The Devil's Doorknob BBS Capture (1996-2003)
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║ LBM2GIF - V.2.02 ║
║ Copyright (c)July 30,1989 By John Jordan ║
This program will display and convert Deluxe Paint II or Amiga HAM/IFF
graphics files to GIF files. This version supports the CGA, EGA, VGA, Tandy
1000 and Hercules modes where appropriate.
Special Note #1: The Tandy mode may or may not work as it has not been
fully tested on a Tandy 1000.
Special Note #2: This version doesn't handle odd size GRABbed brush files.
I am working on that enhancement now.
Usage: LBM2GIF DPIIfile[.LBM] [C][H][E][T][V][V2][EG][VG][/NK]
LBM2GIF AmigaFile.HAM [AmigaFile.IFF] [V][V2][VG] [D][ND][/NK]
H - Hercules
T - Tandy 1000**
V - VGA*
V2 - EGA/VGA 16 out of 256k*
EG - EGA/VGA 16 Shades Of Grey*
VG - VGA 256 Shades Of Grey*
D - Display Amiga HAM/IFF files*
ND - No Display of Amiga HAM/IFF files
/NK - No wait for a keypress - for batch convertion
* These modes require a VGA or S-VGA board
** This mode requires a Tandy 1000
(Default is closest screen mode of file)
A beep will sound when the LBM file is done displaying
And another when the GIF file has been created
Modes Supported:
CGA - 320x200x4
CGA - 640x200x2
EGA - 320x200x16 out of 64
EGA - 640x200x16 out of 64
EGA - 640x350x16 out of 64
VGA - 320x200x256 out of 256k
VGA - 640x480x2 out of 256k
EGA/VGA - 320x200x16 out of 256k
EGA/VGA - 640x200x16 out of 256k
EGA/VGA - 640x350x16 out of 256k
EGA/VGA - 640x480x16 out of 256k
Hercules - 720x348x2
Tandy 1000 - 320x200x16
Included Files:
LBM2GIF.EXE - LBM/HAM/IFF to GIF convertion program
HAM.OVL - Amiga HAM/IFF conversion overlay
SAMPLE.HAM - A sample Amiga HAM file
LBM2GIF.DOC - This file
REGISTER.DOC - ShareWare registration
ALL_LBM.BAT - Batch file to automatically convert all LBM
files in directory
ALL_HAM.BAT - Batch file to automatically convert all HAM
files in directory
LBM2GIF now has the ability to convert all of the LBM or HAM or IFF files
in a directory using a batch file.
Syntax: ALL_LBM - will convert all of the LBM files in the directory
Syntax: ALL_HAM [ND] - will convert all of the HAM files in the directory
Where: ND is for no display of the Amiga files
CAUTION!! - LBM2GIF does not check for the correct video card installed.
Unpredictable results if you do not have the correct video card in your
The special MVGA 320x400x256 mode requires a register compatable VGA board.
This program was tested on an STB VGA Extra/EM but should work on all VGA
boards, including the Orchid Designer (with the VGA palette capture problem).
For 360k floppy disk users, some files may be too large to fit on a single
floppy. If so, you will need to put a disk in drive A: with COMMAND.COM, the
LBM2GIF files, your LBM file and a blank formatted disk in B: drive. Otherwise
for RAMdisk or HardDisk, put all of LBM2GIF in the same directory.
For the 640x480x16 mode, you will need a minimum of 380k of free memory.
Additional Notes:
While working on this program, I discovered that DPII's CAMERA.COM screen
capture program won't, in some instances, capture the EGA 640x350x16 palette
correctly. If you have this problem, try to use the VGA 640x480x16 mode for
display instead.
Future enhancements and programs:
Improved speed
Reduced memory overhead
Better palette selection for Amiga HAM/IFF files
LBM to RIX Softworks ColoRix files
LBM to BLD files for use with Lawrence Gozum's EGA2VGA and VGACAD
And anything else I can dream up
Much thanks and appreciation to Lawrence Gozum without whose help and
support this project wouldn't have happened.
And a thank you to Tom Potocki who got me started on this program in the
first place.
Also much thanks to Steven Bennett and David Ogle for a lot of information
on the Amiga HAM conversion process.
And a big thank you to Don Babcock for a lot of the GIF ASM stuff, both
help and code.
This is a shareware program. If you like it and use it, a donation of $15 sure
would be appreciated.
John Jordan
1850 W.58th
Davenport IA 52806
│ GIF and Graphics Interchange Format are trademarks(tm) of │
│ CompuServe Inc., an H&R Block Company. │
│ │
│ Deluxe Paint II and LBM are trademarks of Electronic Arts │
│ │
│ ColoRIX is a trademark of RIX Softworks Inc. │
│ │
│ Amiga,HAM, and IFF are trademarks of Commodore-Amiga │
│ │
│ PICTOR and GRASP are trademarks of Paul Mace Software │