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File List  |  1992-08-17  |  10KB  |  139 lines

  1. XUPER300.ZIP                     Programmers aid excellant
  2. 6DATGEN0.ZIP                     Enable Turbo Pascal pogrammer to generate single datafile Ap
  3. ANSIVIEW.ZIP                     .PAS routines retain CRT functions while getting TVISION
  4. ASCSU205.ZIP                     ASIC support disk V2.05 tips and source code
  5. ASM4QC.ZIP                       Assembly routines for Quick C
  6. ASMWIZ15.ZIP                     Collection of Assembly Routines for Ass. Language Programmer
  7. ASYNCH.ZIP                       Serial com port communications library for C programs
  8. AWK310.ZIP                       C-like File processor;
  9. B2QV23.ZIP                       Convert GWBASIC program to QUICK Basic
  10. BADFILE.ZIP                      A program to remove leading - from files received from file 
  11. BASFRM13.ZIP                     Convert QWBasic to QB & PB format. Also formats code
  12. BASTOC.ZIP                       Convert Quickbasic to C
  13. BC30P1.ZIP                       Patch for BC++ From borland. disk 1 of 2
  14. BC30P2.ZIP                       BC++ patch correct problem in exec function Disk 2 of 2
  15. BCCAPP.ZIP                       C++ library for database design
  16. BEGINCPP.ZIP                     Some introductory C++ code examples
  17. BIGMAC.ZIP                       FS4/SEE04 library object. Put fast food icon in your images
  18. BINHELP.ZIP                      Pascal program that explains binary trees
  19. BOB13.ZIP                        Object oriented interpreter subset of C++
  20. BOSS_01.ZIP                      BOSS C src make files help files and more
  21. BOSS_L1.ZIP                      Window Boss for programmers  10.31.01 disk 1 of 9
  22. BOSS_L2.ZIP                      Disk 2 of 9
  23. BOSS_L3.ZIP                      Disk 3 of 9
  24. BOSS_L4.ZIP                      Disk 4 of 9
  25. BOSS_LB5.ZIP                     Disk 5 of 9
  26. BOSS_LB6.ZIP                     Disk 6 of 9
  27. BOSS_LB7.ZIP                     Disk 7 of 9
  28. BOSS_MAN.ZIP                     Disk 8 of 9
  29. BOSS_SP.ZIP                      Disk 9 of 9
  30. BSRC_250.ZIP                     Blinkeyterm V2.5 source code in "C"
  31. BULETQ10.ZIP                     BULLET index/DBF file mgr/QB/PDS/C/?, uses single .LIB 
  32. C-COMP.ZIP                       Small Tools C-Compiler
  33. CANEDIT2.ZIP                     Configurable input editor for QB. with source code
  34. CANSWERS.ZIP                     Answers to frequently asked questions about C++
  35. CB210.ZIP                        Reformats your C code
  36. CCOURSE.ZIP                      "C" tutoral. Extensive program
  37. CCP60B.ZIP                       Upgrade CC+ V6.0 to CC+ V6.0B Must have CC+ V6.0
  38. CDOS10.ZIP                       LIBerator 1.0, C library by TNG SOFT
  39. CDRAW.ZIP                        Drawing routines in C
  40. CE331EXE.ZIP                     (free) coded V3.31 a programmers editor
  41. CGRAM.ZIP                        Complete grammer of the C language for YAC
  42. CHINTS.ZIP                       Hints to using C
  43. CH_V001.ZIP                      preprocess C sources file to include header files
  44. CH_V001A.ZIP                     Preprocess C code to include missing header files
  45. CLARIONT.ZIP                     Clarion tutor plus demonstration disk
  46. CONG_QC.ZIP                      Congressional locator. fully functional version
  47. CTUTOR1.ZIP                      Very Good C tutorial (disk first)
  48. CTUTOR2.ZIP                      Very good C tutorial. (disk 2).
  49. CWL2F-1.ZIP                      The C windows library V2.0F Disk 1 of 7
  50. CWL2F-2.ZIP                      C windows library Disk 2 of 7
  51. CWL2F-3.ZIP                      C windows library disk 3 of 7
  52. CWL2F-4.ZIP                      C windows library Disk 4 of 7
  53. CWL2F-5.ZIP                      C windows library disk 5 of 7
  54. CWL2F-6.ZIP                      C windows library disk 6 of 7
  55. CWL2F-7.ZIP                      C windows library disk 7 of 7
  56. DB4LESS.ZIP                      Dbase Language libraries
  57. DBPCXL15.ZIP                     C library for reading writing PXfiles
  58. DBREAK_C.ZIP                     "C" routines to trap CTL-C CTL-ALT-DEL & CTL-ALT-BREAK
  59. DBVGAL17.ZIP                     VGA VESA C library with C and ASM source docs examples Incl
  60. DESIGN25.ZIP                     The Designers friend. Productivity enhancer for programmers
  61. DFLT13.ZIP                       Current Ver. of complete system of D-FLAT lib for C.
  62. DFRAME26.ZIP                     DOORFRAME QB4.5 subroutine library for developing BBS doors
  63. DINFOPRO.ZIP                     dINFO contains complete DBMS & reporting facilities..
  64. DOSREF23.ZIP                     Programmer DOS reference manual
  65. DSIIC2.ZIP                       DEsigning screen interfaces in C
  66. DVINT31.ZIP                      Interupt list for the Pc
  67. EATOUT.ZIP                       Paradox App that takes interesting look at future dining
  68. EVISION1.ZIP                     Easy to use library for text mode interfaces
  69. EXEC31.ZIP                       An EXEC function with memory swap
  70. EXPERT.ZIP                       TURBO EXPERT ??
  71. FAMFIX.ZIP                       Paradox Object fix program
  72. FGL110A.ZIP                      Graphics routines for C, C++, Pascal, Fortran & BASIC
  73. FILBUF.ZIP                       Library functions to determine what FILES/BUFFERS are set to
  74. FILESDBF.ZIP                     File catalog system for FoxPro
  75. FONTPLOT.ZIP                     C src to plot fonts in 1024X768X256, trident mode
  76. FOPEN.ZIP                        WIN3 style file open dialog
  77. FOXRPT.ZIP                       Hot new report writer for Foxpro V2.0
  78. FPICKER.ZIP                      FoxPro 2.0 to provide pick list for foxpro
  79. GET_CMT.ZIP                      Get comments from C/C++ src code
  80. GFA-WIN.ZIP                      GFA BASIC programming language for Windows
  81. GIF2EPS.ZIP                      C src for converting GIFs to EPS
  82. GIPV30A1.ZIP                     Generaic install program for programmers
  83. GLUE.ZIP                         Glues DOS programs to Windows programs
  84. GRAYCD.ZIP                       Generate gray code for a bit string
  85. GWBSU107.ZIP                     File manager in GWBASIC V3.22 code V 1.07
  86. HELPPC1.ZIP                      great programmers aid ASM, C, many other references
  87. HUGEGR.ZIP                       Illustrates coding needed to use huge arrays in VB
  88. IUEEXAMP.ZIP                     Examples for QUE'S  programming WIN 3.1
  89. JKEY01.ZIP                       FoxPro 2.0 utility that replaces browse function
  90. LB2TUTOR.ZIP                     A basic tutor program
  91. LEARNC.ZIP                       Good way to learn C language
  92. MANAGSRC.ZIP                     The Manager source files V2.82
  93. MCGA#01.ZIP                      Pascal tutoral Disk 1 of 7
  94. MCGA#02.ZIP                      Pascal tutoral disk 2 of 7
  95. MCGA#03.ZIP                      Pascal tutoral disk 3 of 7
  96. MCGA#04.ZIP                      Pascal tutoral disk 4 of 7
  97. MCGA#05.ZIP                      Pascal tutoral disk 5 of 7
  98. MCGA#06.ZIP                      Pascal tutoral disk 6 of 7
  99. MCGA#07.ZIP                      Pascal tutoral disk 7 of 7
  100. NRPAS13.ZIP                      Numerical Recipes. From the appendix of Mumerical Recipes
  101. OCLIP.ZIP                        Clipper functions for adding object orientated to clipper
  102. PASLEDIT.ZIP                     Library of String-handling routines in Satandard ANSI pascal
  103. PBASDEMO.ZIP                     HB All-purpose library for power-basic programmers
  104. PBCLON17.ZIP                     PBClone V1.7 for quick basic
  105. PBWIZ11.ZIP                      Powerbasic wizards library V1.1 Include many functions
  106. PINST110.ZIP                     Power install. Give your program a professional installation
  107. POPTXT.ZIP                       Includable unit for Turbo Pascal programmers. POP-UP help
  108. PRPAS.ZIP                        PrettyPascal V1.0 reformat Pascal source code
  109. QBASIC.ZIP                       Some simple routines for Quick basic
  110. QBTINY10.ZIP                     QBtiny replaces QuickBasic 4.5 Support library BCOM45.LIB
  111. QLIB53.ZIP                       QLIB V5.3 Library of subroutines. with hundreds of functions
  112. QSEARCH.ZIP                      Find string, file & copy file routines in "C"
  113. QTONE10S.ZIP                     Programming utility Quickly prepare PC speaker sound affects
  114. REALIZER.ZIP                     Create Windpws APPS without complicated programming
  115. RFC79X.ZIP                       RFC790-799 includes TCP spec. & IP spec
  116. RPTCLIP5.ZIP                     Linkable report writer Clipper 5.01 - Big update
  117. SBTS.ZIP                         Soundblaster routines for TP6
  118. SCRN-BAS.ZIP                     Basic screen builder
  119. SEE4L3.ZIP                       FS$/ASD/SEE04 library objects. Mainly aircraft related
  120. SHOW_PCX.ZIP                     Turbo pascal .PCX subroutines from ZSOFT
  121. SMAK126.ZIP                      Alternative to commercial MAKE utilities, Simple and easy
  122. SNIP0792.ZIP                     7/92 C_Echo Snippets. Courtesy of Bob Stout.
  123. SPCFONT.ZIP                      Remapping of VGA-chars
  124. TCCURSES.ZIP                     A port of the UNIX curses library to Turbo C. Very good
  125. TPAPI1.ZIP                       OOP Turbo Pascal API's for Novell Netware
  126. TPWIN31.ZIP                      Turbo Pascal For Windows 3.1 compatabillity files
  127. TURBCTUT.ZIP                     Turbo C++ tutor
  128. TVED_FIX.ZIP                     Patches for EDITORS.PAS TP6 Unit
  129. UE39DOC.ZIP                      Helpfull DOCs for CE331EXE.zip
  130. U_HEAP.ZIP                       Routine for TP6.0 to extend the heap into UMB
  131. VC152.ZIP                        Visual compare. Compare two programs source files
  132. WASM211.ZIP                      Wolfware's Assembler v2.11
  133. WEDL120.ZIP                      A collection of "C" functions for WIndows
  134. WGT_TP1.ZIP                      Word up graphics toolkit. Turbo Pascal 256 color system
  135. WHEREBAS.ZIP                     Nice little program to find files. In .BAS format
  136. WINDEM.ZIP                       FoxPro 2.0 utility that shows how windows can be used
  137. WWIV421S.ZIP                     Source code for WWIV V4.21
  138. XMSIF.ZIP                        "C" interface to XMS functions