370 PRINT #1, "AT R C1 H2 D": FOR A = 1 TO 2500: NEXT: PRINT #1, _
"This is a test of the Communications Port. This is sent at 300 Baud, ASCII, over an amateur radio transmitter. It will then unkey the transmitter and wait for a return carrier and signa"
380 FOR A = 1 TO 6500: NEXT: PRINT #1, "+++"; : FOR A = 1 TO 2500: NEXT: PRINT #1, "AT H"
390 GOSUB 1000: FOR A = 1 TO 250: NEXT: GOSUB 1000: FOR A = 1 TO 250: NEXT: GOSUB 1000
400 LOCATE 25, 25: COLOR 8, 7: PRINT "Press space bar to continue..."; : COLOR 5, 0