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Text File  |  1999-03-19  |  5KB  |  67 lines

  1. │                       - Resident Evil Two (c) Capcom -                      │
  2.                                                                              :│
  3.   Supplied By  : CYPHER AND ][ce        Release Date : February 18, 1999     .│
  4.   Cracked By   : DaJackal               Game Genre   : 3D Adventure           │
  5.   Packaged By  : Blitzkrieg             Protection   :                        │
  6.   File Format  : ACE                    # of Files   : XX x 2.88              │
  7. .                                                                            .│
  8. : Requirements: Pentium 200, 32MB Ram, Direct-X 6                            :│
  9. └──··                ··  ··───-───-────·· ·  ·────────-─-────[ O R I G I N ]─┴┘
  10. │  ORIGIN strikes again with another major title. This time we bring you     ││
  11. │ Resident Evil Two, the seuqal to the classic adventure game of the same    ││
  12. │ name. Read on for the hype from Capcom's website and a little something    ││
  13. │ else.                                                                      ││
  14. │                                                                            ││
  15. │ HYPE                                                                       ││
  16. │ ─-─-                                                                       ││
  17. │                                                                            ││
  18. │ Without a doubt, Resident Evil 2 is one of the greatest games ever made.   ││
  19. │ If you haven't seen anything of the game at this point though, you can be  ││
  20. │ sure of one hell of a scare when Resident Evil 2 bleeds onto your hard     ││
  21. │ drive.                                                                     ││
  22. │                                                                   -PC ZONE ││
  23. │                                                                            ││
  24. │ When the original T-Virus was finally suppressed following a horrific and  ││
  25. │ still hushed-up outbreak in a remote mansion, a disaster seemed to have    ││
  26. │ been averted.                                                              ││
  27. │                                                                            ││
  28. │ But now the nightmare has returned. A new super-strain has emerged and     ││
  29. │ terror stalks the streets of isolated Raccoon City in Resident Evil 2. The ││
  30. │ whole town is infested and blood thirsty zombies run wild. It's not pretty.││
  31. │                                                                            ││
  32. │ Two outsiders, Leon, a cop, and Claire, a reporter, are the only two to    ││
  33. │ escape contamination and the only ones capable of saving Racoon City from  ││
  34. │ total destruction-and preventing the spread of the new virus around the    ││
  35. │ world.                                                                     ││
  36. │                                                                            ││
  37. │ You'll face wave after wave of undead mutants intent on ripping out your   ││
  38. │ heart and soul-but only after you've faced your own fear down first.       ││
  39. │                                                                            ││
  40. │                                                                            ││
  41. │ What was ripped.......                                                     ││
  42. │                                                                            ││
  43. │      Well, the movies said bye bye and ran home crying and the background  ││
  44. │      music went to the Brit awards to see if they had won :)               ││
  45. │                                                                            ││
  46.                                                                              .│
  47. │ REGSETUP.EXE to setup any registry entries. To change the GFX mode or      ││
  48. │ save game path, run GFXSETUP.EXE to do this...                             ││
  49. │ PLEASE NOTE..... The 'PLAY RESEVIL' button WILL NOT load the game and will ││
  50. │ ask you to insert the CD... Run LEONP.EXE to play.
  51. │                                                                            ││
  53. │ YOU HAVE BEEN TOLD                                                         ││
  54. │                                                                            ││
  55. │ Now for the default key controls...                                        ││
  56. │                                                                            ││
  57. │ Arrow Keys : To move character                                             ││
  58. │ C          : Action/Opens Dorrs/Attack(Uses Weapon)                        ││
  59. │ V          : Run                                                           ││
  60. │ Z          : Status Screen                                                 ││
  61. │ A          : Map                                                           ││
  62. │ CTRL       : Option Screen                                                 ││
  63. │ X          : Draws Weapon                                                  ││
  64. │ F2         : Sprite Toggle (?)                                             ││
  65. │ F7/F8      : Cycle Throught Screen Res's                                   ││
  66. │ F9         : Pauses/Aborts Game                                            ││