P9 P1 Start Information to get you up and running P3 Travel How to move around the spreadsheet with the cursor P4 Formats How to change the appearance of your spreadsheet P5 Printing Print all/portion of spreadsheet P10 Columns How to Adjust the width of a Column P11 Graphs A description of available graphs P12 Macros A little about macro keystroking P14 Range Operating on a Range of cells P16 Advanced How to use the special ASEASY Functions P P P P P P P P P P P *** A S-E A S Y-A S *** P P Welcome to the ASEASYAS help screens. To view a selected page of P help, simply move the pointer ( at the bottom of the screen) to P highlight a command and press [enter]. P P To access the MAIN menu from the spreadsheet press the [/] key. To P exit from any menu press the [ESC] key. P P The ASEASYAS menu structure follows a series of branches. Each P branch represents , either an additional menu or at the lowest level P a command choice. P P Several command switches must be activated to enable display options P on different types of monitors. For example: P P ASEASY /H Enables graphics for Hercules type adaptors P ASEASY /E Enables graphics for EGA type adaptors P ASEASY /Q Quick screen updating for CGA type adaptors P (-- See Next Page for Instructions on How to Order Your OWN Copy --) P O R D E R F O R M P P To order YOUR OWN copy of AS-EASY-AS, print this form on your P printer, using Shift-PrtSc, fill it out and send it to TRIUS, Inc. P with a $30.00 check. P Send a copy of AS-EASY-AS to: P P Name: ________________________________________ P P Address: _____________________________________ P P City:______________ State:_____ Zip:________ P P Enclosed is a check for $30.00 payable to: P P TRIUS, Inc. P 15 Atkinson Street P Lynn, Mass. 01905 P P Signature__________________________ Date:____/____/_____ P M O V I N G A R O U N D P P ╔═══════════╗ ╔══════╦═══════╦═══════╗ P ║ TAB ║ ║ 7 ║ 8 ║ 9 ║ P ║ PgRt ║ ║ Home ║ UP ║ Pgup ║ P ║ PgLt ║ ╠══════╬═══════╬═══════╣ P ╚═══════════╝ ║ 4 ║ 5 ║ 6 ║ P ║ Left ║ ║ Right║ P Each of the keys on the cursor ╠══════╬═══════╬═══════╣ P keypad has the ability to move ║ 1 ║ 2 ║ 3 ║ P the cursor around the spreadsheet. ║ End ║ Down ║ PgDn ║ P ╔══╚══════╬═══════╬═══════╝ P Home - Move to cell A1 ║ 0 ║ . ║ P Up - Move up one row ║ Insert ║ Delete║ P Pgup - Move up 20 rows ╚═════════╩═══════╝ P Left - Move left one column P Right- Move right one column PgRt - Move right one page P Down - Move down one row PgLt - Move left one page P Pgdn - Move down 20 rows P P F O R M A T T I N G P P The appearance of cells in a rectangular range can be assigned a P format with the following keystrokes: /rf P P Possible choices of format include; Format Status P P Fixed 123.12 [F2] P Scientific 1.245E8 [S3] P Comma 1,500.0 [,1] P Percent 34.12 [%1] P General P Text +A1+B2 [T ] P +/- +++++ [+/-] P Currency $523.5 [C1] P Reset Return to global format P P When a format has been assigned to a cell the format status, next to P the CELL indicator will be displayed. P P P R I N T I N G P P The print menu may be selected from the main menu by selecting then P PRINT sub-menu. Your next decision will be to either, send all P output to a printer OR send all output to an ascii .PRN file. P P After selecting your output device, you must define a range to print P with the RANGE command. Listed below is the print menu structure. P P Range Line Page Align Other Go Quit P P Once the range has been defined you can start printing by selecting P GO. To exit the print menu select QUIT. P P P P [More........] P P P P Range - stands for the rectangular area of the spreadsheet which is P to be printed. This must be defined prior to initiating printing. P P LINE - this advances the paper in the printer a single line upwards. P P PAGE - this advances the paper in the printer to the top of the next P page P P ALIGN - Since most computers don't know exactly where the top of the P page is you have to tell it. So line up the paper perforation with P the top of your printers print head. Then select ALIGN. This P synchronizes the computers and the printer so the pages line up. P P If you don't ALIGN your printer you may print over the paper P perforation. Messy! P P P [More........] P P P OTHER - This selection allows access to another menu of printer P options like margins, page-lengths, headers, footers and printer P setup strings. P P GO - Finally when your ready to print, select go. P P Notes: You can stop the printer at any time by pressing the [ESC] P key. P P P P P P P P P P P P P Controlling the Printer P ----------------------- P P With every type of printer you usually get a printer manual. P Somewhere in the manual are instructions for formatting the P appearance of characters produced by the printer. These instructions P usually consist of a series of codes sent to the printer. For P example the codes to produce EMPHASIZED text with an EPSON type P printer are: 027 069 P P The number 27 stands for the [escape] code and the number 69 stands P for the capital letter 'E'. P P P You can define the codes by selecting the following PRINT commands: P P OPTION SETUP P [More........] P P P All control codes must be placed in a SETUP string. ASEASYAS will P accept codes only if they are seperated by a back-slash character. P [\] . For example type the following in response to the prompt for P the setup string: P P \027\069 [enter] P P If you want to change the string you can edit it by reselecting the P SETUP option. Other commonly used codes for an EPSON type printers P are: P P \027\070 Turn off emphasized text P \015 Turn on condensed text P \018 Turn off condensed text P \014 Turn on Enlarged text P \020 Turn off Enlarged text P P It is possible to place several different codes in the same Setup P string. P P C O L U M N W I D T H S P P You may adjust the width of any individual column by pressing the P following sequence of keystrokes: P P /wcs32 [enter] P P This example activates the main menu, selects in order WORKSHEET P COLUMN SET and then inputs the size as 32 columns. Instead of P entering a column width manually you can also adjust the width by P using the cursor [left] and [right] keys. Try pressing one of these P keys when prompted for the column width. P P You can also adjust the global column width which applies equally to P all columns for which no local width has been assigned. For example P try typing: P P /wgc15 [enter] P P P G R A P H S P P Graphs can be created which plot up to 6 different curves. Types of P graphs include: P P Line - X values are treated as labels and plotted in P the order they occur in the X-range P X-Y - X values treated as numbers P Bar - X values treated as labels P Pie - Y values plotted as % of sum of Y values. P P Scaling of both the X and Y axis can be performed. Log Scales can P also be applied to either the X or Y axis or Both axis. P P The graph menu can be activated by the following sequence of P keystrokes. P P /g P P P M A C R O S P A macro is a sequence of keystrokes or command which can be performed P automatically, just like a program. Macros can be activated by P assigning a range name (which is preceeded by a [\] backslash and P consists of a single letter from A..Z) to the first macro label in a P column. The macro will execute downwards from the first row until a P blank row is reached or the [esc] key is pressed. The name \0 is a P special autoexecute macro which will execute immediately after the P spreadsheet is loaded. Macro keys are defined by enclosing the key in P braces {}. A list of keys follows: P {left} - move cursor left {graph} - View graph F10 P {right} - move cursor right {goto} - goto cell, F5 P {up} - move cursor up {edit} - edit cell, F2 P {down} - move cursor down {calc} - calculate cell, F9 P {erase} - erase label entry P {PgUp} - move cursor 20 rows up {PgDn} - move cursor 20 rows dn P {PgRt} - move a screen right {PgLt} - move a screen left P {esc} - cancel operation ~ - Substitute for [enter] P [More........] P P A D V A N C E D M A C R O S P A special set of programming macros is available which gives sub- P routines, goto's and special label and value inputs. Each option is P preceded by a slash [/x] and an identify letter. These choices are P available only from within an executing macro. P P /xg - GOTO to cell following instruction and start executing P /xc - CALL routine at following cell and execute until /xr P /xi - IF true then execute at following cell:else next row P /xr - RETURN from a called subroutine P /xl - Input a LABEL and place at following cell P /xn - Input a NUMBER and place at following cell P /xq - QUIT, stop executing the macro P P For example: P /xlA5~ This will prompt for a label on the command line P and place the result in cell A5. P P P P R A N G E P The Range command allows you to operate on a rectangular block of P cells. For example, consider all the cells bounded by cell A1 and P cell D2, and assume that the cursor is currently at A1. To format P all the cells within the above block, to fixed format with two P decimals, enter the followin keystrokes: P P /rff2 [ENTER] [LEFT] [LEFT] [DOWN] [DOWN] [ENTER] P │││││ │ │ │ │ │ │ P │││││ │ │ │ │ │ Finish P │││││ │ │ │ │ │ Operation P │││││ │ │ │ │ Move to D2 P │││││ │ │ │ Move to D1 P │││││ │ │ Move to C1 P │││││ │ Move to B1 P ││││└ 2 Decimals P │││└ Fixed P ││└ Format P │└ Range P └ Invoke Menu [More........] P P P The following operations can be performed on a range(block) of cells: P P FORMAT : Format a range of cells to display in fixed, P scientific, dollar, text, plus-minus, and other P forms. P P NAME : Give a range of cells a name that you can use P in any calculations or spreadsheet manipulations. P P ERASE : Erase a range of cells P P LABEL-PREFIX : Set up a range of cells to default to left P justified, right justified or centered. P P TRACE : Trace the links to a cell throughout the P worksheet. P P P F U N C T I O N S P P The following functions act upon the arguement (represented by 'x' ) P contained within the parenthesis. The argument may be a value or a P formula which references other cells within the spreadsheet. P P Function Description P -------- ----------- P @ABS(x) Returns the absolute value of arguement. P P Example. @ABS(-10) = 10 P P @INT(x) Integer value of arguement. The fractional part P of the number is truncated and the integer P remainder is returned. Values must be within P the range of; P -35680 < x < 35678 P Example: @INT(10.6) = 10 [More........] P P P Function Description P -------- ----------- P @SQRT(x) Square root of arguement. P Example: @SQRT(2) = 1.4142135624 P P @LOG(x) Logarithmn to base '10' P Example: @LOG(10) = 1 P P @LN(x) Natural Logarithmn of base 'e' P Example: @LN(6)= 1.7917594692 P P @PI Constant which has a value of 3.14159... P P @SIN(x) Sine of angle, x must be expressed in radians. P Example: @SIN(1.0471975512) = 0.86602540378 P P @COS(x) Cosine of angle, x in radians. P Example: @COS(1.0471975512) = 0.5 [More.......] P P P Function Description P -------- ----------- P @TAN(x) Tangent of angle, x in radians P Example: @TAN(1.0471975512) = 1.7320508076 P P @ATAN(x) Arc Tangent of value, returns radians as result P Example: @ATAN(1.7320508076) = 1.0471975512 P P @ASIN(x) Arc sine of value, returns radians as result P Example: @ASIN(0.86602540378) = 1.0471975512 P P @ACOS(x) Arc cosine of value, returns radians P Example: @ACOS(0.5) = 1.0471975512 P P @EXP(x) Raise 'e' to the 'x' power P Example: @EXP(5) = 148.4131591 [More.......] P P P P P Function Description P -------- ----------- P @MOD(x,y) Modula division, returns the remainder of x P divided by y P Example: @MOD(10,3) = 1 P @MOD(8,2) = 0 P P @NA Constant has a value of -1 P P @TRUE Constant has a value of 1 P P @FALSE Constant has a value of 0 P P @RAND Returns a variable random number P P @ROUND(x,y) Rounds the value of x to y digits right of the P decimal. Negative numbers round to left of P decimal. P Example: @ROUND(10.1234,1) = 10.1 P @ROUND(123.123,-2)= 100 [More.......] P F I N A N C I A L F U N C T I O N S (1) P P @PMT(Principal,interest rate,period) P P Returns the amount of an annuity equal to the principal P amortized over the period. P Example: @PMT(75000,0.0925,30) = 7462.61 P ---------------------------------------------------------------- P @PV(Annuity,interest rate,period) P P Returns the present value corresponding to an annuity occuring P over the specified period. Reverse of the above. P Example: @PV(700,0.0925,30) = 7035.08 P ---------------------------------------------------------------- P @FV(Annuity,interest rate,period) P P Returns the future value corresponding to an annuity occuring P over the specified period. Reverse of the above. P Example: @FV(700,0.0925,30) = 99979.77 [More.......] P P F I N A N C I A L F U N C T I O N S (2) P P @NPV(Interest rate,Range) P P Returns the Net present value of a cash flow over interest P period. P Example: @NPV(700,0.0925,30) = Not Available yet P ---------------------------------------------------------------- P @IRR(Interest rate,Range) P P Returns the Rate of Return per period associated with a cash P flow. P Example: @NPV(700,0.0925,30) = Not Available yet P P P P P P P P S T A T I S T I C A L F U N C T I O N S (1) P P Statistical functions operate on a range of values. A range P specifies a rectangular block of data in the spreadsheet. Only ONE P range may be used as an arguement. i.e. Range = A1..B10 defines the P block of data from P P a1...b1 P a10...b10 P P When specifying the range only two dots can be used to seperate P cells. i.e. A1..B6 P P The range may be specified in two ways. P P The first way is to type the name of the formula up to and including P the first bracket. At this point use the cursor keys to move the P pointer out of the cell, and move it to one corner of the desired P range you wish to highlight. P [More........] P S T A T I S T I C A L F U N C T I O N S (2) P P Press the '.' key. This anchors the pointer so that additional P pointer movements highlights more than just a single cell. P P Expand the pointer until the desired range is completely highlighted. P If the range is bigger than that area displayed on the screen then P press the '.' anchor key to examine each of the corners of the range. P A little flashing cursor will indicate the current corner. It is P also this side of the pointer which may be moved by the cursor keys. P P When the range is completly highlighted press any other key to return P to your original cell and continue to input your formula. Or if your P finished with the formula press the [enter] key. Your formula will P be entered into the spreadsheet at the current cell position. P [More........] P P P P P S T A T I S T I C A L F U N C T I O N S (3) P P The second way to specify a range is simply to type the range name by P specifying the corners of the range as individual cells separated by P two periods. i.e. A1..B2 P P P Presented below are the statistical functions available within P ASEASYAS. To illustrate the use of each function an example is P included. P P P All examples will operate on the numbers contained in the portion of P the spreadsheet duplicated below, A1..B2 P P /........A/.......B/.......C/ P 1 1.1 5.6 8.2 P 2 2.3 7.5 10 P 3 3.5 4.4 2 P [More........] P S T A T I S T I C A L F U N C T I O N S (4) P P @SUM(Range) Returns the summation of the range P Ex. @sum(A1..C3) = 44.6 P P @AVG(Range) Returns the average of the range P Ex. @avg(a1..B2) = 4.955555 P P @COUNT(Range) Returns the number of elements in the range P Ex. @count(A1..B2) = 9 P P @MIN(Range) Returns the minimum value in the range P Ex. @min(A1..B2) = 1.1 P P @MAX(Range) Returns the maximum value in the range P Ex. @max(A1..B2) = 10 P P @VAR(Range) Returns the population variance of the range P Ex. @var(A1..B2) = 8.438024 [More........] P P S T A T I S T I C A L F U N C T I O N S (5) P P @STD(Range) Returns the standard deviation of the elements P in the range P Ex. @std(A1..B2) = 2.904827 P P @HLOOKUP(compare,range,ofs) P Returns the value at vertical offset in the column P that matches the compare value. P Ex. @HLOOKUP(5.6,A1..C3,1) P P @VLOOKUP(compare,range,ofs) P Returns the value at horizontal offset in the row P that matches the compare value. P Ex. @VLOOKUP(2.3,A1..C3,2) P P P P [More........] P P L O G I C A L F U N C T I O N S P P The function @IF(Test arguement,arg1,arg2) returns: P P value of arg1 if the test is true P value of arg2 if the test is false P P Test must utilize logical operators >,<,=,<> etc. P P Example @if(10>2,3*2,4+5) = 6 P @IF(10<2,3*2,4+5) = 9 P P As an example of using a logical comparison within a formula try P the following: P P +(a1>2)*3+(a1<=2)*4 P P This formula will yield a result of 3 if the value stored in P cell A1 is greater than 2 and will yield a 4 if the value is P less than or equal to 2. P D A T E F U N C T I O N S P P @DATE(Year,Month,Day) P Returns a unique integer for each day since Jan 1,1900 P P @TODAY P Returns the unique integer corresponding to todays date P referenced to Jan 1, 1900 P P @YEAR(x) P Based on unique day assigned to 'x', computes the year in P which that day occurs P P P P P P P P [End.........]