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QFF63.ZIP Quick File Find v 6.3 - QFF is short for
+Quick File Find. Use DOS wildcards ? as in
+DOS-commands and brackets to search for
MINTRU10.ZIP MiniTrue V1.0: Strin Search/Replace utility.
+over 50 strings GREP-like regular expression
+matching Using 50 rows to display the output
+if desired.
EXTPT100.ZIP EXTPATH 1.00 is a freeware utility for
+MS-DOS 1.00 or above that can show or modify
+the active environment and can extend the
+DOS PATH variable
PCLOGON6.ZIP PC-LOG-ON is A user tracking program for
+home/business PCs. Logs when the PC is
+booted and shut down.
LOGTRM13.ZIP LOGTRIM Ver 1.3 c 1995 - keeps the size of
+logfiles within a given range kilobytes.
+Files are always cut at the beginning of a
MUF17.ZIP MicroSofts Undocumented Features - Volume 1
+Number 7: A list of un-documented features
+found in MS DOS Utilities.
STNVJW25.ZIP SETENV utility V2.5 c The SETENV program for
+a DOS allows setting an environment
+variable. SETENV utility will run under DOS
+3.30 thru 4.x 5.0 and 6.x.
BROWSE2.ZIP An update to the classic BROWSE.COM utility
+which originally appeared in PC Magazine
+written by Charles Petzold include source
ONCEV204.ZIP This very small routine is to call a set of
+programs that you only want to run once a
HOTDIR74.ZIP HotDIR Plus v7.4 is a color sorted directory
+utility. Display files by color sort your
+files in many different ways and more.
RPSRT102.ZIP RPSORT is a highly functional and extremely
+fast sort utility. Free for use no payment
+is asked. Also includes the assembly
+language source code.
PTS70B.ZIP PTS is a 32-bit operating system PTS-DOS 7.0
+Beta release 0001 06/06/95. NOTE: THIS IS A
PTS70B_U.ZIP PTS DOS Update: 32-bit access operating
+system PTS-DOS 7.0 Beta release 0001
+20/06/95. Note: This version of PTS-DOS is a
BAT-TNT.ZIP Batch Language Programming Subj: Tips and
+Tricks - 0 of 6
CP102.ZIP Choice Plus V1.02 - Feature laden
+Replacement for DOS Choice command. Use in
+Batch file to get input and return and
MZEE1_0.ZIP BFDS: EE is an environment editor. It allows
+editing of entries in the active environment
+changing things like search path command
+interpreter spec.
SORTX20.ZIP BFDS: SORTX v2.0 is an enhancement to the
+sort program distributed with DOS operating
+systems but with additional capabilities.
TSUTLG10.ZIP The seventh set of utilities from Prof. Timo
+Salmi University of Vaasa Finland. Includes
+the program backgrnd for 16 text mode
+background colors.
TSUTLE22.ZIP The fifth set of utilities from Prof. Timo
+Salmi University of Vaasa Finland. Includes
+clobber cmos cmosalar msplit pestikid
+setvideo and tdel.
TSUTLD22.ZIP The fourth set of utilities from Prof. Timo
+Salmi University of Vaasa Finland. Includes
+adjcurs.bat bigcurs.exe bigncurs.exe
+caps.exe fileid.diz files.exe keyrate.exe
+popscr.exe psk.exe pushscr.exe setprt.exe
+switchar.exe today.exe tsprog.inf tsutld.inf
+tsutld.nws vaasa.inf warmboot.exe
TSUTLC22.ZIP The Third set of utilities from Prof. Timo
+Salmi University of Vaasa Finland. Includes
+the programs dirf dirinfo doubles dtedif
+hidden readonly split sysfiles whatdate and
TSUTLB21.ZIP The second set of utilities from Prof. Timo
+Salmi University of Vaasa Finland. Includes
+chars dire setgra and touch.
TSUTIL42.ZIP The first set of utilities from Prof. Timo
+Salmi University of Vaasa Finland. Includes
+day dird dirs dirw dtetim dtetimal grapinfo
+pvmklo pvmklohl reset stack sysinfo timdif
TSBAT47.ZIP A large collection of useful batch files and
+batch programming tricks from Prof. Timo
+Salmi. Self-contained. No exotic external
+batch enhancers needed.
PSZX100.ZIP CVT2MIXC v1.00 - Change UPPERCASE text file
+to mixed case. Smart detection of acronyms.
+Fully configurable exceptions processing.
+Requires the shareware file-parsing program
+Parse-O-Matic which can be downloaded from
+CompuServe Pinnacle Softwares free BBS at
+1-514-345-8654 or from the World Wide Web at
+http://www.cam.org/pinnacl. This script may
+be distributed as freeware.
PSSE321.ZIP SEE v3.21 File display/print/extract
+utility. Display text binary docu and
+hyperdoc files of any size. Highly
+configurable. Supports up to three printers
+LPT1-LPT9 each with custom setup. Pull-down
+menus. Mouse-friendly. Scans binaries for
+text. Filters printer Esc codes.
+Configurable menus functions so YOU decide
+what the user may use. Loadable
+configuration menus and help files.
+Shareware 17 with no hard limits. Created by
+Pinnacle Software.
GETK002.ZIP GETK.EXE 0.02 is a symbolic implementation
+of the DOS CHOICE command with names for all
+keys. Writes the key name to the standa
CDDBNG11.ZIP CDD 1.1 - an improved Change Directory
+command that sets the errorlevel. The CD
+command that comes with MS or PC DOS has
+four flaws: 1. It does not set the
+ERRORLEVEL for Invalid directories. 2. It
+fails when there is a trailing backslash on
+the name. 3. You cannot hide its error
+messages with >NUL: redirection. 4. It will
+not change the drive for you just the
+directory. CDD acts just like CD except that
+it fixes these four problems. CDD is
VF1_3.ZIP VF13.ZIP VF Very Fast Access To Any Dir On
+Any Drive This tiny utility gives you fast
+and easy access to your directories and sub
+- directories. And yes it is another change
+dir utility but its perhaps the fastest. No
+nag screens no menus. Just type VF <DIRNAME>
+and youre there. Instantly. Some
+improvements in the scanning routin- es some
+new options. Partly auto updating of the
+.DAT file. Recognizes CDROM drives Scans
+your disks at lightning speed. You will
+never again use <cd>. But be warned once you
+get used to it you cant live without it. U
RWREAD31.ZIP READ v3.1 <ASP> - A compact PC/AT DOS
+program for reading or editing ASCII text
+files of virtually unlimited size. Features
+include a File Selection Menu Large Text
+Mode Word Wrap Block Editing
+Search-and-Replace Printer Support and
+On-Line Help. The program comes with a text
+file READ.DOC describing the features.
+Requires a color monitor. Mouse supported.
+Written by R.L. Wells. 12.00
+Jinx/TC Be COOLlink YOUR EXE DATA files to
+PMODE/W Borland 16bit-DPMI
DIRSIZ11.ZIP DirSize V1.1 DOS/WIN Freeware95 DOSWindows
+utility to recursively count all file-sizes
+files and directories. Fast and Useful
GET27.ZIP GET.EXE Bob Stephans Batch Enhancer provides
+Environment and ErrorLevel services for DOS
+BATch files. Full manual included. New
+features described in GET27NEW.DOC include
+International Dates mixed case variable
+names sound bytes test for write protected
+diskettes compare file dates find boot drive
+special compressed date format true file
+names logical math functions. and much more.
+No nags no crippling no delays.
+Strip ANSI codes.Report CRC.Make DEBUG/XX
+scripts.Del/report files by age.Check disk
+ready/environment space/date filedate
+vs.today.Date/time as errorlevel.Run jobs
+once day/week.String input.Stuff keys into
+buffer/get scan codes.Make/modify lists.
+Logfiles-neat datestrim size.Delete empty
+lines.Pipe data to environment.Save COM file
+space.Echo anythingno CR/LF.Check/reset prn.
PUADOS12.ZIP PUADOS is a set of batch files to enhance
+the life of any computer user. Power Users
+Aliases for DOS as the name implies are
+small utilities which do nothing but save
+time. Best of all all utilities here are
+public domain which means that you are free
+to use and modify all of them as you wish.
+4D for example checks if 4DOS is loaded.
+ANSIDET detects if an ANSI driver is
+installed. Email baechler@cts.com. PD.
DIRCO511.ZIP DIRCOMP.EXE 5.11: Updates files in one
+subdirectory based on files in another
+subdirectory. Similar in some ways to DOSs
+REPLACE command but adds ability to delete
+extra files in the destination subdirectory
+copy hidden and system files and prepare a
+report showing inconsistencies. Is
+frequently used by network administrators to
+update workstation files.
CLRV320.ZIP A Color Directory Viewer. A Colorful
+replacement for the DOS DIR command. It lets
+you define different colors for different
+file extensions up to 30 including wildcards
+upt to 10 and use command line switches to
+change display output. You can sort by
+extension file size or file time and display
+files in one two three four or six columns.
CC107DOS.ZIP -=- Controlled Copy v.1.07 for DOS -=- The
+best file copier/mover in the market is now
+even better NEW: Windows 95 long file name
+support Unlimited source masks more
+flexibility in source filters online help
+full 4dos compatibility cheaper registration
+pricing faster directory moving completely
+revised documentation network support and
+all the old goodies: Free space checking
+fastest file copying speeds progress
+indicators maximum file security full
+compatibility and an easy fast user
BFIND511.ZIP BFIND.EXE 5.11: Allows Boolean-type FIND
+requests. For example find any line with one
+string AND another one or any line with one
+string OR another.
PSPA330.ZIP PARSE-O-MATIC 3.30A - Programmable file
+modifier. Use it for Importing Exporting
+Auto-Editing Text Extraction Data Conversion
+Table Lookup Retabbing Info Weeding
+Selective Copying Binary-File to Text Report
+Reformatting Text Folding Batch Creation Tab
+Removal Filtering Recasing Column Switching
+Properizing. Created by Pinnacle Software.
+Phone our free files BBS at 514-345-8654.
PROKEZ18.ZIP Pro-Keys ver. 1.8 is a ShareWare command
+line environment. Features Uses 6.2K of
+memory. Advanced command line completion
+editing and recall. Extended keyboard
+buffer. On-the-fly configuration changes.
+Unloadable. Time slicing. DOSKEY compatible
+macros. Randy Gregory -
GRTOOL12.ZIP grtool12.zip: Great-Tools V1.2 15 pretty
+helpful small tools to make Dos- Life easier
+e.g. a quick-change-directory- tool without
+creating an additional file a program to
+measure execution time another for
+manipulating and sorting text files and one
+to calculate best fit when recording a tape
+also theres a tool which keeps track
+whenever your computer is on and many
+others. Shareware US 5.- each tool US 35.-
FO_ST200.ZIP Backups for people who cant stand to do em
+ForAge is a helpful little utility that
+feeds the file name of the newest or oldest
+file in in a group of files to another
+or for use in an application where data
+files are processed by time/date. Shareware
+from Pinnacle Software. For support dial
+514-345-9578. You can also dial in to our
+free files BBS at 514-345-8654 any baud rate
+download on first call.
EPU95.ZIP -= EaglePlus Utilities III =- Several
+productive DOS utilities under the same roof
+the package includes: - CheckCD Reports
+CD-ROM Drive speed - Destroy Destroyes
+floppy disks - DO The best batch enhancer -
+MyDOS Password protection - EGAPal EGA/VGA
+Palette Manager - QBoot Quick Boot utilities
+- QFind Quick Find/Delete files - QRun
+Search/execute files - SwapLPT Swaps between
+LPT1/LPT2 - Table Resident Ascii Table -
+TurboKB Speeds your Keyboard 34 Utilities
+for your DOS pleasure
FPMAN220.ZIP FONTMANPALMAN 2.2 tools VGA text mode
+Character Font Color Palette Editor
DLXDR272.ZIP DELUXE DIR Ver. 2.72 A DIR replacer with a
+FILE VIEWER flex. SORT file exclusion
+highlights EXEcutables hid sys display 3
+columns better wildcards sub-dir sizes
+wasted spc err. handling redirection scr.
+saver and much more FreeWare Written by:
+Oren Souroujon Req: 286 A hard disk A CGA or
SUPDIR11.ZIP SuperDIR v1.1 - DIR utilC src avail. <ASP>
+Formats for DB import or DOS piping multiple
+include/exclude file and directory masks can
+sort ALL files in a tree not just within
+each subdirectory. Many sorting and output
+format options attribute filters etc
+comma/quote/tab/space delimited output more
+Reg. version can do multiple drives/paths.
+Full royalty-free C source with 17 reg. by
+Cottonwood Software <ASP> <STAR> <CGDA>
FHD201.ZIP FileHandle v2.01 <ASP> - File Management for
+DOS Windows and LANs. Finds files and runs
+programs easily. Get an overview of all
+files on the system. Can be hooked up to the
+tools you already know. Featuring a flexible
+File-Finder a File-Manager that checks your
+actions and a Program-Launcher that connects
+any file to YOUR tools and applications.
+Full mouse control. Support for CD-ROM/MO
+and unarchiving. Shareware.
SENTRY22.ZIP V2.2 Sentry - Security for DOS/Windows
+Sentry is a DOS based security program that
+allows you to control and monitor access to
+your PC. It can support up to 100 users and
+has normal and SuperUser access. It can also
+be used in Windows to secure the MS-DOS
+icon. Installed correctly Sentry can be an
+extremely powerful security tool for your
+Mike Bobbitt Mike.Bobbitt@AcadiaU.Ca
DTOOL300.ZIP D-Tools - Dietmars Tools Version 3.00
+Copyright c 199195 Dietmar Meschede
+Miscellaneous utilities for MS-DOS.
+Verschiedene Utilities fr MS-DOS.
M402A.ZIP M.EXE Expands over 80 different macros in
+command line and writes to standard output
+executes or sets environment variables
FTOOL200.ZIP Partition protector batch enhancer.
+Transform any a batch file smaller than 10K
+into a COM program. Freeware.
FDIR12.ZIP FDir v1.2 - Find a fileor files anywhere on
+a disk. Wild cards? are supported. Output
+may be redirected to StdOut. Enter FDir /?
+for help screen.
TSUTLF15.ZIP The sixth set of utilities from Prof. Timo
+Salmi University of Vaasa Finland. Includes
+advdate choose deledir gotodir makedir
+strings strmemo.
WIZ35.ZIP Lightning fast multi-disk file finder. Full
+wildcards-better that DOSs. Scans multiple
+disks and within archives. Can quality files
+by size date class - executable archive.
+Find duplicate files-works good on gigabyte
+disks. Approx 5 times FASTER than any other
+whereis program. Works with DUBLSPACE
+CD-ROMs and on networks incl. Novell
RCD24.ZIP Change disk/directory: do what I mean You
+can specify all or part of the name of the
+directory you want to go to and RCD will do
+its best to figure out which directory you
+mean and on which disk. If several
+possibilities a selection window pops up.
DTEK95B.ZIP DTEK is the file detective that records file
+changes. DTEK is a DOS program that also
+runs under Windows and OS/2 in a DOS
+session. Great for finding problems
+uninstalling security support and many other
WPR027.ZIP WPR v0.27 - A recursive directory deleter.
+Features include - checking for root
+directory - m
COPS509.ZIP COPSINCE.EXE 5.09: Copies all files modified
+since a given date. Primarily used for
+making sure you have a back-up of stuff and
+also to copy updated programs to another
+place. Lets you define your own groupings of
+files if desired.
+READMAKE.EXE 5.09: Text file browsing
+utilities. READ- Supports marking copying
+text reading Unix and Mac text files etc.
+Handles with files of 16000 lines or less
+approx 800000 bytes. READY-truncates or
+wraps lines over 80 characters in length but
+handles files of an unlimited number of
+lines. READMAKE-Takes an ASCII-text file and
+makes it self-viewable using a READ clone.
+comprehensive collection of Batchprograms a
+guide to Batche useful MS-DOS utilities and
+where on earth you them a shareware book
+version 1.3. Its writ the beginners for
+those who has been working DOS for awhile
+and for the experencied user th a reference
+manual to improve their own progra those who
+are looking for new ideas. This book to be a
+tutorial and reference and is divided so
+that you can find the information you are l
+Its written in ASCII text and its suitable f
+it to a printer. This version is distributed
+in English.
ERRLV12G.ZIP TifaWARE ERRLVL v1.2g - display return code
+of previous program; ie ERRORLEVEL. Works
+with DOS v3.30 through v6.3. Includes source
+for TASM v3.0. Last updated 08-Oct-95.
+Public domain.
NAMEZAP.ZIP NAMEZAP Version 1.0 by Patrick Harvey Rename
+files or directories with ease FREEWARE
XSET421.ZIP XSET: EASY solution to enhance batch files.
+Put ANYTHING you want in environment
+variable Immediate to use for every user not
+resident Catch output of any command or
+program. High-level user interface:
+line-edit colors windows boxes time-out
+default values... Built-in commands to
+modify strings: search subst lower/upper
+substring regular expr. Calculation system
+data: date/cpu filename Manage var. like
+PATH longer than 128 char And much more
+password random ... Used for years at a lot
+of professional places Shareware - fully
FFF51.ZIP FileFinder v5.1 - <ASP> Finds Files DIRS on
+normal networked CDROM drives inside
+compressed files also locates DUP files..
+Extremely fast and versatile. NEW - Search
+for file x days old US European and Japanese
+syle dates supported default filespec when
+doing date or size search. Fixed problem
+with FFD showing duplicate dir.
FIXTX509.ZIP FIXTEXT.EXE 5.09: Program which applies a
+user-definable character-translation table
+to a text file. Can allow you to convert
+graphics characters to their ASCII
+equivalents lowercase letters to uppercase
+letter etc. Can also be used to translate
+DOS text files to Mac or Unix text files and
+vice versa. Can also expand tabs remove
+trailing spaces and remove backspaces.
PAGIN509.ZIP PAGINATE.EXE 5.09: Reformats text files with
+imbedded formatting codes. Handles things
+like titles footers indexes alignment
+justification multicolumn listings etc. Also
+provides support for imbedding tabular data
+in ASCII-delimited or dBase formats which
+can be imbedded and/or sorted in your
CHANG509.ZIP CHANGE.EXE 5.09: Processes change commands
+in files. Files can be of any size and type
+e.g. binary or text and are processed
+quickly. Up to thirty change commands can be
+processed in a single pass. Also provides
+ability to remove trailing spaces from text
PMENUE16.ZIP PMENUE 1.6 - BAT Menu barmousetime-out menu
+design/output by user - Freeware
INKUT102.ZIP INKUTILS 1.02 11 Essential DOS Utilities
+including: DEDIT - 4DOS/NDOS Description
+Editor with unique coloured directories and
+import functions. EE - TSR Popup Calculator
+that uses only 1K of memory CC - Interactive
+disk cache control panel that works with
+SmartDrv or compatible cache. PLUS 8 OTHER
+UTILS e-mail: inkutils@skoardy.demon.co.uk
CSUTIL13.ZIP ====== Cs Utility 1.3 ====== Cs Utility is a
+package of 23 small utility to fine tune
+your computer like Fast Search LockFile Lock
+Boot PcInfo and many more. New in this
+version: Improvement to some utility and bug
+fixing. Shareware registration : 15 Uploaded
+by author. ============================
SPARKL41.ZIP Sparkle 4.1 Batch file menus/sound/more
+Includes Sparkle Menu Magic MM. MM writes
+batch files for you. Sparkle offers NINETEEN
+options to enhance batch files: SCROLLING
+BAR MENUS ASK turn ANY screen into a menu
+BIG FONTS Print 8-line-high messages WINDOWS
+250 styles SOUND EFFECTS Over 35 VIEW FILE
+in colorful windows PROMPTS 4 dynamic
+m-u-c-h more
NEED64.ZIP NEED SNIFF AVOID 6.4 sysinfo DOS utilities.
+Tests for presence of DESQview BTrieve
+386MAX Append SMARTDRV Share DPMI...
+Sufficient free disk RAM. CPU type. Calendar
+time. Which DOS Windows version and many
+more environmental tests. By Roedy Green of
+Canadian Mind Products.
UTL114.ZIP Utilites with File Viewer and Printer
+support programs. From MicroFox Company
+member of <ASP> STAR and ASAD. There are a
+number of printer utilites for specific
+printers and commands that can be used in
+batch files to do things that DOS cant do.
+It also a contains a telephone dialer a
+forms filler and printer and much more...
MSUB13.ZIP v1.3 Msub - standalone search-replace.
+Commandline or script driven textfile
+manipulation tool. Changes multiple files in
+one go w/wildcards. Flexible regular
+expression searches. Rearrange or extract
+parts of text. Fast and changing multiple
+strings is as fast as changing one. Source
+available will run on OS/2 Unix. Postscript
+documentation included. Shareware US 20-25
+add 15 for source.
SHERL273.ZIP SHERLOCK.EXE v2.73 <ASP> - A dual window
+ASCII text file comparison utility that
+compares two ASCII files line by line.
+Contains features for searching ignoring
+case spaces tabs jumping around the files
+synchronizing the files and copying lines to
+a printer. SHERLOCK is designed as a tool
+for programmers and writers. It is ideal for
+comparing program source files CONFIG.SYS
+AUTOEXEC.BAT and text documents.
MODZIP12.ZIP MOD2ZIP v1.2 by SofTech. 01/Jun/95 Extracts
+title writes FILEID.DIZ and creates
+compressed file ready to upload from music
+files Support for ZIP ARJ RAR LHA and
+Info-ZIP programs It handles MOD 669 STM S3M
+MTM FAR DMF XM and MID. Cardware software
LS_COLOR.ZIP Directory lister similar to UNIX ls. Each
+type of file is color coded for easy
+location directory color unix disk dir
+attribute Version 1.0
MDIR_V10.ZIP - Mikes Directory Fast ver. 1.0 Fast color
+coded sorted directory lister for DOS. Many
+options. Supports listings of subdirectories
+paging in many text modes and multicolumn
GODIRV10.ZIP Goto Directory Goto Directory v1.0 Freeware
+A substitute for DOSs cd command. Supports
+changing directories across drives and has
+cdpath feature.
UUEXE540.ZIP UUENCODE/DECODE v5.40 Internet file
+conversion utility 06-01-95
INCDOS20.ZIP INCDOS Release 2.0. INCDOS is a set of
+programs that are used like standard DOS
+commands designed to add functionality and
+ease-of-use to DOS systems especially with
+regard to the management of complex
+directory structures.
XTABS200.ZIP XTABS - ASCII toolkit to manipulate text
+files in ways useful for eg C/C/ASM
+programming Internet texts: intelligent tabs
+optimisation detect C/C/ASM quoted texts;
+conversion betw 7-bit ASCII PC8 WordStar
+doc/nondoc; paragr recognition; tabs
+resizing; change CR/LF/FF; etc