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/ Software of the Month Club 1995 December / SOFM_Dec1995.bin / pc / os2 / vpascal / lib / os2lib / pmwin.def < prev    next >
Text File  |  1995-10-31  |  8KB  |  251 lines

  4.   WinAddAtom                @700
  5.   WinAlarm                  @701
  6.   WinBeginEnumWindows       @702
  7.   WinBeginPaint             @703
  8.   WinCalcFrameRect          @704
  9.   WinCancelShutdown         @705
  10.   WinCloseClipbrd           @707
  11.   WinCompareStrings         @708
  12.   WinCopyAccelTable         @709
  13.   WinCopyRect               @710
  14.   WinCpTranslateChar        @711
  15.   WinCpTranslateString      @712
  16.   WinCreateAccelTable       @713
  17.   WinCreateAtomTable        @714
  18.   WinCreateCursor           @715
  19.   WinCreateMsgQueue         @716
  20.   WinCreatePointer          @717
  21.   WinDdeInitiate            @718
  22.   WinDdePostMsg             @719
  23.   WinDdeRespond             @720
  24.   WinDeleteAtom             @721
  25.   WinDeleteLibrary          @722
  26.   WinDestroyAccelTable      @723
  27.   WinDestroyAtomTable       @724
  28.   WinDestroyCursor          @725
  29.   WinDestroyMsgQueue        @726
  30.   WinDestroyPointer         @727
  31.   WinDestroyWindow          @728
  32.   WinDismissDlg             @729
  33.   WinDrawBitmap             @730
  34.   WinDrawBorder             @731
  35.   WinDrawPointer            @732
  36.   WinEmptyClipbrd           @733
  37.   WinEnablePhysInput        @734
  38.   WinEnableWindow           @735
  39.   WinEnableWindowUpdate     @736
  40.   WinEndEnumWindows         @737
  41.   WinEndPaint               @738
  42.   WinEnumClipbrdFmts        @739
  43.   WinEnumDlgItem            @740
  44.   WinEqualRect              @741
  45.   WinExcludeUpdateRegion    @742
  46.   WinFillRect               @743
  47.   WinFindAtom               @744
  48.   WinFlashWindow            @745
  49.   WinFocusChange            @746
  50.   WinFreeErrorInfo          @748
  51.   WinGetClipPS              @749
  52.   WinGetCurrentTime         @750
  53.   WinGetErrorInfo           @751
  54.   WinGetKeyState            @752
  55.   WinGetLastError           @753
  56.   WinGetMaxPosition         @754
  57.   WinGetMinPosition         @755
  58.   WinGetNextWindow          @756
  59.   WinGetPS                  @757
  60.   WinGetPhysKeyState        @758
  61.   WinGetScreenPS            @759
  62.   WinGetSysBitmap           @760
  63.   WinInSendMsg              @761
  64.   WinInflateRect            @762
  65.   WinInitialize             @763
  66.   WinIntersectRect          @764
  67.   WinInvalidateRect         @765
  68.   WinInvalidateRegion       @766
  69.   WinInvertRect             @767
  70.   WinIsChild                @768
  71.   WinIsPhysInputEnabled     @769
  72.   WinIsRectEmpty            @770
  73.   WinIsThreadActive         @771
  74.   WinIsWindow               @772
  75.   WinIsWindowEnabled        @773
  76.   WinIsWindowShowing        @774
  77.   WinIsWindowVisible        @775
  78.   WinLoadAccelTable         @776
  79.   WinLoadLibrary            @777
  80.   WinLoadMenu               @778
  81.   WinLoadMessage            @779
  82.   WinLoadPointer            @780
  83.   WinLoadString             @781
  84.   WinLockVisRegions         @782
  85.   WinLockWindowUpdate       @784
  86.   WinMakePoints             @785
  87.   WinMakeRect               @786
  88.   WinMapDlgPoints           @787
  89.   WinMapWindowPoints        @788
  90.   WinMessageBox             @789
  91.   WinMsgSemWait             @790
  92.   WinNextChar               @791
  93.   WinOffsetRect             @792
  94.   WinOpenClipbrd            @793
  95.   WinOpenWindowDC           @794
  96.   WinPrevChar               @795
  97.   WinProcessDlg             @796
  98.   WinPtInRect               @797
  99.   WinQueryAccelTable        @798
  100.   WinQueryActiveWindow      @799
  101.   WinQueryAnchorBlock       @800
  102.   WinQueryAtomLength        @801
  103.   WinQueryAtomName          @802
  104.   WinQueryAtomUsage         @803
  105.   WinQueryCapture           @804
  106.   WinQueryClassName         @805
  107.   WinQueryClipbrdData       @806
  108.   WinQueryClipbrdFmtInfo    @807
  109.   WinQueryClipbrdOwner      @808
  110.   WinQueryClipbrdViewer     @809
  111.   WinQueryCp                @810
  112.   WinQueryCpList            @811
  113.   WinQueryCursorInfo        @812
  114.   WinQueryDesktopWindow     @813
  115.   WinQueryDlgItemShort      @814
  116.   WinQueryDlgItemText       @815
  117.   WinQueryDlgItemTextLength @816
  118.   WinQueryFocus             @817
  119.   WinQueryMsgPos            @818
  120.   WinQueryMsgTime           @819
  121.   WinQueryObjectWindow      @820
  122.   WinQueryPointer           @821
  123.   WinQueryPointerInfo       @822
  124.   WinQueryPointerPos        @823
  125.   WinQueryQueueInfo         @824
  126.   WinQueryQueueStatus       @825
  127.   WinQuerySysColor          @826
  128.   WinQuerySysModalWindow    @827
  129.   WinQuerySysPointer        @828
  130.   WinQuerySysValue          @829
  131.   WinQuerySystemAtomTable   @830
  132.   WinQueryUpdateRect        @831
  133.   WinQueryUpdateRegion      @832
  134.   WinQueryVersion           @833
  135.   WinQueryWindow            @834
  136.   WinQueryWindowDC          @835
  137.   WinQueryWindowPos         @837
  138.   WinQueryWindowProcess     @838
  139.   WinQueryWindowPtr         @839
  140.   WinQueryWindowRect        @840
  141.   WinQueryWindowText        @841
  142.   WinQueryWindowTextLength  @842
  143.   WinQueryWindowULong       @843
  144.   WinQueryWindowUShort      @844
  145.   WinRegisterUserDatatype   @845
  146.   WinRegisterUserMsg        @846
  147.   WinReleasePS              @848
  148.   WinScrollWindow           @849
  149.   WinSetAccelTable          @850
  150.   WinSetActiveWindow        @851
  151.   WinSetCapture             @852
  152.   WinSetClassMsgInterest    @853
  153.   WinSetClipbrdData         @854
  154.   WinSetClipbrdOwner        @855
  155.   WinSetClipbrdViewer       @856
  156.   WinSetCp                  @857
  157.   WinSetDlgItemShort        @858
  158.   WinSetDlgItemText         @859
  159.   WinSetFocus               @860
  160.   WinSetMsgInterest         @861
  161.   WinSetMsgMode             @862
  162.   WinSetMultWindowPos       @863
  163.   WinSetOwner               @864
  164.   WinSetParent              @865
  165.   WinSetPointer             @866
  166.   WinSetPointerPos          @867
  167.   WinSetRect                @868
  168.   WinSetRectEmpty           @869
  169.   WinSetSynchroMode         @870
  170.   WinSetSysColors           @871
  171.   WinSetSysModalWindow      @872
  172.   WinSetSysValue            @873
  173.   WinSetWindowBits          @874
  174.   WinSetWindowPos           @875
  175.   WinSetWindowPtr           @876
  176.   WinSetWindowText          @877
  177.   WinSetWindowULong         @878
  178.   WinSetWindowUShort        @879
  179.   WinShowCursor             @880
  180.   WinShowPointer            @881
  181.   WinShowTrackRect          @882
  182.   WinShowWindow             @883
  183.   WinStartTimer             @884
  184.   WinStopTimer              @885
  185.   WinSubstituteStrings      @886
  186.   WinSubtractRect           @887
  187.   WinTerminate              @888
  188.   WinTrackRect              @890
  189.   WinUnionRect              @891
  190.   WinUpdateWindow           @892
  191.   WinUpper                  @893
  192.   WinUpperChar              @894
  193.   WinValidateRect           @895
  194.   WinValidateRegion         @896
  195.   WinWaitMsg                @897
  196.   WinWindowFromDC           @898
  197.   WinWindowFromID           @899
  198.   WinWindowFromPoint        @900
  199.   WinBroadcastMsg           @901
  200.   WinPostQueueMsg           @902
  201.   WinSendDlgItemMsg         @903
  202.   WinTranslateAccel         @904
  203.   WinCallMsgFilter          @905
  204.   WinCreateFrameControls    @906
  205.   WinCreateMenu             @907
  206.   WinCreateStdWindow        @908
  207.   WinCreateWindow           @909
  208.   WinDefDlgProc             @910
  209.   WinDefWindowProc          @911
  210.   WinDispatchMsg            @912
  211.   WinDrawText               @913
  212.   WinGetDlgMsg              @914
  213.   WinGetMsg                 @915
  214.   WinMsgMuxSemWait          @916
  215.   WinMultWindowFromIDs      @917
  216.   WinPeekMsg                @918
  217.   WinPostMsg                @919
  218.   WinSendMsg                @920
  219.   WinSetKeyboardStateTable  @921
  220.   WinCreateDlg              @922
  221.   WinDlgBox                 @923
  222.   WinLoadDlg                @924
  223.   WinQueryClassInfo         @925
  224.   WinRegisterClass          @926
  225.   WinReleaseHook            @927
  226.   WinSetHook                @928
  227.   WinSubclassWindow         @929
  228.   WinSetClassThunkProc      @930
  229.   WinQueryClassThunkProc    @931
  230.   WinSetWindowThunkProc     @932
  231.   WinQueryWindowThunkProc   @933
  232.   WinQueryWindowModel       @934
  233.   WinSetDesktopBkgnd        @935
  234.   WinQueryDesktopBkgnd      @936
  235.   WinPopupMenu              @937
  236.   WinSetPresParam           @938
  237.   WinQueryPresParam         @939
  238.   WinRemovePresParam        @940
  239.   WinRealizePalette         @941
  240.   WinCreatePointerIndirect  @942
  241.   WinSaveWindowPos          @943
  242.   WinGetErasePS             @952
  243.   WinReleaseErasePS         @953
  244.   WinSetPointerOwner        @971
  245.   WinSetErrorInfo           @977
  246.   WinWaitEventSem           @978
  247.   WinRequestMutexSem        @979
  248.   WinWaitMuxWaitSem         @980
  249.   WinLoadProcedure          @986
  250.   WinDeleteProcedure        @987