll want to do something about that too.
But look at the flowers first! :-) And when things are shut
down, anything, even something "wrong," is a step toward opening
things up. And that makes it _right._ <g>
As you proceed from the objects to the quality, things may flow
really well right away, and you may have just discovered a new
and wonderful way to think. That can happens right from the start,
much more often that one would expect. And of course you
may already have been thinking this way, and already know what
I'm talking about. We are rarely _taught_ to do it, but it is
completely _natural,_ so more that a few people learn to do it
spontaneously. OTOH if things are, or become, shut down,
and you are having difficulty, perhaps at the stage of getting
a sense for the common quality, or at the next step, of letting
go of the objects, again, don't worry, and hang in there! Try
concentrating for a minute or two (it's a _long_ time! <g>),
then relax, then try again a few times. Sometimes things may
stay stuck for several days in a row, and then it can get
frustrating. But remember that a great deal of good is happening
anyway where you can't see it, and it will emerge for sure,
as long as you keep at it!
Remember, Einstein was stuck in just that way for _seven years,_
and kept at it for all that time, getting nowhere. Then things
opened up, and within a few weeks he came up with Relativity!
<G> (But as I said, we don't need to do quite _that!_ <BG>)
And to get things moving, you can also look for resources in your
books, or at the library, and even (don't be embarrassed
<g>), in your encyclopedia, under Beauty. It's a way to plant
seeds in your mental field. Sometimes, the most unlikely seeds
end up giving the most beautiful flowers.
After you repeat the exercise a few days, things will
gradually change. The first times you do it, you may not be able
to go very far with the last steps. That is perfectly normal,
and you'll go further as you go. Or if you get stuck, you'll go
_a lot_ further after you get unstuck! <g>. On the other
hand, the first two steps will soon become routine, almost
trivial. As that happens, you can go through them in a brief
moment, or even skip them altogether. And in general,
feel free to experiment along the way. If you have a hunch that
doing something differently, or trying something new, will work
better, by all means go ahead, and see what happens. It is good
to keep Beauty as the central "thought" for now, and we will
bring in some other ones later, as we go. But if you find
yourself thinking about Beauty in relation to some other qualities,
that is very good.
That is not a distraction, as long Beauty remains part of what you
are thinking about. If that happens, just be sure you also keep
working with Beauty by itself.
And last but not least, there is a part of our unconscious that
likes a great deal to think in this way, and will be very happy
about it! <VBG> That part will work with you, and help along.
While you'll be "formally" thinking about beauty 15 minutes a
day, your unconscious will be thinking about it all day! It will
kind of _prepare_ ideas and thoughts that can emerge in
your consciousness in the formal period, and also at other
unexpected times. It is, of course, a very wonderful thing.
Just your knowing this is going on, and _welcoming_ it, will
help it considerably. And if you like, you can also go a step
further. If, as you go about your day, you hold beauty "in the
back of your mind," and during the times you don't have to think
about other things, kind of "bring it forward," casually but with
interest, that will help bring that part of your
unconscious closer to consciousness, and be more effective. It
may bring about specific and perhaps deep insight, at
unexpected moments, or it may suggest _questions_ to ask
yourself, or different angles of approach, for the next formal
period. Or nothing visible may happen at all, but your formal
thinking will be enriched anyway.
Another thing that can help considerably, if you like to do it,
is to look for beauty _around_ you. A flower, a smile,
a beautiful object that you may see as you walk down the street,
can "remind" you of beauty, bring it back to your mind, reconnect
you with it. You can do this as you go about your day, and you can
also deliberately go and look for beautiful things. If you
have been thinking to hang some beautiful prints on your wall, or
to buy a beautiful art object, or in any way to bring beauty around
you where you live, now would be a good time to do it. Of course
you don't need to get carried away...<g>
Putting one, or a few, beautiful objects, where you see them
often, will do very well. It is all to be done with a light
touch, but at the same time, as an _affirmation_to_yourself_ that
you really want to understand what beauty is. It is like
_nourishment_ your system will use to heal inner wounds that block
beauty from being more present to you. And that, of course,
will also heal, and "refurbish" a part of you that you can then
use to think in the same way about anything else.
Oh yes, resistance. Just as there is a part of our unconscious
that wants to help, another part wants to block and sabotage.
More likely than not, the better you'll be doing, the more
stray "voices" and feelings and images will emerge, and try to
convince you to stop.
Don't pay attention to them. They'll try to find a way to _get_
your attention. DON'T BUY IT! Especially, don't buy the
_secondary_ processes. A typical secondary process goes something
like this: "I'm stuck" [primary; may be true, but also things may
be right at the edge of opening - if you hang in there!]. "I'm
stuck because I must be dumb." [not true] "Maybe I'm just
lazy." [not true] "I'm lazy therefore I'm bad." [not true]
"I want to do this, but I'm bad, therefore I don't really
deserve do be doing it." [not true, and argument twisted
toward stopping] "In fact, I'm bad for even trying, and I've
better stop..." [everything you've been building in your mind
just crashed...<g>].
Out of all that, the only thing that may be true, which is primary,
is "I'm stuck." Everything after that, _is false,_ is a byproduct
of the first, it is a secondary, _empty_ process. And there is
no reason whatsoever to pay any attention to it. Of course it
may be hard to catch it at first, and we may only recognize it
after we got pulled several steps down the primrose path. At that
point, the thing to do is to go right back to the thought that
was in your mind just before you got distracted, if you can easily
remember what that is. Chances are that something very good was
just about to happen right then. And if you don't remember what
that was, just start again at any point you like, and keep
going. And yes, making yourself bad for having got distracted,
is another detour of the primrose path... don't do it... <VBG>.
Learning to keep your mental focus without getting distracted is
just like a little baby learning to walk without falling down. And
as far as learning all the good things we can do with our mind, we
are all still little babies... :) Of course if you really
_decide_ that you are stuck, and not just "feel" stuck ;) you can
do something about that. For example you can go for a walk and
try again later. Or you can push harder right then, and see if
you can break through. Or you can call it a day, and try again
Any of the above sound familiar? If you thought you were the only
one to have those things happen to you when you try to really
think, well... <BG>. And of course what I said applies to
anything that will tend to distract us. There are _many_
different versions of distractions, of secondary processes
that our unconscious can play out. And it keeps downloading
new versions of it, and the most currents updates, from _its_
The key to the most rapid progress, is in learning to work with
the part of our unconscious who wants to help, and to recognize,
and at first ignore, the part that wants to get in the way. That
goes a long way. And we can go one step further. In time, as we
go forward, the resistance gradually has to show itself more,
and so becomes more visible, more defined. It is then
possible and desirable to seek to understand what it is about,
_why_ a part of ourselves wants to block us from doing something
that is very good. We can talk more later about how to do
that practically, but the result is that a great deal of the
things that gave rise to that resistance get straightened out,
the resistance itself diminishes, and eventually disappears
all together, and the scope and the ease of what we become able to
do with our mind expands accordingly.
There is real value in a number of people deciding to work in this
way at the same time. The mental processes become easier, and
go much deeper, for everybody. It is very much the same
principle that gets different people at different locations to
come up with the same idea, or invention, at the same time,
without knowing about one another. Of course that happens
spontaneously, while this is planned. And because it is planned,
once we have built a group foundation, it is quite feasible
to consider together, as a group, all sort of different
things, from the nature of consciousness, to star drives,
to very mundane things, and be able to see them in a new light.
As a group it becomes possible to go much further than one
could alone, and it can be a very wonderful thing to do!
If you'd like to be part of this, but you are a lurker, and
you _really_ want to keep it that way, by all means come along
any way. But for anybody who is up for it, it is important
that you post regularly, say every couple of days, something about
the thoughts you are coming up with, and about any difficulties
along the way. It will bring you closer to the mental "center
of gravity" of the group, and that will enrich the flow of your
thought processes. Remember, there are a number of other people
who right now are thinking about beauty, in just the same way
you are. And the more you all post what you do, the more we all
can build upon one-another. That strengthens the thought
patterns considerably, and goes a long way to build the group
focus, and so help the group coalesce. And last but not least,
I do need the input, as the mechanics of this are going to
be rather different than when you have a dozen guys all sitting
in the same room...<g> So I need your posts to get a sense
for how things are going, find any "lump" <g> that may tend to
form, and see what will be the best road to follow, and the best
size steps to go forward with.
Have fun, and good work!
■ Wings are not only for birds, they are also for minds!
<end of file>