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  1. $Title{Table 11.: Australian Medical Benefit and Insurance Systems, 1971 (in A $)}
  3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
  4.                          |                  Invalidity                    |              Sickness and Maternity                        |              Work Injury
  5. _________________________|________________________________________________|____________________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________
  6. Dates of Basic Laws      |     First laws; 1908 (old-age and invalidi-    |   First laws: 1912 (cash maternity benefits); 1938         |       First laws: 6 States, from  1902 (Western Aus-
  7.   and Types of Programs  |        ty pensions) and 1942 (widows'          |       (national health insurance-never opera-              |           tralia) to 1918 (Tasmania); Commonwealth
  8.                          |        pensions).                              |       tive); 1944 (cash sickness benefits); 1947           |           Government employees, 1912; Northern
  9.                          |     Current law: 1947.                         |       (pharmaceutical benefits); and 1948 (nation-         |           Territory, 1931.
  10.                          |                                                |       al health program).                                  |       Current laws: Western Australia, 1912; Queens-
  11.                          |                                                |   Current laws: 1947 (cash benefits) and 1953              |           land, 1916; New South Wales, 1926; Tas-
  12.                          |                                                |       (medical benefits).                                  |           mania 1927; Commonwealth Government
  13.                          |                                                |                                                            |           employees, 1930; Northern Territory, 1949;
  14.                          |                                                |                                                            |           and Victoria, 1958.
  15.                          |                                                |                                                            |       Compulsory insurance with public or private
  16.                          |                                                |                                                            |           carrier (State Programs).
  17. _________________________|________________________________________________|____________________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________
  18. Coverage                 |     Residents of limited means.                |   Cash benefits: Gainfully occupied person of              |       Employed people.
  19.                          |                                                |       limited means (sickness benefits), or all            |       Important exclusion: Employees with earnings
  20.                          |                                                |       mothers (maternity grants).                          |           above A $6,000 a year (Victoria). Also, cas-
  21.                          |                                                |   Medical benefits: All residents (pharmaceutical          |           ual employees, outworkers, and share-fish-
  22.                          |                                                |       and ordinary hospital benefits); members of          |           ermen usually excluded.
  23.                          |                                                |       registered benefit organizations (additional         |
  24.                          |                                                |       hospital and medical benefits); and pension-         |
  25.                          |                                                |       ers (additional pharmaceutical, hospital, and        |
  26.                          |                                                |       general practitioner benefits).                      |
  27.                          |                                                |   About 75 percent of population are members of            |
  28.                          |                                                |        registered benefit organizations. About 9           |
  29.                          |                                                |       percent are also enrolled for pensioners'            |
  30.                          |                                                |       medical benefits.                                    |
  31. _________________________|________________________________________________|____________________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________
  32. Source of Funds          |     Insured person: None.                      |   Insured person: None, compulsorily. Members              |       Insured person: None.
  33.                          |     Employer: None.                            |       of registered benefit organization contribute        |       Employer: Whole cost, through insurance pre-
  34.                          |     Government: Whole cost.                    |       about 60-100 cents a week to it if single, 120-      |           miums varying with risk.
  35.                          |                                                |       205 cents if married.                                |        Government: None.
  36.                          |                                                |   Employer: None.                                          |
  37.                          |                                                |       Government:  Whole cost of cash benefits, phar-      |
  38.                          |                                                |       maceutical and ordinary hospital benefits,           |
  39.                          |                                                |       and pensioners' medical benefits. Also, sub-         |
  40.                          |                                                |       sidy of up to 50 percent of cost of medical          |
  41.                          |                                                |       and additional hospital benefits provided by         |
  42.                          |                                                |       registered benefit organizations.                    |
  43. _________________________|________________________________________________|____________________________________________________________|___________________________________________________________
  44. Qualifying Conditions    |     Loss of 85 percent of working capaci-      |   Cash sickness benefits: 1 year of residence              |       Work-injury benefits: Non minimum qualifying
  45.                          |        ty or blindness; 5 years of contin-     |       immediately before sickness, or intent to            |            period.
  46.                          |        uous residence (10 years, if inca-      |       reside. Income loss from nonoccupational             |
  47.                          |        pacity occurred abroad); and lim-       |       sickness. Limited income (benefit reduced            |
  48.                          |        ited means (same means test as          |       by other income over A $6.00 a week). Mar-            |
  49.                          |        for old-age, except none for            |       ried woman ineligible if husband supports            |
  50.                          |        blind).                                 |       her.                                                 |
  51.                          |                                                |   Cash maternity grant: Residence only.                    |
  52.                          |                                                |   Pharmaceutical and ordin