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/ CD Fonts / CDFONTS.iso / agincort / agincort.ttf (.png) < prev    next >
TrueType Font  |  1995-06-08  |  74KB
Labels: bulletin board | earth | fence | grass | person | reckoner | sky
OCR: abcdefgfjijk(mnopqrstupwry3 ACDEFB SJIR PQR 0123456789 ~!@+ $%^*0- <.0{}\/? The quick frown fox jumps over the fa3y dog. The quick uao.g for jumps over the lazy dog. quick brown fox jumps over the lazy 36 The quick fromn fox jumps oper the la3y BOS Ehe quick bromn for jumps oner the ta3y bos quick bromn for jumps oner ta3y quick fromn fox jumps oner the abedef gfjijk mnopqrstupwry DEFO SUJR 6rown tasy