The Datafile PD-CD 4
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A list of the not-so-good "features" of this program.
The textures are not generated as functions of X and Y, but in a serial
manner. In other words, they are generated in an all-or-nothing manner. It
would sometimes be useful to produce the texture at a limited number of
points, for example to see a low-resolution version of the texture which
gradually increases in resolution until it is complete. This is not
possible; a problem which is connected to the use of inverse fast-fourier
transforms, which are so advantageous in other ways, that a low resolution
preview feature cannot be implemented without a performance hit.
No parallel processing support exists yet, though hopefully this will produce
excellent speed benefits when implemented.
The program makes extensive use of self-modifying code to improve execution
speed. All the correct SWIs to ensure StrongARM compatibility have been
employed, but there has not yet been any testing.
Dozens of useful texture routines have yet to be implemented. See the
"plans" file for details.
The front-end could be extended to provide control over features which are
currently only accessible by the editing of texture generation files. A
proper palette editor of some kind is top of the list. A texture properties
dialogue box may be added to the main menu to offer control over various
texture features, including proper layering.
Animation cannot change between two completely different textures using
"key-frames" or, indeed at all.
The dithering patterns used by the program involve a number of types of
simple random dithering. The dithering used means that the same degree of
dithering is used in all screen modes. A command such as: "If
IsLessThanOrEqualTo(LogBitsPerPixel,&2) Then Dithering(&4000) Else If
IsEqualTo(LogBitsPerPixel,&3) Then Dithering(&2000) Else Dithering(&0)" may
be used where this is inappropriate as compensation. The dithering technique
used also means things can appear with slightly different tints in 16 and 256
colour modes. Setting the dithering to "FloydSteinberg" should make the
program use Floyd-Steinberg dithering, but this is a feature that does not
corrently work.
The 24bit virtual sprite support does not yet exist, so textures with
multiple layers are still very primitive.
Resizing textures partially obscured by windows means they temporarily jump
to the top of the window stack. RISC OS seems to offer little support for
plotting scaled sprites clipped to windows. Short of writing custom display routines, there seems little that can be done about this. Still, this is
not as bad as certain OSs that could be mentioned.
Changing the template set in use should operate in a more friendly manner.
Those using more "chunky" window furniture than the author's may find that
the control window's minimum size allows the tops of the texture icons to be
seen. Those finding the efect sufficiently ugly, will find that it may be
very easily remedied with the assistance of a template editor.