World of Ham Radio 1997
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KD5ON Software
Steve Brown
2940 Koop Road
Lima, Ohio 45807 USA
Phone (419) 999-2186 (evenings & weekends)
Prices as of Janurary, 1994
Quantity Price Total
_______ DX-OnLine $ 20.00 _______.___
Ohio residents, please include 6% sales tax _______.___
Overseas Shipping (please add $2.00 per item) _______.___
(Not required for U.S.A., FPOs, APOs, Canada or Mexico)
Order Total ** _______.___
Payment: ___ Check ___ Money Order (**** DO NOT SEND CASH ****)
Programs supplied on 3-1/2" HD Diskettes unless otherwise requested
___3-1/2" HD ___5-1/4" HD ___5-1/4" SD
Mail to: Name ___________________________________ Call _____________
Address ___________________________________
Mail a check or money order payable to "KD5ON Software", in US dollars,
drawn on a US bank. A Canadian Postal Money Order in US Dollars is acceptable.
Sorry, no C.O.D.s.
Comments (Suggestions, Problems,etc):
DX OnLine
KD5ON Software
Steve Brown
2940 Koop Road
Lima, Ohio 45807
(419) 999-2187
DX OnLine is an antenna bearing/range, signal propagation system that runs
on an IBM or compatible personal computer.
It is a result of an effort that started in 1989 and has more than 1,500
hours of effort in it. (Probably more if you ask my XYL.)
Because of the complexity of the programs, I have targeted people with
computers beyond the basic 8088 with a Hercules monitor scenario.
DX OnLine requires a minimum of an 80286 with 640K and a color EGA or VGA
monitor and a hard disk. I will warn you that even on an 80286 some
functions such as the 24 hour MUF prediction will seem slow. Even some
older 80386's will take a drag on the 24 hr. I use a 386-20 with a
co-processor and it hums right along. 80486's work great.
It is my opinion that more and more hams are progressing to more advanced
systems so I decided not to sacrifice features to accommodate older systems.
Although it is not required, a mouse (Microsoft compatible) is highly
recommended. What I feel is one of DX OnLine's nicest feature, the "ROAM"
mode requires a mouse.
Some of DX OnLine's features include:
World Map: The primary display of DX OnLine is a full color map
of the world.
Browse mode: As you move the mouse around on the world map, the
antenna bearing and range is constantly updated.
While in browse mode, if you click a mouse button, a window
pops up with the current signal propagation prediction.
For fine movement of the cursor, you may use the arrow keys.
Prompt mode: This mode prompts you for a specific prefix or QTH
(city, state, country,etc.). The search is such is that it
looks for occurrences of the select parameters keyed.
I like this as I don't have to remember how to spell places
like "KYRGYZSTAN". You could key "KY","YRG","STAN",
etc. and it would find it. Note that keying "STAN" would
One thing to keep in mind is that the system has a limit in
that it only likes 250 matches for the prompted data. So
don't key in "W" for a prefix with no limiting QTH prompt.
DX OnLine
Print capability: You may print a listing a DX bearings from your
home QTH to all locations in the target data base.
Temporary home QTH override: you may temporarily override your home QTH
data to allow you to demonstrate DX OnLine for someone else
from their own home QTH or to print a DX Bearing listing
for them.
Gray Line: A continually (every 5 minutes) updated representation
of the "Gray Line" or day/night terminator is shown on the
primary map display.
Time The time is shown, both local and UTC.
Grid square: The grid square is shown for both home QTH andTargets.
The target grid square is shown both in prompt and
browse modes as well as on the Antenna bearing listing.
CQ Zone: The CQ zone is shown for target QTH's while in prompt mode
and on the antenna bearing listing.
QTH data base: A data base of target QTH's is provided. You may edit or
add to this file as you desire.
Prefix cross reference: This is another of what I feel is a nice feature.
A data base of prefix to prefix cross references is provided.
Many are included. You may add to this data base as desired.
This allows you to, for example, key prefix "PP". The X-Ref
routine would determine this to be Brazil with a primary
prefix of "PY"
It also has a USA cross reference. It makes a best guess. For
example, you could key my prefix "KD5" and it would put me
in the "W5" call area. I know I'm in the W8 area, but I have
future plans to incorporate a callbook database into the
current call assignment strategy, the KC4's in the W4 call
area will have to live with this for now.
Current period propagation prediction: You can pop up a window that will
give a propagation prediction for the current time to the
currently selected target QTH. This can be done by selecting
menu option m(U)f then (C)urrent. While in browse mode,
clicking either mouse button will go directly to this option.
While in this screen, you may advance the time by 1 hour by
pressing "H" or by 1 day by pressing "D"
24-hour propagation prediction: Displays a full color graph predicting
the propagation for the next 24 hours from yourhome QTH
to the currently selected target based on the current
Sunspot # or solar flux # you have entered.
The diskette(s) supplied are NOT in packed format so
installation is a relatively simple matter.
1. Log on to the Root directory
CD \ <enter>
2. Create DXOL directory
MD \DXOL <enter>
3. Change to DXOL directory
CD \DXOL <enter>
4. Put DX OnLine diskette in diskette drive
5. Load diskette to hard drive
Copy a:*.* <enter> (if copying from A drive)
Copy b:*.* <enter> (if copying from B drive)
6. If more than one diskette, repeat steps 4 & 5
for each diskette.
(Would only apply if you requested 5-1/4" single density
diskettes [360kb])
DX Online
1. Change to the directory that contains the DX OnLine programs and data
files. If this directory is "DXOL", key CD \DXOL and press the enter key.
2. Run the program by keying DXOL and pressing the enter key.
The program will go thru a short initialization process after which a
map of the World will be displayed. If you have a Microsoft compatible
mouse installed, you will be placed in the "Browse" mode and the mouse
cursor will be at approximately 0 degrees longitude and 0 degrees latitude
and the antenna bearing and distance from the home QTH will be displayed
under the map. Note that the initial home QTH information is from my home
QTH of Lima Ohio.
Try moving the mouse and watch the display update. Press a mouse button
and watch what happens.
Notice that just above the map is a menu bar similar to the following:
(M)ode m(U)f (P)rint (F)ile e(X)it
To select a menu option, key the letter enclosed in parentheses. For example,
the File menu is selected by keying "F". You do not have to press enter.
The first thing you will want to do is configure the system to your home
QTH.To do this:
1. Select the File menu by keying "F"
2. Select edit home QTH by pressing "H"
You may now enter your Call, QTH, Latitude, Longitude and hours to adjust
for UTC. As I said, the initial information shown is for my home QTH so you
may see how the entries should be made.
The UTC hours adjustment is enter as East or West rather than + or -. This
is to coincide with the longitude.
For the continental U.S.:
Time Zone Enter
EST 5 hr 0 min W
CST 6 hr 0 min W
MST 7 hr 0 min W
PST 8 hr 0 min W
For daylight savings time add 1 hour. You will have to manually adjust this
field when the time changes.
Once you have made your changes, save the Home QTH information and exit.
You will now be returned to the main program and everything will be relative
to your own home QTH.
DX OnLine
You will now want to configure DX OnLine for your printer.
To do this, select Menu Option (P)rinter. Then select option (C)onfigure.
You will be shown a list of available printers. You may scroll back and
forth through the list to find your printer. Once you have found it,enter
the # that corresponds to your printer.
If your printer is not listed, try "Epson FX" for a dot matrix or H-P
Laserjet for a laser. It is virtually impossible to put every make and
model of printer in the master printer definition file.
If nothing works, all may not be lost. The printer configuration file is
in pretty plain language. The name of this file is "DXOLPRTR.CFG". You may
use any editor to edit this file. The format is as follows:
The file must have EXACTLY 9 fields and in EXACTLY the following order.
(If your printer doesn't use one of the control strings, insert a blank
1. Printer text description
2. Printer reset code
3. Compressed print OFF
4. Compressed print ON
5. Proportional print OFF
6. Enhanced print OFF
7. Enhanced print ON
8. ASCII character for Degree symbol
9. ASCII character for Minute symbol
You may enter any data into the control string fields. To enter a character
that is not available (such as an ESC code), enter a backslant (\) followed
by the 3 position decimal ASCII code for the desired character. Any keyboard
character may be keyed directly. For example, you could key "\027@". The
system would recognize this as esc@ which is the reset control code on
Epson FX printers. If you enter a character with a backslant, be sure to
enter exactly 3 numeric characters following. Don't leave off any leading
Because of the multitude of different character sets available on many
printers, the degree and minute symbols may not always be correct. They
are initially set to correspond with the standard PC character set. This
should work in most cases. If it doesn't, look in your printer manual to
find the proper ASCII character needed and edit file DXOLPRTR.CFG as
described above.
If you make manual changes to the printer configuration file, you might
want to incorporate these changes into the master printer definition file.
This file is called "DXOLPRTR.DEF". It is in exactly the same format as
DXOLPRTR.CFG except that it contains information for all available printers.
Again, be very careful that any printer definition records added to this
file contain exactly 9 fields (or lines).
DX OnLine
The following is a list of the Primary Menu options and the secondary
prompts that will appear as a result of selecting the primary option.
(R)oam mode Changes to ROAM mode (if you have a mouse)
(P)rompt mode Changes to the prompt for target QTH mode
(T)emp QTH Toggles the use of a temporary Home QTH.
If going into a temporary QTH, displays a screen
to enter the temporary QTH information.
(C)urrent Displays propagation predictions as of the current
time. This is the same as hitting a mouse button in the
ROAM mode.
24 hour (P)rediction Computes and displays a graph of the
predicted signal propagation from the current time
thru the next 24 hours from your home QTH to the
currently selected target QTH.
Change (S)sn Change the Sunspot # (Solar Flux) to the current
values. This is available from a number of sources
including WWV and ARRL bulletins. A SS# of 175 is
set as an itial value.
dx (A)ntenna bearing list Prints and antenna bearing chart from
your home QTH (or a temporary QTH) to alllocations
in the target QTH data base. The information shown
is Prefix,QTH,Longitude,latitude,long path bearing,
short path bearing,short path range in statute miles,
nautical miles and kilometers,the target Grid Square
and the CQ zone.
(R)egister Prints a form to register DX OnLine. Since this is
a registered copy, this is here as a courtesy in case
you or a friend wish to order another copy.
(D)ocumentation Prints this documentation.
(C)onfigure printer Configures DX OnLine to function with your
(Y)es Exit DX OnLine and return to system
(N)o No, do not exit yet
DX OnLine
Note: while in prompt mode, an additional menu option is shown.
(T)arget This brings up a prompt to select a prefix and/or
target QTH.
When prompting for a target, keep the following in mind:
The system looks for occurrences of the keyed data. The following
are examples of prefix and/or QTH prompt selections:
------ --------- ------------------------------
F All prefixes starting with "F"
LON London,England, etc.
G LON London England
PORT Lisbon,Portugal Portland,OR
Portland,ME etc.
UGAL Lisbon, Portugal etc.
GX All "G" prefixes - used prefix
X-ref to convert
If you have any major problems. let me know.
73 es Gud DX
Steve, KD5ON