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I. How to unpack this disk
II. How to start the program
III. How to stop the program
IV. What to do at the "Opening Screen"
V. Customizing the program for GRAPHICS, Demonstration Mode, etc.
A. Examples of Frequency Lists
B. Examples of Verbal Paradigms
I. How to unpack this disk
A. If you have a hard disk,
1. Go to the directory you want the Hebrew program to reside in.
2. Insert this disk in drive A:
3. Type COPY A:*.*
4. Your Hard disk now has the program HEBREW.EXE and files.
B. If you have two floppy drives,
1. Insert this disk in drive A:
2. Insert a blank disk in drive B:
3. Type COPY A:*.* B: then the ENTER key
4. You now have a working copy of the program.
II. How to start the program
A. If you have a hard disk,
1. Go to the directory that has the program.
2. Type HEBREW then the ENTER key.
B. If you have two floppy disks,
1. Insert your copied HEBREW disk in Drive A:
2. Type A: then the ENTER key
3. Type HEBREW then the ENTER key
III. How to stop the program.
Continue to press the * key until you are out of the program.
IV. How to use the program.
The Hebrew program is divided up into the following areas.
A. Choosing what words you wish to be drilled on.
1. selections from vocabulary lists
2. grammatical or verbal paradigms given in a chapter
3. selections from frequency and verbal root lists
B. Choosing what about these words you wish to be drilled on.
1. Hebrew to English
2. Hebrew to parsing (verbs only)
3. English to Hebrew consonants
4. English to Hebrew
C. The quiz itself.
1. Get a word right and it is removed from the current list
2. Get it wrong and it will reappear twice on the current list
3. All quizzes are graded and timed for added incentive
A. What words do you want to be drilled on?
From the opening screen you have six ways of choosing.
1 -- Learn the order of the Hebrew Alphabet.
Two letters appear. You must decide whether the one on the
left comes BEFORE or AFTER the one on the right. Every
possible combination is tested until you run out of time.
2 -- Choose from the Lambdin vocabulary lists.
You can designate what range of chapters you want and
what kinds of words you want on your vocabulary list.
Words are divided into Nouns (1), Pronouns (2), Verbs (3),
Adjectives (4), Prepositions (5), Adverbs (6), Conjunctions
(7), Names (8), Particles (9) and Numbers (0).
3 -- Choose from Lambdin's grammatical paradigms.
You can designate what range of chapters you want and
what kinds of paradigms you want on your vocabulary list.
Paradigms are divided into Names of Symbols (1), use of
the Definite Article (2), Duals and Plurals (3), the
Construct form (4), Prepositions and Suffixes (5),
Pronominal Suffixes (6), Adjectives (7), Numbers (8),
and Pronouns (9).
4 -- Choose from Landes Frequency and Cognate lists.
You can make vocabulary lists based on cognate groups,
frequency of words, types of words, or a combination.
This section contains most of the vocabulary of the
Hebrew Scriptures. See Appendix A for examples of how
to use this Section.
5 -- Choose from Lambdin's verbal paradigms.
You can choose verbs based on chapter of occurrance,
characteristics of the verbal root, tense, person, gender,
and several other characteristics. See Appendix B for
examples of how to use this Section.
6 -- Progress through Lambdin or Landes in an orderly manner.
1 -- Go to the "next" section of Lambdin.
2 -- Review the sections you've already learned.
3 -- Choose from a list from the current lesson in Lambdin.
4 -- Choose all words associated with verbs that appear a
certain number of times.
5 -- Choose all words that appear a certain number of times.
ENTER -- Let the computer decide what you need to do.
B. Choosing what about these words you wish to be drilled on.
Once your vocabulary list is chosen and loaded you will see
the question "Quiz or Review?" Press R to Review your list.
1 -- Hebrew to English. This is the way the program normally
2 -- English to Hebrew. To switch between the one and the other,
from the REVIEW menu press the / key. If you have just
chosen English to Hebrew, you are given the choice of
including vowel points. If you say Y (Yes), you must
always include vowel points. If you say N (No), you don't
have to include vowel points but if you do, you can be
marked wrong for them.
Other options from the REVIEW menu are set up like a tape recorder.
ENTER -- See the next word P -- See previous word
F -- Fast forward B -- Fast reverse
R -- Rewind to beginning ? -- Search for an English word
* -- Return to Opening Screen X -- Exit program
Q -- Quiz on these words
C. The quiz itself.
At any time in the quiz you can return to the REVIEW screen by
pressing the * key.
V. Customizing the program.
From the Opening Screen type 7 then RETURN. You have five
options given here.
1. Press 1 to toggle between graphics and non-graphics adaptations
of this program. The graphics version uses a beautiful Hebrew
font, and in-color screens. The nongraphics version (default)
is much rougher but should work on any computer.
2. Resets all "bookmarks" within the program to the first section
of Chapter 1 of Lambdin's grammar.
3. Store owners, if you wish to show this program off, it has a
"demo" mode in which it will quiz itself AND allow for user
experimentation. The demo mode allows only Hebrew-to-English
4. Before copying and shipping this program, use this option to
reset all values to their default.
* will return you to the Opening Screen.
Questions, Comments, Complaints, Payments?
David Rapier, 80 Island Creek Road, Duxbury, MA 02332 is the maker.
I'll be glad to hear from you.
A. Examples of Frequency Lists
From the "Opening Screen," press 4. Read the next screen,
and press RETURN. Based on your answers, you will see various
parts of an extended outline. The outline has two major sections
-- Cognates and Vocabulary. Section I chooses what groups of
cognates your vocabulary list will be chosen from. Section II
chooses what specifications each word on the list must live up to.
1. You want all the numbers in the list. [Numbers are type 0]
I. Limit by Cognate? N
II. Limit by Vocabulary? Y
A. Limit by Frequency? N
B. Limit by Type? Y
What type? 0 ENTER
2. You want all words appearing 50 times.
I. Limit by Cognate? N
II. Limit by Vocabulary? Y
A. Limit by Frequency? Y
1. Minimum? 50 ENTER
2. Maximum? 50 ENTER
B. Limit by Type? N
3. You want all words based on verbs appearing 200-250 times,
unless they are names or unless they appear less than 25 times.
[Names are type 8]
I. Limit by Cognate? Y
A. Limit by Frequency of Root? Y
1. Minimum? 200 ENTER
2. Maximum? 250 ENTER
B. Limit by Nonverbal cognate? N
II. Limit by Vocabulary? Y
A. Limit by Frequency? Y
1. Minimum? 25 ENTER
2. Maximum? ENTER
B. Limit by Type? Y
What type? 123456790 ENTER
4. You want a list of all names appearing 50 or more times,