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$Author{Howard I. Blutstein}
$Affiliation{HQ, Department of the Army}
Country: Colombia
Book: Colombia, A Country Study
Author: Howard I. Blutstein
Affiliation: HQ, Department of the Army
Date: 1977
abolengo-A social position defined by birth rather than by individual
abilities or achievements.
acciones comunales-Local community development groups.
Alvaristas-Faction of the Conservative Party that was the ideological
successor of the Laureanistas (q.v.).
ANAPO-Alianza Nacional Popular (National Popular Alliance).
bachillerato-Baccalaureate. Certificate awarded to a student who has
completed the general course of academic study at the secondary level. Also
the course of study and the school at which it is offered.
Bogotazo-Major urban riot in Bogota during April 1948 that marked the
beginning of la violencia (q.v.).
Commisaryships-comisarias. Governmental units of less importance than
the departments; administered by the national government.
compadrazgo-The relationship contracted by a godfather with the parents
of a child for whom he stands sponsor.
criollo-Historically a person of Spanish descent born in the New World.
ELN-Ejercito de Liberacion Nacional (Army of National Liberation).
empleado-An employee. One who is paid a regular salary: corresponds
roughly to white-collar worker.
EPL-Ejercito Popular de Liberacion (Popular Liberation Army).
FARC-Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (Colombian
Revolutionary Armed Forces).
fiscal year (FY)-Coincides with calendar year.
gamonales-Local political party bosses.
GDP-Gross Domestic Product. The value of output of goods and services
produced within Colombia regardless of ownership, measured in current cost
GNP-Gross National Product. GDP (q.v.) less net factor payments
remitted abroad.
inquilinato-Single-family urban housing unit, subdivided into living
spaces for two or more families, in which cooking and sanitary facilities are
Intendencies-intendencias. Sparsely populated governmental units
administered by the national government.
invasion-Invasion in which a group of landless peasants or workers
establish themselves on unoccupied or public land. It occurs in both rural and
urban localities, and the term is also used to describe an urban or suburban
squatter settlement.
la rosca-Literally a twisted pastry. Refers to a system of informal
decision making groups, linking elite at the social, political, and economic
Laureanistas-Faction of the Conservative Party identified with
ex-President Laureano Gomez.
la violencia-Period of protracted civil strife from the late 1940s
through the 1950s.
M-19-Urban guerrilla organization active in the mid-1970s.
MNP-Movimiento Nacional Popular (Popular Nationalist Movement).
MRL-Movimiento Revolucionario Liberal (Liberal Revolutionary Movement).
Faction of the Liberal Party that existed until 1967.
municipio-Literally municipality (the equivalent of a county in the
United States); principal subdivision of a department.
National Front-Frente Nacional. Governmental system in which authority
was shared equally by the Liberal and Conservative parties.
obrero-A worker. One who performs manual labor and is paid by the day;
corresponds roughly to blue-collar worker.
Ospinistas-Faction of the Conservative Party identified with ex-President
Mariano Ospina Perez; also called Unionistas (q.v.).
peninsular-Historically a person born in Spain.
peso-Basic currency unit. Exchange rate at end of 1970 was US $1 equaled
19.170; in 1971 equaled 21.0; in 1972 equaled 22.88; in 1973 equaled 24.89; in
1974 equaled 28.69; in 1975 equaled 33.092; and in March 1976 equaled 34.086.
pirata-An urban or suburban settlement in which householders usually
hold title to the land but have not complied with stringent zoning laws and
municipal regulations.
Sitges Agreement-Agreement in 1957 between the leaders of the Liberal and
Conservative parties that created the National Front.
state of emergency-Constitutional provision allowing for the suspension
of liberties and the issuance of decrees to deal with a specific national
crisis within a limited time period. Lesser measure than state of siege
state of siege-Constitutional provision allowing the executive to suspend
civil liberties and issue decrees during time of war, national emergency, or
serious internal disorder. Limited martial law prevails during a state of
tierra caliente-Hot zone. Area under 3,000 feet in elevation.
tierra fria-Cold zone. Area between 6,500 and 10,000 feet.
tierra templada-Temperate zone. Area between 3,000 and 6,500 feet.
Unionistas-Faction of the Conservative Party identified with ex-President
Mariano Ospina Perez; also called Ospinistas (q.v.).
usarios-Users of government agricultural services.