2 In addition to the other registration options, NorthStar accepts registrations via the World Wide Web. You can click on the button below to get to the site. Once there, you will need to choose either:\n"The Psychedelic Screen Saver"\nor\n"The Psychedelic Screen Saver with CD/Spectrum Pro"\ndepending on whether or not you wish to take advantage of the dual registration.
3 NorthStar accepts registrations by telephone, 10am -8pm EST Monday through Saturday at the following numbers:\n1-800-699-6395 (From inside the US)\n1-803-699-6395\nFaxed orders are also accepted, 24hrs/day, at 1-803-699-5465.\nInternational and Business Orders Encouraged.\nPlease indicate which product(s) you are registering.
4 NorthStar accepts registrations by email at the following addresses:\nAmerica Online: StarMail\nCompuServe: 71561,2751\nInternet: 71561.2751@CompuServe.com\nPlease indicate which product(s) you are registering.
5 NorthStar accepts registrations by postal mail. Simply send a check, made out for the correct amount, and made payable to 'NorthStar Solutions' to:\nNorthStar Solutions\nP.O. Box 25262\nColumbia, S.C. 29224\nPlease indicate which product(s) you are registering.
6 Registration Options:\n1) The Psychedelic Screen Saver v3.x (PID 798) / $20 US.\n2) The Psychedelic Screen Saver with CD/Spectrum Pro (PID 797) / $30 US.\n3) Site Licenses -- see the Registration Form for more information
7 All registrations for the Psychedelic Screen Saver are handled by NorthStar Solutions. NorthStar accepts Visa, MasterCard, and Discover, and they process registrations by email, phone, fax, postal mail, and soon via a secured web site!
8 The Psychedelic Screen Saver is a shareware program. This means that you get a chance to "try before you buy". If you like the program, and continue to use it, you must register it by following the instructions in this dialog. Upon registering, you will receive a registration number that you may enter below to stop the annoying 'nag' messages.
9 NorthStar Solutions provides registration information only. For technical support, click below: