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^3 P r o g r a m P a r l o u r
^2 T w o
^3 b y B e n A s h l e y
^1 Last time, we looked at PROGRAM PROTECTION. This issue though, I`ll
^1be giving you a tutorial on AMOS 3D. Yes, I know its been done
^1rather badly, and many people have binned it and ripped it off their
^1AMOS program disks. But for those of us, who have for some reason or
^1another, KEPT it on, then you might find this tutorial rather nice.
^1 Firstly, I`ll give you a full blown program, and explain each
^1section bit-by-bit. After that, I`ll tell you about the uses of
^1other 3D commands which are not exploited in the 3D demo.
^1 Ok, so lets go. Load up AMOS, and MAKE SURE you have the 3D
^1extension loaded in.
^2Now I`ll explain it all, bit by bit. So, I always start my
^2programs`s with REM`s, the following can be ommited..
^2 ' AMOS 3D Tutorial Program
^2 ' ========================
^2 ' Written for TOTALLY AMOS, by Ben Ashley of Odyssey Software
^2 ' Please note: Requires the OBJECTS directory, to be in the ROOT
^2 ' directory, and the file, WB.IFF, to also be in the root directory.
^1 No Problem. So now I`ll create a simple, 16 colour LOW RES screen^1^1.
^2 Screen Open 0,320,256,16,Lowres
^1 And I`ll do a simple setup procedure, of setting colour 1 to white,
^1setting the PEN and PAPER colours, turning the cursor and flash off,
^1and finally hiding the Mouse and clearing the screen.
^2 Colour 1,$FFF : Pen 1 : Paper 0 : Curs Off : Flash Off :
^2 Hide On : Cls 0
^1 Now, to prevent flicker when displaying the 3D screen, we'll double
^1buffer and autoback it.
^2 Double Buffer : Autoback 0
^1 If you don`t have AMOS LIBS on the disk with which you are working,
^1you need a routine to find the AMOS: disk, and set the drive...
^2 If Not Exist("AMOS:")
^2 Centre At(,10)+"Please insert volume AMOS:"
^2 Centre At(,11)+"into any drive"
^2 Repeat
^2 Curs Off
^2 Until Exist("AMOS:")
^2 End If
^1 So, I clear the screen, set the directory to `AMOS:', and load the
^13D extension by using the command, TD KEEP ON.
^2 Cls 0
^2 Dir$="AMOS:"
^2 Td Keep On
^1 Now, I need to set the directory path, BACK to my 3D work disk. As
^1I have a directory, called `Objects', I`ll ask AMOS to find that
^1disk, and on finding it, set the directory...
^2 If Not Exist("Df0:Objects")
^2 Centre At(,10)+"Please insert TA in drive Df0:"
^2 Repeat
^2 Curs Off
^2 Until Exist("Df0:Objects")
^2 Cls 0
^2 End If
^1 This program assumes that the 3D work disk is in Df0:...
^2 Dir$="Df0:"
^2 Cls 0
^1 Now, I set the Screen Height. In this 3D demo, I`m using a full
^1screen value of 256. Usually, I use a value of 200, so as to leave
^1room for a status display.
^2 Td Screen Height 256
^1 Now, I set the TD directory. This is the directory, which contains
^1all of the object definitions.
^2 Td Dir "Df0:Objects/"
^1 In this short demo, I only need to load up ONE previously saved
^1object, called `cube1'.
^2 Td Load "cube1"
^1 This is a simple cube, with `TA', on all sides. Next, I place my
^1objects using the TD OBJECT command. Notice how I use the single
^1cube definition for 2 objects. The first object is placed at
^1X-co-ordinate 2000, Y-co-ordinate 2500 and a Z value of 2000. I did
^1not want the cube to be at any special attitude, so I just set these
^1to 0,0,0. The second object is placed, higher up, ( Less Y value ),
^1and farther into the distance, ( Greater Z Value).
^2 Td Object 1,"cube1",2000,2500,2000,0,0,0
^2 Td Object 2,"cube1",2000,2000,6000,0,0,0
^1 Next, I want to move the viewpoint, so that when the program starts,
^1the viewer sees both cubes directly in front. Remember that object
^10, is the viewpoint. And I move it to X:2000, which is the same
^1value as my two previously defined cubes. Y:2300, is a value sort of
^1inbetween the Y values of the 2 cubes. Finally, the Z value is 0.
^2 Td Move 0,2000,2300,0
^1 Next, I set some variables for the demo. F1, is the Z movement
^1value for cube 1, and F2 is the Z movement value for cube 2. The
^1TIME variable, determines exactly how many times the cubes will move.
^2 F1=400
^2 F2=-400
^2 TIME=0
^1So, now I start up my REPEAT loop.
^2 Repeat
^1 The following bit is the USUAL way of drawing 3D objects on the
^1screen. First it clears any previous frames, draws the new ones,
^1swaps the physical and logical screens, and finally, synchronizes it.
^2 Td Cls
^2 Td Redraw
^2 Screen Swap
^2 Wait Vbl
^1 Now, I want my first cube to be spinning in all 3 ways, in one
^1direction, whilst the other, doing the same thing, but in the
^1opposite direction. The 3 values after the object number, are the
^1attitude values of A,B and C.
^2 Td Angle Rel 1,1000,1000,1000
^2 Td Angle Rel 2,-1000,-1000,-1000
^1 Now, I move the 2 cubes corresponding to what direction thay are
^1going, so I use the values F1, and F2, which have been defined
^2 Td Move Rel 1,0,0,F1
^2 Td Move Rel 2,0,0,F2
^1 Now, I add the TIME value, by one.
^2 Add TIME,1
^1 If the timer value has reached 13, it checks to see which direction
^1cube 1 is going. If it is going towards the eye, then it knows to
^1set the other cube to go towards the viewpoint, whilst cube 1, to go
^1away. If not, then it tells cube 1 to go towards the viewpoint, and
^1cube 2, to go away. I know it sounds complicated, but it is quite
^1logical. Finally, it sets the TIME counter back to 0.
^2 If TIME>13
^2 If F1=-400
^2 F1=400
^2 F2=-400
^2 Else
^2 F1=-400
^2 F2=400
^2 End If
^2 TIME=0
^2 End If
^1 Finally, to add a little `Spice', to the demo, I`ve decided to put
^1in some world controls. Basically, the following section, allows you
^1to control the viewpoint`s X and Y values using the cursor keys.
^1(76=up, 77=down, 79=left, 78=right)
^2 If Key State(79)
^2 Td Move Rel 0,-200,0,0
^2 End If
^2 If Key State(78)
^2 Td Move Rel 0,200,0,0
^2 End If
^2 If Key State(76)
^2 Td Move Rel 0,0,200,0
^2 End If
^2 If Key State(77)
^2 Td Move Rel 0,0,-200,0
^2 End If
^1 And at last, it checks to see if QUIT=True. As I have not put in an
^1EXIT feature on this demo, it will never be true.
^2 Until QUIT=True
^1 If you want to see how this looks straight away, then load up the
^13D-Tutorial.AMOS, program, which is the above program, in full
^1working form.
^4Other 3D Commands
^61. Td Background
^6 I found the TD BACKGROUND command very useful. Although I have only
^6got it work on LOW RES screens.
^6 You can use it for a sky background, or even an amazing Hit tech HUD
^6display. Believe me, if TD BACKGROUND had not been included, the 3D
^6programs would be drab and boring.
^6 Firstly, you have to note the following point. If you want the
^6screen to be displayed behind the objects, ie, like for a sky, then
^6it must be placed BEFORE the TD REDRAW command. If you want to use
^6it as a HUD or a SHIPS COCKPIT picture, then use it after.
^6 It is perfectly feasible to have 2 backgrounds. I used two in my
^6space game ZION. screen 2 had stars on, whilst screen 3 had the HUD
^6on, I simply did it like this...
^5 Td Cls
^5 Td Background 2,0,0,320,200 to 0,0,0
^5 Td Redraw
^5 Td Background 3,0,0,320,200 to 0,0,0
^5 Screen Swap
^5 Wait Vbl
^6See? It`s quite easy.
^62. Td Range
^6 I used this command, INSTEAD of setting zones. To me, it worked
^6better. Just specify two objects, and you are returned with a value!
^6So if you wanted to see if missile 3, hit ship 7, you`d use something
^5 If Td Range(3,7)<1000
^5 End If
^6 There are many other 3D commands. Some of which are easy and useful
^6( TD FACE ), and others which are more obscure, ( TD ADVANCED ). I
^6hope this quick tutorial has helped.