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^3 T R I G S C R E E N E F F E C T S
^2 An Insight By Paul Townsend
^4 So you want to know how to produce those Sin and Cos generated
^4effects that keep appearing from Technical Fred Software. This short
^4introduction should give you an idea on how to get started. I get
^4the impression that many people seem to have a fear of using Sin and
^4Cos in their programs (Trigophobia ?), this is not too suprising
^4really as their seems to be very little explanation of what they
^4really do, so here I am to try to make sense of it all.
^2 First Steps
^5 When you run my programs that use Sin and Cos, if you look carefully
^5then you will realize that most of the effects are based upon the
^5circle, or multiple circles interacting with each other. The reason
^5for this is that I use Sin and Cos to produce circles, with is what
^5they are good at (They probably have many other uses, but I haven't
^5found any that are interesting enough to bother about).
^2 The Theory
^4 The circle can be split up into 360 points which can be imagined to
^4be positioned, equally spaced around the circumference. So if you
^4start at any place on the circumference and move 360 points in any
^4direction, you will end up back where you started from.
^5 What we need to know is how to work out where all these points are
^5so that we can do something at that particular point on the screen,
^5i.e plot a point, paste a bob etc.
^4 When typing in these examples, dont type in the <---- and comments
^4or the computer will spit them back at you, (You could use Rems if
^4you want, but I'm just too lazy !), Just type in the bits before them
^4and press RETURN
^5 The way to do this is to choose which points on the circle you want,
^5for our purposes we will just plot the entire circle, a program to do
^5this could be:
^7Screen Open 0,320,256,32,Lowres
^7Degree <----Tell the computer we want to work in degrees
^7For F=0 To 360 <----Set up a loop
^7X#=Sin(F) <----Work out the Co-ords
^7Y#=Cos(F) <---- " " " " "
^7Plot X#,Y# <----Plot the point
^7Next F <----Loop ?
^4If you try it, don't be surprised if you get nothing at all on
^4screen, the reason for this is that
^4 1) The co-ords are just off screen at the top left and
^4 2) the circle is only 1 pixel wide.
^5This calls for some minor changes to the above program :-
^4Firstly let's add the centre of the screen to the points plotted.
^7Screen Open 0,320,256,32,Lowres
^7Degree <----Tell the computer we want to work in degrees
^7For F=0 To 360 <----Set up a loop
^7X#=160+Sin(F) <----Work out the Co-ords
^7Y#=128+Cos(F) <---- " " " " "
^7Plot X#,Y# <----Plot the point
^7Next F <----Loop ?
^5 This program will appear to plot a point in the centre of the
^5screen, this is because the circle is still only 1 pixel wide,
^5therefore one final change is needed to get the circle to look like a
^7Screen Open 0,320,256,32,Lowres
^7Degree <----Tell the computer we want to work in degrees
^7For F=0 To 360 <----Set up a loop
^7X#=160+(100*Sin(F)) <----Work out the Co-ords
^7Y#=128+(100*Cos(F)) <---- " " " " "
^7Plot X#,Y# <----Plot the point
^7Next F <----Loop ?
^4 This program should now work, it should draw a circle that is 100
^4pixels wide. (Why not try other numbers other than 100 for different
^4sizes of circles)
^5 Hopefully you should now have a circle on the screen, it may not
^5look much, but if you can understand why the circle is there, then
^5that is the first hurdle over with.
^4 OK, I think we should make this program a little more interesting,
^4what about making the circle appear to move.
^5The method I will use is a palette switch, try this, don't type in
^5the comments though
^7Screen Open 0,320,256,32,Lowres
^7Flash off <----Needed for Shift Up to work
^7Degree <----Tell the computer we want to work in degrees
^7For F=0 To 360 <----Set up a loop
^7Add rgb,1,1 to 31
^7X#=160+(100*Sin(F)) <----Work out the Co-ords
^7Y#=128+(100*Cos(F)) <---- " " " " "
^7Plot X#,Y#,RGB <----Plot the point in the selected colour.
^7Next F <------Loop ?
^7Shift Up 2,1,31,1 <------set up a palette switch (or colour cycle)
^4 If you run this program you should have a revolving circle.
^5 You can now plot a circle, each point in a different colour, and
^5then to make it move.
^4 In the next part of this tutorial, we will try to use what we have
^4learned to produce some more interesting effects, but until then
^4please don't be afraid to experiment, try changing any of the numbers
^4in the above programs, just to see what happens. After all, that's
^4how all of the effects I have written in the past started off. (i.e.
^4see Screen Wipes in previous editions of TA) I just guess at a number
^4to change in a program run it and hope for the best. If the effect
^4looks good then I save the program, if not, I change it to something
^4else. (How's that for a structured approach to programming?)
^5 So until next time, have fun. If you have anything you would like
^5to see in these tutorials, why not drop a line to Totally Amos at the
^5usual address.
^3T T F N
^2Paul (Technical Fred) Townsend.