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  1. $Title{Table A.: Selected Acronyms and Abbreviations}
  3. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  4. Acronym or Abbreviations             English-Language Form and/or Description                               Local-Language Form
  5. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  7. AAB ....................        Belgian Agricultural Alliance                                  Alliance Agricole Belge
  8. ABVV/FGTB ..............        General Federation of Belgian Labor                            Algemeen Belgisch Vakverbond van Belgie/
  9.                                                                                                  Federation Generale du Travail de Belgique
  10. ACLBV/CGSLB ............        General Center of Belgian  Liberal Trade Unions                Algemeen Centrale der Liberale Vakbonden van Belgie/
  11.                                                                                                  Centrale Generale des Syndicats Liberaux de Belgique
  12. ACV/CSC ................        Federation of Belgian Christian Trade Unions                   Algemeen Christelijk Vakverbond van Belgie
  13.                                                                                                  Confederation des Syndicats Chretiens de Belgique
  14. ACW/MOC ................        Christian Workers Movement                                     Algemeen Christelijk Werkersverbond/
  15.                                                                                                  Mouvement Ouvrier Chretien
  16. Agalev/Ecolo ...........        Ecologists Party                                               Anders Gaan Leven/Ecologistes
  17. Boerenbond .............        Farmers League                                                 Belgische Boerenbond
  18. BRT/RTBF ...............        Belgian Radio and Television                                   Belgische Radio en Televisie/Radio-Television Belge
  19.                                                                                                  de la Communaute Culturelle Francaise
  20. BSP/PSB ................        Belgian Socialists Party (the Socialist from 1945 to           Belgische Socialistische Partij/Parti Socialiste Belge
  21.                                   1978, when they split into the SP and PS
  22. CVP ....................        Christian People's Party (Dutch-speaking of the Social)        Christelijke Volkspartij
  23.                                   Christian parties, which include the PSC)
  24. FDF ....................        Democratic Front of Francophones                               Front Democratique des Francophones
  25. KPB/PCB ................        Belgian Communist Party                                        Kommunistische Partij van Belgie/
  26.                                                                                                  Parti Communiste de Belgique
  27. KUL/UCL ................        Catholic University of Louvain                                 Katholieke Universiteit Leuven/
  28.                                                                                                  Universite Catholique de Louvain
  29. MPW ....................        Popular Walloon Movement                                       Mouvement Populaire Wallon
  30. NIM/SNI ................        National Investment Company                                    National Investeringsmaatschappij/
  31.                                                                                                  Societe Nationale d'Investissement
  32. PDB ....................        Party of the German-speaking Belgians                          Partei der Deutschsprachigen Belgier
  33. PLP ....................        Party of Liberty and Progress (French-speaking wing            Parti pour la Libert et le Progres
  34.                                   of the Liberal parties-including
  35.                                   the PVV-from 1961 to 1979
  36. PRL ....................        Party of Liberal Reform (French-speaking of the                Parti Reformateur Liberal
  37.                                   Liberal parties, or Liberals, which include
  38.                                   the PVV)
  39. PS .....................        Socialist Party (French-speaking of the                        Parti Socialiste
  40.                                   Socialist parties, which include the SP)
  41. PSC ....................        Social Christian Party (French-speaking of the                 Parti Social Chretien
  42.                                   Social Christian parties, which include the CVP)
  43. PVV ....................        Party of Liberty and Progress (Dutch-speaking of the           Partij voor Vrijheid en Vooruitgang
  44.                                   Liberal parties, which include the PRL and,
  45.                                   before 1979, the PLP)
  46. RAD/UDRT ...............        Democratic Union for the Respect for Work                      Respect voor Arbeid en Democratie/Union
  47.                                                                                                  Democratique pour le Respect du Travail
  48. SP .....................        Socialist Party (Dutch-speaking of the
  49.                                   Socialist parties, which include the PS)                     Socialistische Partij
  50. RTT/RTT ................        Belgian State Telephone System                                 Regie voor Telegraaf en Telefoon/Regie des
  51.                                                                                                  Telegraphs et des Telephones
  52. RW .....................        Walloon Rally                                                  Rassemblement Wallon
  53. UPA ....................        National Federation of Professional                            Federation Nationale des Unions Professionelles
  54.                                   Agricultural Unions                                            Agricoles de Belgique
  55. VBO/FEB ................        Federation of Belgian Enterprises                              Verbond van Belgische Ondernemingen/Federation
  56.                                                                                                  des Enterprises de Belgique
  57. Verdinaso .............         League of the Dutch-speaking Partisans
  58.                                   of National Solidarity                                       Verbond van Dietsche Nationaalsolidaristen
  59. VFP/PFU ...............         United Feminist Party                                          Vereenigde Feministische Partij/Parti Feministe Unifie
  60. VNV ...................         Flemish National League                                        Vlaamsche National Verbond
  61. VU ....................         People's Union                                                 Volksunie
  62. VUB/ULB ...............         Free University of Brussels                                    Vrije Universiteit Brussel/Universite Libre de
  63.                                   Bruxelles
  64. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________