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File List  |  1992-08-07  |  4KB  |  60 lines

  1. 386PCBDV.ZIP                     Run PCBoard BBS on an 80386 w DESQVIEW.
  2. ACCTEST.ZIP                      All Charge Card test programs.
  3. ACTSK.ZIP                        Brings up SIDEKICK from DESQVIEW window.
  4. ADEDT301.ZIP                     A small editor that is DV aware.
  5. ALLCC205.ZIP                     All Charge Card Drivers.
  6. ALLDOC20.ZIP                     All Charge Card Documents.
  7. ALLEMM4C.ZIP                     All Charge Card Driver.
  8. ALLREMMS.ZIP                     AST Remm.sys ver. 3.1/3.3/4.1/4.3 4.31
  9. API.ZIP                          Prelim. notes on DV API.
  10. APIPSAMP.ZIP                     Partial update to API_EXAM.ZIP [1/3].
  11. APISHARE.ZIP                     Example programs source using shared memory
  12. APITOOLS.ZIP                     Partial update to API_EXAM.ZIP [3/3].
  13. ASCIITBL.ZIP                     DESQview aware ASCII table.
  14. BALLPT.ZIP                       Patch for DV to make Ballpoint mouse work
  15. BBSDVNOD.ZIP                     DV setup for multiline work window.
  16. BEC-BBS.ZIP                      Info on running PCBOARD and DESQVIEW.
  17. BG.ZIP                           Force DV window to BackGround.
  18. BOARDS.ZIP                       Manifest reports on EMS 4.0 boards.
  19. BOYAN4DV.ZIP                     Run BOYAN comm prg under DV.
  20. BYLOAD.ZIP                       Run Byon V3 in a desqview window
  21. CALCDV.ZIP                       DESQview aware calculator with C source code.
  22. CHAT.ZIP                         Split screen CHAT for Opus v1.03.
  23. CHKDV.ZIP                        ASM source to make programs Desqview aware.
  24. CHKMEM.ZIP                       Quick free memory checker.
  25. CKOT11.ZIP                       CHECKOUT v1.1 DV aware Virus checker arch
  26. CLD2_120.ZIP                     Swap Opus to disk/enlarge memory for an outsi
  27. CLKWATCH.ZIP                     Fixes system clock time loss under DV.
  28. CLOCK01.ZIP                      Another clock under Desqview.
  29. CMD20.ZIP                        Control DV remotely or between windows.
  30. CMONITOR.ZIP                     Carrier detect restart shared program.
  31. CNTDWN.ZIP                       Simple DV asware countdown timer pgm.
  32. COLORTBL.ZIP                     DESQview aware color table with C source code
  33. COMM3N4.ZIP                      TECnote on using COM3 and COM4 in DV.
  34. CONCURE.ZIP                      Determine a system's multitasking capability.
  35. CRON12.ZIP                       UNIX like event timer works under DV.
  36. CUT11.ZIP                        DV aware CUT files into smaller sizes.
  37. CVT100.ZIP                       Interrupt drive for VT100 under DV.
  38. DESQ-RB.ZIP                      DESQview script to close another window.
  39. DESQC20.ZIP                      Example routines for TC 2.0.
  40. DESQHELP.ZIP                     Advice for getting the most out of DV 386.
  41. DESQINFO.ZIP                     How to use DESQview with modem progams. 386 v
  42. DESQTEST.ZIP                     Desqview tester program
  43. DESQV_X.ZIP                      Information on coming DESQview/Xwindow produc
  44. DNANSI.ZIP                       DV aware ANSI.COM TSR from BNU author.
  45. DOS4BUG.ZIP                      Information on DOS 4.0 bug conflict with Desq
  46. DOS5.TEC                         TEC note from QUARTERDECK about DOS 5 compati
  47. DOSWINDO.ZIP                     Creative use of DOS Window in Desqview.
  48. DOS_5.QEM                        DOS 5.0 and QEMM working together
  49. DPC.ZIP                          Printer control for DV 1.x.
  50. DRDOS6.ZIP                       TEC Note on using DRDOS 6.0 with QEMM
  51. DVC18.ZIP                        Comand line utility for DesqView
  52. DVCPY101.ZIP                     DESQview aware copy utility
  53. DVFAQ6.ZIP                       FAQ for DV/QEMM includes DV/X hlp format
  54. DVINTS.ZIP                       Use Bitfax software with Desqview
  55. DVPED1_0.ZIP                     A Desqview program information file editor
  56. DVTMAN11.ZIP                     DV taskmanger automate DV windows
  57. EX13FL.ZIP                       Exception 13 TEC Flow Chart
  58. SPAWN15.ZIP                      Desqview utility to run DOS commands in the backround
  59. SSTOR.ZIP                        TEC Note on using QEMM with SSTOR