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109 lines
Short: Replacement for WB2+ 'Execute', V1.2
Author: nick.christie@oucs.ox.ac.uk (Nick Christie)
Uploader: nick.christie@oucs.ox.ac.uk (Nick Christie)
Version: 1.2
Type: util/wb
Requires: dev/gui/BGUI12.lha, AmigaOS V2.04+.
ShellBench is a replacement for the Workbench Execute requester. It
opens a small window on the default public screen, with a string
gadget for typing in the desired command. The string gadget supports
filename completion with the TAB key and keeps a command history
buffer. The excellent BGUI library by Jan van den Baard provides
font-sensitive gadget layout in a resizeable window.
Via tooltypes and an options window, ShellBench offers fine control
over the execution environment of launched programs, including task
priority, stack size and current directory. In addition to using
ShellBench on-demand for executing individual Shell commands, you can
also quickly set up project icons that run Shell programs in highly
configurable environments.
o AmigaOS V2.04 / Kickstart V37 or higher.
o bgui.library V38 or higher (not included).
Recent History:
1.2 (22.12.95)
Bug fix: Completely screwed up locale catalog generation. Now it will
actually work with the supplied catalogs.
V1.1 (30.11.95)
Bug fix: tab filename completion wouldn't work if text gadget filter
was set in IControl Preferences.
Bug fix: Shift + Tab and other pattern matching operations would
remove the trailing slash '/' if the pattern used was something like
Bug fix: LANGUAGE keyword had no effect previously.
Bug fix: Changed key assignment of 'Output' gadget in Options window
(English catalog) to avoid clash with 'Okay' gadget.
Bug fix: Now requires only V37 of asl.library, not V38.
New: Added STRINGA_MinCharsVisible tag to stack and priority options
New: MATCHINFO tooltype, if FALSE, excludes '.info' files from all
pattern matching. Default is TRUE, ie. '.info' files are included.
New: Rearranged Options window layout slightly; added 'Match .info'
checkbox to Options window and changed 'Exp.Wild' gadget label to
'Expand Wild' in English catalog.
New: Added on-line (synchronous) help accessed by pressing Help key.
Now uses Shift + Help to insert filenames using a requester.
New: Added French and Italian catalogs.
Changed: GUIDEFILE tooltype is now called GUIDENAME.
Changed: Removed BGUI library from distribution archive.
Changed: Guide enhanced with AmigaGuide V40 formatting commands, but
entirely compatible with older versions.
$VER: ShellBench.readme 1.2 (22.12.95)
============================= Archive contents =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
993 540 45.6% 30-Nov-95 23:14:48 ShellBench.info
993 538 45.8% 20-Nov-95 00:11:42 +Catalogs.info
1144 564 50.6% 20-Nov-95 00:11:32 +Français.info
2758 1240 55.0% 22-Dec-95 01:15:24 +ShellBench.catalog
8706 2885 66.8% 22-Dec-95 01:15:24 +ShellBench_Francais.ct
1144 566 50.5% 20-Nov-95 00:11:40 +Italiano.info
2824 1243 55.9% 22-Dec-95 01:15:26 +ShellBench.catalog
8816 2892 67.1% 22-Dec-95 01:15:26 +ShellBench_Italiano.ct
6795 2075 69.4% 30-Nov-95 22:25:32 +ShellBench.cd
6532 2058 68.4% 22-Dec-95 01:03:42 +ShellBench.ct
3853 1789 53.5% 30-Nov-95 22:24:30 +Translators.readme
1714 1173 31.5% 30-Nov-95 23:05:36 +def_ShellBench.info
993 541 45.5% 30-Nov-95 23:08:00 +Icons.info
1294 733 43.3% 30-Nov-95 23:08:00 +def_ShellBench.4clr.info
2101 1106 47.3% 30-Nov-95 23:08:00 +ShellBench.4clr.info
25024 13433 46.3% 22-Dec-95 01:21:58 +ShellBench
44406 13577 69.4% 22-Dec-95 01:22:40 +ShellBench.guide
1433 935 34.7% 20-Nov-95 00:11:16 +ShellBench.guide.info
2581 1616 37.3% 20-Nov-95 00:13:30 +ShellBench.info
7707 2118 72.5% 22-Dec-95 01:24:16 +ShellBench.install
1982 1092 44.9% 20-Nov-95 00:11:16 +ShellBench.install.info
2843 1455 48.8% 22-Dec-95 01:25:28 +ShellBench.pi
1391 600 56.8% 20-Nov-95 00:11:16 +ShellBench.pi.info
2625 1356 48.3% 22-Dec-95 01:26:12 +ShellBench.readme
1448 703 51.4% 20-Nov-95 00:11:16 +ShellBench.readme.info
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
142100 56828 60.0% 23-Dec-95 15:26:54 25 files