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C/C++ Source or Header  |  1998-03-26  |  5KB  |  119 lines

  2. // Microsoft Developer Studio generated include file.
  3. // Used by docktool.rc
  4. //
  5. #define IDD_ABOUTBOX                    100
  6. #define IDC_EDITBAR_SEARCHBOX           101
  7. #define IDB_PALETTE                     106
  8. #define IDR_MAINFRAME                   128
  9. #define IDR_TEXTTYPE                    129
  10. #define IDR_RESOURCEBAR                 131
  11. #define IDR_COLOR_RESOURCEBAR           131
  12. #define IDR_EDITBAR                     132
  13. #define IDR_EDITBARVERT                 132
  14. #define IDR_COLOR_EDITBARVERT           132
  15. #define IDR_COLOR_EDITBAR               132
  16. #define IDR_BROWSEBAR                   133
  17. #define IDR_COLOR_BROWSEBAR             133
  18. #define IDR_DEBUGBAR                    134
  19. #define IDR_COLOR_DEBUGBAR              134
  20. #define IDD_TOOLBAR                     135
  21. #define IDB_BITMAP1                     136
  22. #define IDR_EDITBARHORZ                 136
  23. #define IDR_MONO_EDITBARHORZ            136
  24. #define IDR_COLOR_MAINBAR               137
  25. #define IDR_TOOLBAR                     138
  26. #define IDR_MONO_DEBUGBAR               140
  27. #define IDR_COLOR_EDITBARHORZ           141
  28. #define IDR_MONO_EDITBARVERT            142
  29. #define IDR_MONO_EDITBAR                142
  30. #define IDR_MONO_MAINBAR                143
  31. #define IDR_MONO_RESOURCEBAR            144
  32. #define IDR_MONO_BROWSEBAR              147
  33. #define IDR_COLOR_PALETTEBAR            148
  34. #define IDR_MONO_PALETTEBAR             149
  35. #define IDC_MAIN                        1000
  36. #define IDC_DEBUG                       1001
  37. #define IDC_RESOURCE                    1002
  38. #define IDC_EDIT                        1003
  39. #define IDC_BROWSE                      1004
  40. #define IDC_PALETTE                     1005
  41. #define IDC_SHOW                        1006
  42. #define IDC_HIDE                        1007
  43. #define IDC_FOUR                        1011
  44. #define IDC_SIX                         1012
  45. #define IDC_COLOR                       1013
  46. #define IDC_TWO                         1014
  47. #define IDC_BW                          1015
  48. #define IDC_THREE                       1016
  49. #define ID_EDIT_BM_TOGGLE               32774
  50. #define ID_EDIT_BM_NEXT                 32775
  51. #define ID_EDIT_BM_PREV                 32776
  52. #define ID_EDIT_BM_CLEARALL             32777
  53. #define ID_EDIT_FINDINFILES             32778
  54. #define ID_EDIT_INDENT                  32779
  55. #define ID_EDIT_UNINDENT                32780
  56. #define ID_RESOURCE_NEWMENU             32781
  57. #define ID_RESOURCE_NEWCURSOR           32782
  58. #define ID_RESOURCE_NEWICON             32783
  59. #define ID_RESOURCE_NEWBITMAP           32784
  60. #define ID_RESOURCE_NEWSTRINGTABLE      32785
  62. #define ID_RESOURCE_NEWVERSION          32787
  63. #define ID_DEBUG_RESTART                32788
  64. #define ID_DEBUG_STOPDEBUGGING          32789
  65. #define ID_DEBUG_STEPINTO               32790
  66. #define ID_DEBUG_STEPOUT                32791
  67. #define ID_DEBUG_STEPOVER               32792
  68. #define ID_DEBUG_RUNTOCURSOR            32793
  69. #define ID_DEBUG_QUICKWATCH             32794
  70. #define ID_DEBUG_WATCH                  32795
  71. #define ID_DEBUG_LOCALS                 32796
  72. #define ID_DEBUG_REGISTERS              32797
  73. #define ID_DEBUG_MEMORY                 32798
  74. #define ID_DEBUG_CALLSTACK              32799
  75. #define ID_DEBUG_DISASSEMBLY            32800
  76. #define ID_BROWSE_GOTODEFINITION        32801
  77. #define ID_BROWSE_GOTOREFERENCE         32802
  78. #define ID_BROWSE_FILEOUTLINE           32803
  79. #define ID_BROWSE_CLASSGRAPH            32804
  80. #define ID_BROWSE_REVERSECLASSGRAPH     32805
  81. #define ID_TOOLS_TOOLBAR                32806
  82. #define ID_PALETTE_ERASE                32808
  83. #define ID_PALETTE_PEN                  32809
  84. #define ID_PALETTE_SELECT               32810
  85. #define ID_PALETTE_BRUSH                32811
  86. #define ID_PALETTE_AIRBRUSH             32813
  87. #define ID_PALETTE_FILL                 32814
  88. #define ID_PALETTE_LINE                 32815
  89. #define ID_PALETTE_EYEDROP              32816
  90. #define ID_PALETTE_ZOOM                 32817
  91. #define ID_PALETTE_RECTANGLE            32818
  92. #define ID_PALETTE_FRAME                32819
  93. #define ID_PALETTE_OVAL                 32820
  94. #define ID_RETURN                       32821
  95. #define ID_TOOLBARS_MAIN                32822
  96. #define ID_TOOLBARS_BROWSE              32823
  97. #define ID_TOOLBARS_DEBUG               32824
  98. #define ID_TOOLBARS_EDIT                32825
  99. #define ID_TOOLBARS_PALETTE             32826
  100. #define ID_TOOLBARS_RESOURCE            32827
  101. #define IDW_MAIN_BAR                    0xE800
  102. #define IDW_RESOURCE_BAR                0xE804
  103. #define IDW_DEBUG_BAR                   0xE805
  104. #define IDW_EDIT_BAR                    0xE806
  105. #define IDW_BROWSE_BAR                  0xE807
  106. #define IDW_PALETTE_BAR                 0xE808
  108. // Next default values for new objects
  109. //
  110. #ifdef APSTUDIO_INVOKED
  112. #define _APS_3D_CONTROLS                     1
  113. #define _APS_NEXT_RESOURCE_VALUE        139
  114. #define _APS_NEXT_COMMAND_VALUE         32829
  115. #define _APS_NEXT_CONTROL_VALUE         1016
  116. #define _APS_NEXT_SYMED_VALUE           108
  117. #endif
  118. #endif