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Short: Addictive Jump'n'Run preview
Author: christ@apollo.roskildees.dk
Uploader: christ@apollo.roskildees.dk
Type: game/demo
Action: NoAGA; PAL; NoQuit
This is a 2 stage preview of the game Jimmy's fantastic journey.
In intro use space to enter optionsscreen
In game use 'P' to pause game, 'Esc' to Quit.
Save hi-score:
From the options screen it's possible to save the
highscore. Remember always to write-enable disk,
before saving. (NOT INCLUDED IN PREVIEW)
The game consists of 24 stages located at four different
places called: House of fun, Deepspace melon, In the woods and
Hectic Harbour.
You will have to guide Jimmy through these levels to
complete the game. You will meet a lot of monsters on the way
who will try to prevent you from completing your quest.
But Jimmy is a skilled bubblegum shot, and the monsters can be
killed by shooting them with the gum bubbles. Futhermore the
bubbles can, and must, be used as platforms.
Sometimes when an ememy is killed a $ bonusball appears, you can
either just take it and get extra points, or you can shoot at it
to make it change into a bonus weapon or extra life.
The more $ bonusballs you pickup the more weapons you will have
to choose from. There are a lot of secret passages, and rooms in
the game, try to find them as they will often make your quest
a hole lot easier.
Programmed/Produced by Christian Hessenbruch
Graphic by Henrik Lund Mikkelsen and Christophe Branche
Music by Raphael Gesqua
Sound effects by David A. filskov and Sune M. Pedersen
Featuring Stunning graphic, lots of secret levels and rooms
Minumum is an Amiga 500 with 1 MB ram.
I made this game a little year ago, because i really
longed for a nice platform game. So i looked at some
of my favorite games ie. GianaSisters, Mario Bros.,
Bubble bobble etc. and came up with : Jimmy's!
The game was (is) destributed through EuroPowerPack A/S as
a low-budget game in Germany, Denmark and the rest of scandinavia.
But because Commodore went banckroupt most shops has
stopped selling Amiga games, and therefore i've decided to
spread this demo through Aminet, so that at least some
Amiga owners get the chance to try it.
I hope you like it. And if you'd like the full version of this
game please contact:
Europower pack A/S
Klokkestoebervej 7
9490 Pandrup
Tel. +45 98204122
Or write to me direct (Include $10 or equal in other currency) :
Christian Hessenbruch
Moesgaarden 73
4000 Roskilde
Any commentes, questions, jokes etc. are welcome at:
If you'd like to see my current project and other interresting
stuff try visiting : http://apollo.roskildees.dk/~christ
============================= Archive contents =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
6434 4269 33.6% 23-Nov-93 12:50:18 +Jimmy_Pic2b.iff.info
6434 4727 26.5% 23-Nov-93 12:50:44 +Jimmy_Pic3.iff.info
6434 5262 18.2% 23-Nov-93 12:51:08 +Jimmy_Pic4.iff.info
6434 5190 19.3% 23-Nov-93 12:51:32 +Jimmy_Pic4b.iff.info
6434 5338 17.0% 23-Nov-93 12:52:22 +Jimmy_Pic4c.iff.info
6434 5046 21.5% 23-Nov-93 12:51:58 +Jimmy_Pic4f.iff.info
6434 5240 18.5% 23-Nov-93 12:49:16 +Jimmy_Pic1.iff.info
6434 4251 33.9% 23-Nov-93 12:49:56 +Jimmy_Pic2.iff.info
24700 8840 64.2% 23-Nov-93 14:50:28 +Jimmy_Pic3.iff
33502 14523 56.6% 23-Nov-93 14:01:08 +Jimmy_Pic4.iff
32644 13653 58.1% 23-Nov-93 14:10:42 +Jimmy_Pic4b.iff
33862 14610 56.8% 23-Nov-93 14:21:38 +Jimmy_Pic4c.iff
27562 7892 71.3% 01-Jan-80 00:11:12 +Jimmy_Pic4f.iff
196720 173696 11.7% 23-Nov-93 12:41:06 Jimmys.exe
3060 1551 49.3% 23-Nov-93 12:41:54 Jimmys.readme
21842 8317 61.9% 23-Nov-93 14:46:46 +Jimmy_Pic1.iff
35770 12378 65.3% 23-Nov-93 14:47:46 +Jimmy_Pic2.iff
23800 7540 68.3% 23-Nov-93 14:43:20 +Jimmy_Pic2b.iff
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484934 302323 37.6% 07-Nov-95 02:47:26 18 files