Before you do anything else, make a copy of your diskette and store
it in a safe place. CAUTION: Do not place a write-protect tab on the
copy if you intend to run the programs from a floppy drive. See copy
information below under DISKETTE INSTALLATION.
However, If you have a hard disk, you will find that the game
loads and runs a lot faster than it would from a floppy, especially
if and when you replay a recorded game.
HARD DISK INSTALLATION: Place the copy in drive A: (or B:) and
type INSTALL <Enter>. The installation program will create a sub-
directory called THREEO on your hard disk and copy the necessary
program and documentation files there. It will also copy the batch
file THREEO.BAT in the root directory.
To run the game, read or print the documentation, while in eitherthe root directory or the THREEO sub-directory, type THREEO <Enter>.
DISKETTE INSTALLATION: Place the distribution diskette in its
proper drive and type DISKCOPY A: A: /v <Enter>. Follow instructions
on the screen as the copying progresses. The destination diskette
does not have to be already formatted.
To run the programs, type A:THREEO <Enter> at the Dos prompt.The color scheme used in the THREE-O.EXE and DEMO.EXE files should showgood results with most systems. However, with some monochrome monitors,the result may not be satisfactory. Should that be the case, run theprogram COLORDOC before you return to the THREE-O program, then selectoption 3 to customize the screen.