└ THE ART OF JESTING Vol II -Ol' Killer's Tuning Fork Ya arms this here like a weapon. It kin shoot at a distance, too, zo it are a ranged jest, ah guess. All ya haster do is hit one monster with it, an' you'll zee whut looks like a big red fireball but it are actually zound waves. The waves bounce from the monster to all others, weakinin'them by about 50%. Ya gotta has at least 5 mana to shoot it. -Ol' Killer's Winking Eye It are a light fer when all other lights go out. Ya puts it in the pouch slung over yore right hip - near yore weapon, and when iver ya opens yore inventory pack, th' air will charge it up zo that when ya closes yore pack, you'll git a magical light. Now remembers, dis light ztays on only until th' latent light around ya changes, like time o' day, torches off an on, etc. Ya kin opens and closes yore pack to charge it agin. No mana.