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- /*
- * RCCL Version 1.0 Author : Vincent Hayward
- * School of Electrical Engineering
- * Purdue University
- * Dir : src
- * File : main.c
- * Remarks : From where everything begins, heavyly dependent on
- * the version, implements what is not needed from the
- * real time library. Opens and close files.
- * The real time library functions are replaced
- * by pseudo ones (manip.h _l) by macro process.
- * Usage : part of the library
- */
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <signal.h>
- #include "../h/which.h"
- #include "../h/switch.h"
- #include "../h/rccl.h"
- #include "../h/manip.h"
- #include "../h/kine.h"
- #include "../h/bio.h"
- #include "../h/umac.h"
- #define RW 2
- #ifdef FAKE
- static int pid, clockid;
- #endif
- main(argc, argv)
- int argc;
- char **argv;
- {
- char st[80];
- char *s, *stp, *strcat();
- int q;
- int fddbo;
- bool prints_save;
- char *mduper = "can't duplicate data base file\n";
- char bd[BUFS];
- while(--argc > 0 && **++argv == '-') {
- for(s = *argv+1; *s; s++) { /* scan multiple arg */
- switch (*s) {
- case 'v' : /* verbose */
- prints_out++;
- break;
- case 'D' : /* data base */
- ++s;
- for (stp = st; *s != '\0'; ) {
- *stp++ = *s++;
- }
- *stp = '\0';
- if ((fddb = open(st, RW)) < 0) {
- printf("%s does'nt exit, create ?", st);
- QUERY(q);
- if (q == 'y') {
- if ((fddb = makedb(st)) < 0) {
- exit(14);
- }
- if ((fddb = open(st, RW)) < 0) {
- exit(15);
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- (void) strcat(st, ".old");
- if ((fddbo = creat(st, 0644)) < 0) {
- printf(mduper);
- exit(16);
- }
- while ((q = read(fddb, bd, BUFS)) > 0) {
- if (write(fddbo, bd, q) < 0) {
- printf(mduper);
- exit(17);
- }
- }
- }
- --s;
- break;
- case 'b' : /* no force stuff */
- force_ctl = NO;
- break;
- #ifndef REAL /* permit i/o s */
- case 'g' : /* graphics */
- opsw_n.graphics = YES;
- break;
- case 'd' : /* output relative solution angles */
- opsw_n.numerics = YES;
- break;
- case 'a' : /* output solution angles */
- opsw_n.angles = YES;
- break;
- case 'k' : /* output t6 but not j6 */
- opsw_n.t6butnotj6 = YES;
- break;
- case 'e' : /* output encoder values */
- opsw_n.encoders = YES;
- break;
- default :
- printf(" options -v -g -d -a -k -e -b -D*\n");
- exit(33);
- #else
- default :
- printf(" options -v -b -D*\n");
- exit(33);
- #endif
- }
- }
- }
- if (prints_out) {
- if ((fpi = fdopen(creat("@@.out", 0644), "w")) == NULL) {
- printf("can't create info file\n");
- exit(22);
- }
- }
- prints_save = prints_out;
- prints_out = NO;
- calibrate();
- #ifdef PLAN
- startup();
- movejnts(park, 100, 300);
- #else
- movejnts(park, 100, 300);
- startup();
- #endif
- prints_out = prints_save;
- #ifdef PUMA
- pumatask();
- #endif
- #ifdef STAN
- stantask();
- #endif
- stop(300);
- waitfor(completed);
- release("task ended");
- }
- /*
- * according to the cases perform initial actions
- */
- startup() /*::*/
- {
- control(checkstate_n, setpoint_n);
- #ifdef FAKE
- if ((clockid = vfork()) < 0) {
- fprintf(stderr, "can't fork\n");
- exit(13);
- }
- if (clockid == 0) {
- execl("clock");
- fprintf(stderr, "cant'n exec clock\n");
- exit(13);
- }
- pid = getpid();
- #endif
- }
- /*
- * put process to sleep for 1/10 of a second
- */
- suspendfg() /*::*/
- {
- #ifdef PLAN
- checkstate_n();
- setpoint_n();
- #else
- nap(6);
- #endif
- }
- /*
- * software error routine
- */
- #ifndef REAL
- #endif
- giveup(m, user) /*::*/
- char *m;
- bool user;
- {
- terminate = YES;
- mess = m;
- #ifndef REAL
- release("giveup");
- exit(1);
- #else
- if (user) {
- release("giveup");
- mess = "";
- for (; ; ) {
- pause();
- }
- }
- #endif
- }
- #ifndef REAL
- /*
- * replace rtc stuff by internal functions
- */
- release(s) /*:: quit interrupt routine */
- char *s;
- {
- #ifdef FAKE
- (void) signal(SIGCLCK, SIG_IGN);
- (void) kill(clockid, SIGKILL);
- #endif
- if (opsw_n.encoders) {
- Close(&iobf_n[EB]);
- }
- if (opsw_n.graphics) {
- Close(&iobf_n[J1]);
- Close(&iobf_n[J2]);
- Close(&iobf_n[J3]);
- Close(&iobf_n[J4]);
- Close(&iobf_n[J5]);
- Close(&iobf_n[J6]);
- if (opsw_n.t6butnotj6) {
- Close(&iobf_n[6]);
- Close(&iobf_n[7]);
- Close(&iobf_n[8]);
- Close(&iobf_n[9]);
- Close(&iobf_n[10]);
- Close(&iobf_n[11]);
- }
- Close(&iobf_n[TB]);
- Close(&iobf_n[CB]);
- }
- if (opsw_n.numerics) {
- (void) fclose(fpo);
- }
- if (prints_out) {
- (void) fclose(fpi);
- }
- if ((int)s == SIGINT) {
- printf("time %d : Interrupted\n", rtime);
- exit(1);
- }
- else {
- printf("%s\n", mess);
- printf("pos %s time %d : %s\n", goalpos->name, rtime, s);
- }
- exit(0);
- }
- /*
- * Flush a buffer
- */
- static Close(b) /*##*/
- BIO_PTR b;
- {
- int n;
- if (b->ptr != NULL) {
- n = b->ptr - b->buf;
- if (write(b->fd, b->buf, n) != n){
- fprintf(stderr, "write io error\n");
- exit(2);
- }
- }
- if (close(b->fd) < 0) {
- fprintf(stderr, "close io error\n");
- exit(2);
- }
- }
- #ifdef FAKE
- static int (* fne1)();
- static int (* fne2)();
- static dummy() /*##*/
- {
- (void) signal(SIGCLCK, dummy);
- }
- static onintr() /*##*/
- {
- (void) signal(SIGCLCK, dummy);
- (* fne1)();
- (* fne2)();
- (void) signal(SIGCLCK, onintr);
- }
- #endif
- #ifdef PLAN
- #endif
- control(fn1, fn2) /*::*/
- int (* fn1)(), (* fn2)();
- {
- if (opsw_n.numerics) {
- if ((fpo = fdopen(creat("@.out", 0644), "w")) == NULL) {
- printf("can't open data file\n");
- exit(22);
- }
- }
- if (opsw_n.graphics) {
- iobf_n[J1].fd = creat("../g/f1.out", 0644);
- iobf_n[J2].fd = creat("../g/f2.out", 0644);
- iobf_n[J3].fd = creat("../g/f3.out", 0644);
- iobf_n[J4].fd = creat("../g/f4.out", 0644);
- iobf_n[J5].fd = creat("../g/f5.out", 0644);
- iobf_n[J6].fd = creat("../g/f6.out", 0644);
- if (opsw_n.t6butnotj6) {
- iobf_n[6].fd = creat("../g/f7.out", 0644);
- iobf_n[7].fd = creat("../g/f8.out", 0644);
- iobf_n[8].fd = creat("../g/f9.out", 0644);
- iobf_n[9].fd = creat("../g/f10.out", 0644);
- iobf_n[10].fd = creat("../g/f11.out", 0644);
- iobf_n[11].fd = creat("../g/f12.out", 0644);
- }
- iobf_n[TB].fd = creat("../g/t.out", 0644);
- iobf_n[CB].fd = creat("../g/c.out", 0644);
- }
- if (iobf_n[J1].fd < 0 || iobf_n[J2].fd < 0 || iobf_n[J3].fd < 0 ||
- iobf_n[J4].fd < 0 || iobf_n[J5].fd < 0 || iobf_n[J6].fd < 0 ||
- iobf_n[6].fd < 0 || iobf_n[7].fd < 0 || iobf_n[8].fd < 0 ||
- iobf_n[9].fd < 0 || iobf_n[10].fd < 0 || iobf_n[11].fd < 0 ||
- iobf_n[TB].fd < 0 || iobf_n[CB].fd < 0) {
- printf("can't create graphic files\n");
- exit(22);
- }
- if (opsw_n.encoders) {
- if ((iobf_n[EB].fd = creat("@@@.out",0644)) < 0) {
- printf("can't create encoder file\n");
- exit(22);
- }
- }
- (void) signal(SIGINT, release);
- #ifdef FAKE
- fne1 = fn1;
- fne2 = fn2;
- (void) signal(SIGCLCK, onintr);
- #endif
- }
- #endif
- static calibrate() /*##*/
- {
- assignjs_n(j6, &jcal_c);
- solveconf_n(j6);
- jns_to_tr_n(rest, j6, YES);
- park = makeposition("PARK", t6, EQ, rest, TL, t6);
- lastpos = goalpos = park;
- Assigntr(here, rest);
- there = makeposition("THERE", t6, EQ, here, TL, t6);
- }