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/ Aztec Shareware Collection / AZ_096.ISO / bjackv / bjack.sng < prev    next >
Unknown  |  1993-08-01  |  3KB

This file was not able to be converted.

Program Identifications
ConfidenceProgramIdentificationMatch Type
66% dexvert Sam Coupe SNG Module (samCoupeSNG) ext
65% dexvert Faust Music Creator (faustMusicCreator) ext
61% dexvert Reality AdLib Tracker (realityTracker) ext
1% dexvert GoatTracker Module (goatTracker) ext
1% dexvert Korg Song (korgSong) ext
1% dexvert Music Studio Song (musicStudioSong) ext
1% dexvert Synder SNG-Player Module (synderSNG) ext
1% dexvert Synder Tracker Module (synderTrackerModule) ext
1% dexvert Roland MIDI Music Recorder Song (rolandMIDIMusicRecorder) ext
1% dexvert KORG File (korgFile) ext
100% file Matlab v4 mat-file (little endian) , numeric, rows 724, columns 142 default
99% file data default
100% TrID Adobe PhotoShop Brush default