280 DDE channel not fully closed; awaiting response from the other application.
281 No more DDE channels are available.
282 Can't open DDE channel; |9 couldn't find the specified application and topic.
283 Can't open DDE channel; more than one application responded.
284 DDE channel is locked.
285 The other application won't perform the DDE method or operation you attempted.
286 Timeout while waiting for DDE response.
287 Operation terminated because Esc key was pressed before completion.
288 The other application is busy.
289 Data not provided when requested in DDE operation.
290 Data supplied in a DDE conversation is in the wrong format.
291 The other application quit.
292 DDE conversation closed or changed.
293 DDE method invoked with no channel open.
294 Invalid link format; can't create link to the other application.
295 Message queue filled; DDE message lost.
296 PasteLink already performed on this control.
297 Can't set LinkMode; invalid LinkTopic.
298 The DDE transaction failed. Check to ensure you have the correct version of DDEML.DLL.
2000 Not enough memory to start Cue Cards.
2001 Operation cancelled.
2002 Not Yet Implemented.
2003 | Not Yet Implemented.
2004 Out of memory.
2005 Not enough memory to start |9.
2006 Not a valid document name: '|'.
2007 You already have an open document named '|'; you must close it before you can save or rename another document under the same name.
2008 Document '|' is open; you must close it before deleting it.
2009 Document '|' is open; you must close it before renaming it.
2010 Document '|' is open; you must close it before cutting it.
2011 Not a valid password.
2012 This copy of |9 has expired. Please get a new copy from your Microsoft distributor.
2013 This copy of |9 hasn't been personalized properly. Please reinstall using the provided Setup program.
2420 Syntax error in number
2421 Syntax error in date
2422 Syntax error in string
2423 Invalid use of '.', '!', or '()'.
2424 Unknown name
2425 Unknown function name
2426 Function isn't available in expressions
2427 Object has no value.\
2428 Invalid arguments used with domain function
2429 In operator without ()
2430 Between operator without And
2431 Syntax error (missing operator)
2432 Syntax error (comma)
2433 Syntax error
2434 Syntax error (missing operator)
2435 Extra )
2436 Missing ), ], or Item
2437 Invalid use of vertical bars
2438 Syntax error
2439 Wrong number of arguments used with function
2440 IIF function without ()
2442 Invalid use of parentheses
2443 Invalid use of Is operator
2445 Expression too complex
2446 Out of memory during calculation
2447 Invalid use of '.', '!', or '()'.
2448 Can't set value.
2449 Syntax error
2450 Expression cannot be used with the LIKE predicate.
2451 Malformed GUID
2452 Ambiguous name
2453 Compile error
3000 Reserved error (|); there is no message for this error.
3001 Invalid argument.
3002 Couldn't start session.
3003 Couldn't start transaction; too many transactions already nested.
3004 **********
3005 '|' isn't a valid database name.
3006 Database '|' is exclusively locked.
3007 Can't open library database '|'.
3008 The table '|' is already opened exclusively by another user, or it is already open through the user interface and cannot be manipulated programmatically.
3009 You tried to lock table '|' while opening it, but the table can't be locked because it is currently in use. Wait a moment, and then try the operation again.
3010 Table '|' already exists.
3011 The Microsoft Jet database engine could not find the object '|'. Make sure the object exists and that you spell its name and the path name correctly.
3012 Object '|' already exists.
3013 Couldn't rename installable ISAM file.
3014 Can't open any more tables.
3015 '|' isn't an index in this table. Look in the Indexes collection of the TableDef object to determine the valid index names.
3016 Field won't fit in record.
3017 The size of a field is too long.
3018 Couldn't find field '|'.
3019 Operation invalid without a current index.
3020 Update or CancelUpdate without AddNew or Edit.
3021 No current record.
3022 The changes you requested to the table were not successful because they would create duplicate values in the index, primary key, or relationship. Change the data in the field or fields that contain duplicate data, remove the index, or redefine the index to permit duplicate entries and try again.
3023 AddNew or Edit already used.
3024 Couldn't find file '|'.
3025 Can't open any more files.
3026 Not enough space on disk.
3027 Can't update. Database or object is read-only.
3028 Can't start your application. The workgroup information file is missing or opened exclusively by another user.
3029 Not a valid account name or password.
3030 '|' isn't a valid account name.
3031 Not a valid password.
3032 Can't perform this operation.
3033 You don't have the necessary permissions to use the '|' object. Have your system administrator or the person who created this object establish the appropriate permissions for you.
3034 You tried to commit or roll back a transaction without first using BeginTrans.
3036 Database has reached maximum size.
3037 Can't open any more tables or queries.
3039 Couldn't create index; too many indexes already defined.
3040 Disk I/O error during read.
3041 Can't open a database created with a previous version of your application.
3042 Out of MS-DOS file handles.
3043 Disk or network error.
3044 '|' isn't a valid path. Make sure that the path name is spelled correctly and that you are connected to the server on which the file resides.
3045 Couldn't use '|'; file already in use.
3046 Couldn't save; currently locked by another user.
3047 Record is too large.
3048 Can't open any more databases.
3049 Can't open database '|'. It may not be a database that your application recognizes, or the file may be corrupt.
3050 Couldn't lock file.
3051 The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot open the file '|'. It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view its data.
3058 Index or primary key can't contain a Null value.
3059 Operation canceled by user.
3060 Wrong data type for parameter '|'.
3061 Too few parameters. Expected |.
3062 Duplicate output alias '|'.
3063 Duplicate output destination '|'.
3064 Can't open action query '|'.
3065 Can't execute a select query.
3066 Query must have at least one destination field.
3067 Query input must contain at least one table or query.
3068 Not a valid alias name.
3069 The action query '|' cannot be used as a row source.
3070 The Microsoft Jet database engine does not recognize '|' as a valid field name or expression.
3071 This expression is typed incorrectly, or it is too complex to be evaluated. For example, a numeric expression may contain too many complicated elements. Try simplifying the expression by assigning parts of the expression to variables.
3072 |
3073 Operation must use an updatable query.
3074 Can't repeat table name '|' in FROM clause.
3075 |1 in query expression '|2'.
3076 | in criteria expression.
3077 | in expression.
3078 The Microsoft Jet database engine cannot find the input table or query '|'. Make sure it exists and that its name is spelled correctly.
3079 The specified field '|' could refer to more than one table listed in the FROM clause of your SQL statement.
3080 Joined table '|' not listed in FROM clause.
3081 Can't join more than one table with the same name (|).
3082 JOIN operation '|' refers to a field that isn't in one of the joined tables.