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GRAFFIX (tm) for Windows and DOS, Shareware Edition, v4.5
Copyright 1993-96 Andromeda Software. All Rights Reserved.
Introduction.............................................. 1
GRAFFIX for Windows....................................... 2
Capturing the Screen.................................... 2
Cropping the Clipboard Image............................ 3
File Menu Item: Save as BMP............................. 3
Save as GIF............................. 3
Save as PCX............................. 4
Save as TIF............................. 4
Save as TXT............................. 4
Open BMP................................ 4
Main Menu Item: Display................................. 4
Options Menu : Capture rectangle....................... 4
Clear clipboard......................... 4
Enter coordinates....................... 5
Invert colors........................... 5
Popup mode.............................. 5
Reverse x-axis.......................... 5
Reverse y-axis.......................... 5
Stretch bitmap.......................... 5
Text colors............................. 5
Text to bitmap.......................... 5
TIF compression......................... 6
Main Menu Item: Print................................... 6
Help Menu............................................... 6
GRAFFIX for DOS........................................... 6
Using GRAFFIX for DOS................................... 6
Text Mode Screens....................................... 8
Installation - DOS........................................ 9
Installation - Windows.................................... 9
Legal Notices.............................................11
GRAFFIX is a screen-capture system that includes two executable
program files: DGFX.EXE for DOS, and WGFX.EXE for Windows. The
DOS program is a hot-key activated TSR (Terminate and Stay Resi-
dent) that can capture full-screen text or graphics from DOS
applications running in DOS or under Windows, while the Windows
program can capture graphics from Windows applications or text
from character-mode DOS applications running full-screen under
DGFX.EXE and WGFX.EXE can run simultaneously on the same computer
and be activated independently of each other. The INSTALLATION
section starting on page 7 explains how to install and run these
program files on your computer.
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For simplicity, the explanations that follow focus first on the
Windows version of GRAFFIX, then on the DOS version.
GRAFFIX for Windows
To run GRAFFIX in Windows 3.1, select "Run" in the Program Mana-
ger "File" menu and enter the path to WGFX.EXE. In Windows 95,
click on the "Run" item in the "Start" menu and enter the path
Capturing the Screen
GRAFFIX is a clipboard viewer that can save all or part of the
image on the clipboard to a graphics file in BMP, GIF, PCX, or
TIF format. In Windows, you can capture the entire screen to the
clipboard at any time by pressing the PrtSc key (Shift+PrtSc on
84-key keyboards), or just the currently active window by press-
ing Alt+PrtSc. GRAFFIX does not need to be running in order to
do this. You can then run GRAFFIX and save the entire clipboard,
or you can crop the image by using the mouse to frame a rectangle
of any size within the window before saving to disk.
To save, choose the desired format from the File menu. A dialog
box will list the files of the selected format in the current
directory. You may select one of the files listed or type a new
file name in the edit box. You may also switch to another direc-
tory or disk drive.
GRAFFIX for Windows will also display text captured to the clip-
board. Text can be saved to an ASCII file or to a monochrome
graphics file in BMP, GIF, PCX, or TIF format. Two character
sets are available, OEM and ANSI. Text can be captured to the
clipboard by pressing PrtSc while a DOS character-mode applica-
tion is running full-screen under Windows.
While minimized to an icon or hidden by another window, GRAFFIX
is still active in "popup" mode, which means it will pop up onto
the screen or become visible whenever an image is placed on the
clipboard. You can then save the entire image or any rectangular
portion. To return to the application that was interrupted,
simply click on that application's window or minimize GRAFFIX
back to an icon. You can turn popup mode off by clicking on
"Popup" in the Options menu, which will remove the checkmark
next to this menu item.
In popup mode, GRAFFIX will pop up when you press the PrtSc key
OR when another application places a bitmap on the clipboard
that is compatible with GRAFFIX. The compatible formats are
DDB (Device-Dependent Bitmap) and DIB (Device-Independent Bitmap),
two commonly-used bitmap formats. If you attempt to save a clip-
board bitmap whose format is not one of these two, GRAFFIX will
respond with a dialog box that says "No bitmap exists on the
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Because of the internal complexities of the popup feature,
GRAFFIX will not allow more than one instance of itself to run.
Double-clicking the GRAFFIX icon in Program Manager will there-
fore activate a currently-running instance if one exits, instead
of launching a new instance. This property can be put to good
use if the GRAFFIX window should become hidden by another window;
double-click its icon in Program Manager to make the GRAFFIX
window visible.
Cropping the Clipboard Image
The GRAFFIX display window can scroll the clipboard image hori-
zontally and vertically by means of the scroll bars. To mark a
rectangular area for cropping, move the cursor to the top-left
corner of the desired rectangle, depress the left mouse button,
move the cursor to the lower-right corner and release the button.
Repeat this procedure to erase the rectangle and draw a new one.
The width and height of the rectangle in pixel units will be
displayed in the title bar, as will the x,y coordinates of the
upper-left (UL) and lower-right (LR) corners of the rectangle.
The origin of these coordinates is the upper-left corner of the
clipboard image.
You can use the keyboard to modify or enter rectangle coordi-
nates. To do this, select "Enter coordinates" from the Options
menu. The dialog box will allow you to specify the position of
the upper-left corner of the rectangle. You can specify the
position of the lower-right corner by entering the x and y
coordinates or by entering the width and height.
You may save the cropped image directly to disk by means of the
File menu, or you may capture the rectangle to the clipboard by
selecting "Capture rectangle" from the Options menu. To erase
the rectangle, press Esc or position the cursor anywhere on the
image and click the left mouse button.
File Menu Item: Save as BMP
Select this menu item to save the contents of the clipboard to an
uncompressed Windows Bitmap File with the filename e