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1,359 lines
; $VER: Canon Driver Disk V1 (01.04.93)
; Copyright (C) 1993 Wolf Faust
(complete 0)
(delopts "oknodelete" "force" "askuser")
;**** English text
(set #welcome
(cat "\nIntermediate: printer drivers get installed on the used system disk.\n"
"Expert: may install printer drivers on any wanted disks.\n\n"
(set #welcome-pirate
(cat "\nWelcome to the Canon printer software!\n\n"
"Copyright (C) 1991-93 by Wolf Faust\n"
"Distribution by Canon Europe N.V.\n"
(set #bad-kick
(cat "\nYour system software is very old. "
"You must use at least Kickstart 2.04 for all Canon programs "
"with an user-interface. Anyway, you may use the printer "
"drivers until you have updated your system software."
(set #w-studio
(cat "Wich parts do you want to install?"
(set #w-studio-help
(cat "\nThis disk is devided in two independent parts: "
"the printer drivers and the CanonStudio print program. "
"You can now select wich part/s should be installed!\n\n".
(set #w-studio-choices1
(cat "Canon printer driver"
(set #w-studio-choices2
(cat "CanonStudio application program"
(set #which-disk
(cat "In which disk or drawer should the CanonStudio application program be installed?"
(set #which-disk-help
(cat "\nThis section lets you choose in which drawer or on which disk the "
"CanonStudio application program files should be installed. "
"These should normally go into the default directory of your graphic "
"application programs.\n\n"
(set #abortmsg
(cat "\nThis installation requires about 160000 bytes free on the volume "
"where you wish to install CanonStudio. Please make this space "
"available and then re-install.\n\n"
(set #abortunpack
(cat "\nError occured while unpacking/writing a file!\n\n"
(set #ask-sys
(cat "\nIn which disk or drawer should the Canon printer driver be installed?"
(set #ask-sys-help
(cat "\nThis section lets you choose in which drawer or on which disk the "
"Canon printer driver should be installed. "
"The driver should normally go into the \"devs:printers\" directory "
"of your system disk.\n\n"
(set #abortmsgdriver
(cat "\nThis installation requires >35000 bytes free on the volume "
"where you wish to install the printer driver. Please make this space "
"available and then re-install.\n\n"
(set #ask-prefs
(cat "\nIn which disk or drawer should the printer preferences program be installed?"
(set #ask-prefs-help
(cat "\nThis section lets you choose in which drawer or on which disk the "
"Canon printer driver preferences program (\"CanonPref\") should be installed. "
"These should normally go into the \"sys:prefs\" directory of your system "
(set #abortmsgpref
(cat "\nThis installation requires >80000 bytes free on the volume "
"where you wish to install the preferences program. Please make this space "
"available and then re-install.\n\n"
(set #missing-env-kick
(cat "\nThere is no ENV: directory available for storing the driver environment settings!\n"
"Canon drivers store settings like emulation and brightness in the ENV: directory. "
"Normaly, ENV: is generated by the standard Commodore startup-sequence.\n"
"It seems, you have altered the startup-sequence. Please change the startup-sequence "
"and reinstall!\n\n"
(set #ask-env-mes
(cat "\nThere is no ENV: directory available for storing the driver environment settings!\n"
"Canon drivers store settings like emulation and brightness in the ENV: directory. "
"Normaly, ENV: is generated by the standard Commodore startup-sequence.\n"
"It seems, you have altered the startup-sequence. You may now change the startup-sequence "
"with the help of this install program!\n\n"
(set #ask-env
(cat "\nIn which disk or drawer should the environment settings (ENV:) be saved?"
(set #ask-env-help
(cat "\nThis section lets you choose in which drawer or on which disk the "
"Canon printer driver places its enviroment settings. "
"These should normally go in the \"ENV:\" directory of your system disk.\n\n"
"Make sure ENV: is saved on a non volatile disk, so your settings "
"keep active even after a turning off your computer\n\n"
(set #ask-startup
(cat "\nAdd ENV: assign to \"S:user-startup\"?"
(set #ask-startup-help
(cat "\nSelect YES to add assign to the user-startup file\n\n"
(set #warn-env-kick
(cat "\nNote: Please make sure your ENV: directory is assigned to a non volatile "
"disk in your \"s:startup-sequence\" or you will loose your driver settings "
"when turning off your computer. So please, check your startup-sequence after "
"finishing this installation and change it if required.\n\n"
"Note: unchanged standard Workbench 1.3.x startup-sequences do NOT assign "
"ENV: to a non-volatile disk and must get altered\n"
(set #cfm-delete
(cat "\n\nCan the old Canon printer driver settings be deleted?"
(set #cfm-delete-help
(cat "\nIt seems you have allready installed a Canon printer driver. "
"You must delete the settings made for the previous driver before "
"installing a new driver.\n\n"
(set #cfm-delete-1
(cat "Yes, kill'm"
(set #cfm-delete-2
(cat "No"
(set #cfmdelete
(cat "You did not allow me to delete your old driver settings! "
"Sorry, I'm unable to install a driver without erasing your "
"previous settings. This is done for your secure. "
"In case you decided to delete the settings, try installing again!\n\n"
(set #w-emul
(cat "What printer do you have?"
(set #w-emul-help
(cat "\nThis disk includes several printer drivers for various "
"Canon printers. "
"In case your printer is not listed, have a look into your printers user manual for "
"finding the emulation supported by your printer.\n\n"
"NOTE: often printers support more than one emulation. "
"You may have to try several emulations to find the one "
"fitting your needs best!\n\n"
(set #w-color
(cat "What kind of printer do you have?"
(set #w-color-help
(cat "\nCanon printer drivers allow you to print up to 256 greyshades "
"simulating a color printer. In order to enable this feature, you have "
"to choose between color or 256 greyshades.\n"
"You should select the kind of printer you have as default. "
"You may alter the setting anytime using the CanonPref preferences program.\n\n"
(set #w-color-choice1
(cat "Color"
(set #w-color-choice2
(cat "Black and white"
(set #finalmsg1
(cat "Your requested driver has been installed. The name of the driver is\n\""
(set #finalmsg2
(cat "\"\nand should now be selected in the Workbench preferences program \"Printer\".\n"
"The Canon driver preferences program has been saved as\n\"CanonPref\""
"\nand should now be used to adjust the driver to your needs.\n"
"Note: the settings and adjustments made by this install program are far from "
"being best. Please adjust all settings to your printer and paper!"
(set #wrongdither
(cat "\n\nWARNING: Your Workbench preferences is setup WRONG!\n\n"
"Please select \"ordered\" dithering in preferences "
"(in \"PrinterGfx\"). I will now try to start Workbench preferences for you."
(set #pagestream
(cat "\n\nDo you want to install a BJ2x0 driver for the "
"PageStream 2.x DTP program?\n\n"
(set #pagestreamLBP
(cat "\n\nDo you want to install a CaPSL 3-4 driver for the "
"PageStream 2.x DTP program?\n\n"
(set #pagestreamA1
(cat "\n\nDo you want to install a CaPSL 1-2 driver for the "
"PageStream 2.x DTP program?\n\n"
(set #pagestream-help
(cat "\nThis disk comes with a special printer driver for the PageStream 2.x "
"program. In case you own this DTP package, you can use this faster "
"printer driver, offering a 200%% speed increase.\n"
(set #pagestream-yes
(cat "Yes"
(set #pagestream-no
(cat "No"
(set #ask-pagestream
(cat "\nIn which drawer should the PageStream drivers (BJ2x0, CanonA2 or CanonLBP) be saved?"
(set #ask-pagestream-help
(cat "\nThis section lets you choose in which drawer the PageStream driver should be saved. "
"These should normally go into the PageStream \"Printers\" directory.\n\n"
(set #ask-docs
(cat "\nIn which drawer should the documentation be saved?"
(set #ask-docs-help
(cat "\nThis section lets you choose in which drawer the Canon documentation should be saved.\n\n"
(set #abortdocs
(cat "\nThis installation requires >190000 bytes free on the volume "
"where you wish to install the documentation. Please make this space "
"available and then re-install.\n\n"
(set docfile "Readme")
;*** German
(if (= @language "deutsch")
(set #welcome
(cat "\nBei \"Intermediate\" werden die Treiber auf der aktuellen Systemdiskette installiert.\n"
"Bei \"Expert\" können die Druckertreiber auf einer beliebigen Disk gespeichert werden.\n\n"
(set #welcome-pirate
(cat "\nWillkommen zur Installation der Canon-Druckersoftware!\n\n"
"Copyright (C)1991-93 Wolf Faust\nVertrieb: Canon Europe N.V.\n"
(set #bad-kick
(cat "\nIhre System-Software ist sehr alt. "
"Sie brauchen mindestens Kickstart 2.04 für alle Canon-Programme "
"mit einer Benutzeroberfläche. Sie können dennoch die Druckertreiber "
"benutzen, bis Sie Ihre System-Software auf den neusten Stand gebracht haben."
(set #w-studio
(cat "Welche Programme der Canon Diskette wollen Sie installieren?"
(set #w-studio-help
(cat "\nDie Canon Software besteht im wesentlichen aus zwei von einander "
"unabhängigen Teilen: Druckertreiber und dem CanonStudio-Anwendungsprogramm. "
"Sie können jetzt wählen, welche Teile Sie installieren wollen.\n\n"
(set #w-studio-choices1
(cat "Canon Druckertreiber"
(set #w-studio-choices2
(cat "CanonStudio Anwendungsprogramm"
(set #which-disk
(cat "\nIn welche Disk oder Schublade soll das CanonStudio Anwendungsprogramm kopiert werden?"
(set #which-disk-help
(cat "\nIn diesem Teil können Sie wählen, auf welche Disk oder in welcher "
"Schublade das CanonStudio-Programm kopiert werden soll. Normalerweise sollten "
"Sie hierzu die Schublade wählen, in der Sie auch Ihre anderen "
"Grafikprogramme speichern.\n\n"
"Bitte beachten Sie, daß das CanonStudio-Programm in die Schublade kopiert "
"wird und keine neue Schublade ohne ausdrücklichen Wunsch angelegt wird.\n\n"
(set #abortmsg
(cat "\nDas CanonStudio-Programm benötigt ca. 160000 Bytes an freiem Speicher "
"auf dem von Ihnen angegebenen Datenträger. Leider ist nicht genug "
"Speicherplatz auf dem Datenträger vorhanden. Löschen Sie bitte "
"daher unnötige Dateien und versuchen Sie die Installation erneut!\n\n"
(set #abortunpack
(cat "\nEin Fehler trat beim Entpacken/Schreiben einer Datei auf!\n\n"
(set #ask-sys
(cat "\nIn welche Disk oder Schublade soll der Canon Druckertreiber kopiert werden?"
(set #ask-sys-help
(cat "\nIn diesem Teil können Sie wählen, auf welche Disk oder in welche "
"Schublade der Canon-Druckertreiber kopiert werden soll. Normalerweise sollten "
"Sie hierzu die Schublade \"Devs:Printers\" wählen.\n\n"
(set #abortmsgdriver
(cat "\nDer Canon Druckertreiber benötigt ca. 35000 Bytes an freiem Speicher "
"auf dem von Ihnen angegebenen Datenträger. Leider ist nicht genug "
"Speicherplatz auf dem Datenträger vorhanden. Löschen Sie bitte "
"daher unnötige Dateien und versuchen Sie die Installation erneut!\n\n"
(set #ask-prefs
(cat "\nIn welche Disk oder Schublade soll das Voreinsteller-Programm "
"(engl. Preferences) kopiert werden?"
(set #ask-prefs-help
(cat "\nIn diesem Teil können Sie wählen, auf welche Disk oder in welche "
"Schublade das CanonPref Voreinsteller-Programm kopiert werden soll. "
"Normalerweise sollten Sie hierzu die Schublade \"Sys:prefs\" wählen.\n\n"
(set #abortmsgpref
(cat "\nDas CanonPref-Programm für die Voreinstellungen benötigt ca. 80000 Bytes "
"an freiem Speicherplatz auf der angegebenen Disk.\n\n"
"Leider habe Sie nicht genug Speicherplatz auf der Disk frei! "
"Bitte machen Sie genug Speicherkapazität frei und versuchen erneut "
"eine Installation!\n\n"
(set #missing-env-kick
(cat "\nLeider ist keine Schublade mit dem Namen \"Env:\" auffindbar!\n"
"Canon speichert alle Treiber-Einstellungen in dieser Schublade. "
"Normalerweise wird \"Env:\" von der standard Startup-Sequence von "
"Commodore erzeugt. Es scheint, Sie benutzen eine veränderte "
"Bitte korregieren Sie Ihre Startup-Sequence und installieren den Treiber von "
(set #ask-env-mes
(cat "\nLeider ist keine Schublade mit dem Namen \"Env:\" auffindbar!\n"
"Canon speichert alle Treiber-Einstellungen in dieser Schublade. "
"Normalerweise wird \"Env:\" von der standard Startup-Sequence von "
"Commodore erzeugt. Es scheint, Sie benutzen eine veränderte "
"Sie erhalten jetzt die Möglichkeit, Ihre Startup-Sequence mittels "
"dieses Installations-Programms zu erweitern.\n\n"
(set #ask-env
(cat "\nIn welche Disk oder Schublade sollen die Voreinstellungen (\"Env:\") gespeichert werden?"
(set #ask-env-help
(cat "\nIn diesem Teil können Sie wählen, auf welche Disk oder in welcher "
"Schublade der Canon-Druckertreiber seine Voreinstellungen speichert. "
"Die hier anzugebene Disk bzw. die Schublade (ENV:) sollte NICHT aus einem "
"leicht löschbaren Medium (z.B. Ram Disk) bestehen, da Sie sonst mit "
"dem Ausschalten des Computers auch alle Voreinstellungen löschen.\n\n"
(set #ask-startup
(cat "\nSoll ich die Zuweisung von "ENV:" in der Datei \"S:user-startup\" vornehmen?"
(set #ask-startup-help
(cat "\nCanon Druckertreiber speichern Ihre Voreinstellung in \"Env:\". "
"Die Schublade ENV: wird normalerweise von der Startup-Sequence- bzw. User-Startup-Datei Ihres Rechners "
"angelegt. Dieser Vorgang findet scheinbar bei Ihnen nicht statt. "
"Sie können daher jetzt mit \"Ja\" (engl. yes) diesen Vorgang Ihrer "
"User-Startup-Datei hinzufügen.\n\n"
(set #warn-env-kick
(cat "\nBitte versichern Sie sich, daß die Inhalte der Env:-Schublade bei Ihnen "
"nicht durch ausschalten des Rechners verloren geht. Env: sollte nicht "
"einem Verzeichnis im Speicher (Ram Disk) Ihres Rechners zugewiesen sein.\n\n"
"Achtung: die standard Startup-Sequence der Commodore Workbench 1.3 "
"weist ENV: einem flüchtigen Speicher zu und muß daher geändert werden!\n"
(set #cfm-delete
(cat "\n\nKönnen die alten Canon-Voreinstellungen gelöscht werden?"
(set #cfm-delete-help
(cat "\nEs scheint, Sie hatten bereits einmal einen Canon Treiber "
"installiert. Sie müssen die Voreinstellungen des alten Treibers "
"löschen, bevor ein neuer Treiber installiert werden kann.\n\n"
(set #cfm-delete-1
(cat "Ja, löschen"
(set #cfm-delete-2
(cat "Nein"
(set #cfmdelete
(cat "Tut mir leid, aber ohne das Löschen Ihrer alten Voreinstellungen "
"kann kein neuer Treiber installiert werden. Dies dient der "
"Datensicherheit. Sollten Sie sich anders entscheiden, dann rufen "
"Sie bitte das Installationsprogramm erneut auf!\n\n"
(set #w-emul
(cat "Was für einen Drucker besitzen Sie?"
(set #w-emul-help
(cat "\nDiese Disk enthält Druckertreiber für verschiedene Drucker-Emulationen. "
"Das Benutzerhandbuch Ihres Druckers gibt Ihnen sicher Auskunft über "
"die von Ihrem Drucker unterstützten Emulationen.\n\n"
"Viele Drucker unterstützen mehrere Emulationen in verschiedener Qualität. "
"Versuchen Sie daher ruhig mehrere Emulationen aus, um die für Sie richtige zu finden.\n\n"
(set #w-color
(cat "Was für einen Drucker haben Sie?"
(set #w-color-help
(cat "\nCanon Druckertreiber erlauben das Drucken von bis zu 256 Graustufen "
"durch das Emulieren eines Farbdruckers. Sie müssen daher zwischen "
"Farb- und Graustufen-Druck wählen.\n"
"Wählen Sie die von Ihnen am meisten benutzte Ausdrucksform. "
"Die Einstellung kann dann später bei Bedarf jederzeit geändert "
(set #w-color-choice1
(cat "Farbe"
(set #w-color-choice2
(cat "Graustufen"
(set #finalmsg1
(cat "Der Treiber wurde installiert unter dem Namen\n\""
(set #finalmsg2
(cat "\"\nund sollte jetzt in dem \"Printer\"-Programm der Workbench eingestellt werden.\n"
"Das CanonPref-Programm für die Voreinstellungen des Treibers "
"sollte jetzt zur genaueren Einstellung benutzt werden.\n"
"Achtung: die von dem Installations-Programm gemachten Voreinstellungen "
"sind sicher nicht optimal und müssen genauer an den Drucker angepaßt werden!"
(set #wrongdither
(cat "\n\nACHTUNG: Die Workbench Voreinstellungen sind FALSCH!\n\n"
"Bitte selektieren Sie die \"geordnete\" (engl. ordered) "
"Dither-Methode mit Hilfe des \"PrinterGfX\"- bzw. \"Preferences\"-"
"Programms. Zur Erleichterung und zur Sicherheit wird das Programm "
"für die Voreinstellungen jetzt gestartet..."
(set #pagestream
(cat "\n\nWollen Sie einen BJ2x0 Treiber für das DTP-Programm "
"PageStream installieren?\n\n"
(set #pagestreamLBP
(cat "\n\nWollen Sie einen CaPSL 3-4 Treiber für das DTP-Programm "
"PageStream installieren?\n\n"
(set #pagestreamA1
(cat "\n\nWollen Sie einen CaPSL 1-2 Treiber für das DTP-Programm "
"PageStream installieren?\n\n"
(set #pagestream-help
(cat "\nDie Canon-Diskette enthält auch spezielle Druckertreiber für das DTP-Programm "
"PageStream V2.x. Sollten Sie das DTP-Programm besitzen, dann können Sie "
"mit diesen Treibern ca. 200 %% schneller drucken.\n\n"
(set #pagestream-yes
(cat "Ja"
(set #pagestream-no
(cat "Nein"
(set #ask-pagestream
(cat "\nIn welche Schublade sollen die PageStream-Treiber (BJ2x0, CanonA2 oder CanonLBP) "
"kopiert werden?"
(set #ask-pagestream-help
(cat "\nIn diesem Teil können Sie die Ziel-Schublade für die PageStream "
"Druckertreiber wählen. Normalerweise sollte die "
"PageStream \"Printers\"-Schublade angegeben werden.\n\n"
(set #ask-docs
(cat "\nIn welche Schublade soll die Anleitung kopiert werden?"
(set #ask-docs-help
(cat "\nIn diesem Teil können Sie die Ziel-Schublade für die Anleitung "
"der CanonDisk wählen.\n\n"
(set #abortdocs
(cat "\nDie Anleitung benötigt ca. 190000 Bytes "
"an freiem Speicherplatz auf der angegebenen Disk.\n\n"
"Leider habe Sie nicht genug Speicherplatz auf der Disk frei! "
"Bitte machen Sie genug Speicherkapazität frei und versuchen erneut "
"eine Installation!\n\n"
(set docfile "Liesmich")
(welcome #welcome)
(message #welcome-pirate)
; **** sure we are running under a 2.04 ROM???
(if (< (/ (getversion) 65536) 37)
(message #bad-kick)
(complete 5)
; **** Wich parts should get installed: driver &-| Studio?
(set studio (askoptions (prompt #w-studio)
(help #w-studio-help)
(choices #w-studio-choices1 #w-studio-choices2)
(default 3)
(set compl 60)
(if (= studio 3)
set compl 20
(complete compl)
; **** Install CanonStudio program?
(if (IN studio 1)
(set studdisk (getassign "WORK" "d"))
(if (= studdisk "")
(set studdisk (getassign "DH0" "d"))
(if (= studdisk "")
(set studdisk (getassign "DH2" "d"))
(if (= studdisk "")
(set studdisk "SYS:")
(set target (askdir (prompt #which-disk)
(help #which-disk-help)
(default studdisk))
(set @default-dest target)
(set targetsize (getdiskspace target))
(if (< targetsize 160000)
(if (<> (getdevice target) "RAM")
(abort #abortmsg)
(complete (set compl (+ compl 10))) ; 70 or 30
(run (cat "CanonDisk:unpack CanonDisk:packed/CanonStudio.pkd \""
(tackon target "CanonStudio")
(if (exists "RAM:StudioTemp")
(abort #abortunpack)
(complete (set compl (+ compl 10))) ; 80 or 40
(copyfiles (source "CanonDisk:CanonStudio")
(dest target)
(complete (set compl (+ compl 10))) ; 90 or 50
(copyfiles (source "CanonDisk:Dithers")
(dest (tackon target "Dither-Settings"))
(complete (set compl (+ compl 5))) ; 95 or 65
(if (<> studio 3)
; *** unpack docs to destination
(set prefdisk ("SYS:Prefs"))
(if (exists "sys:preferences")
(set prefdisk ("SYS:Preferences"))
(if (exists "SYS:Prefs")
(set prefdisk ("SYS:Prefs"))
(set prefdisk (askdir (prompt #ask-docs)
(help #ask-docs-help)
(default prefdisk))
(if (not (exists prefdisk))
(set prefdisk (askdir (prompt #ask-docs)
(help #ask-docs-help)
(default prefdisk))
(set targetsize (getdiskspace prefdisk))
(if (< targetsize 190000)
(if (<> (getdevice prefdisk) "RAM")
(abort #abortdocs)
(run (cat "CanonDisk:unpack CanonDisk:docs/"
".pkd \""
(tackon prefdisk docfile)
(if (exists "RAM:StudioTemp")
(abort #abortunpack)
(copyfiles (source (cat "CanonDisk:"
(dest prefdisk)
(copyfiles (source "CanonDisk:more")
(dest prefdisk)
(complete (set compl (+ compl 5))) ; 100 or 60
; **** Install printer driver?
(if (IN studio 0)
(set @default-dest "")
; find the devs:printers directory
(set studdisk "Devs:Printers")
(if (= @user-level 2)
(set studdisk (askdir (prompt #ask-sys)
(help #ask-sys-help)
(default studdisk))
(if (not (exists studdisk))
(set studdisk (askdir (prompt #ask-sys)
(help #ask-sys-help)
(default studdisk))
(complete (set compl (+ compl 5))) ; 65
(set targetsize (getdiskspace studdisk))
(if (< targetsize 35000)
(if (<> (getdevice studdisk) "RAM")
(abort #abortmsgdriver)
; **** find the sys:prefs directory
(set prefdisk ("SYS:Prefs"))
(if (exists "sys:preferences")
(set prefdisk ("SYS:Preferences"))
(if (exists "SYS:Prefs")
(set prefdisk ("SYS:Prefs"))
(set prefdisk (askdir (prompt #ask-prefs)
(help #ask-prefs-help)
(default prefdisk))
(if (not (exists prefdisk))
(set prefdisk (askdir (prompt #ask-prefs)
(help #ask-prefs-help)
(default prefdisk))
(set targetsize (getdiskspace prefdisk))
(if (< targetsize 80000)
(if (<> (getdevice prefdisk) "RAM")
(abort #abortmsgpref)
; find the ENV: directory
(if (not (exists "ENV:"))
(if (< (/ (getversion) 65536) 37)
(abort #missing-env-kick)
(set envdisk "SYS:Env-Archive")
(if (exists "SYS:Prefs/Env-Archive")
(set envdisk "SYS:Prefs/Env-Archive")
(message #ask-env-mes)
(set envdisk (askdir (prompt #ask-env)
(help #ask-env-help)
(default envdisk))
"System Environment"
(prompt #ask-startup)
(help #ask-startup-help )
(command ("Assign ENV: %s" envdisk))
(makeassign "ENV" envdisk)
( ; else
(if (< (/ (getversion) 65536) 37)
(message #warn-env-kick)
; delete old ENV: and ENVARC: settings
(set n 0 )
(foreach "Env:" "Canon#?"
(set n 1)
(if (> n 0)
(if (askbool (prompt (#cfm-delete))
(help (#cfm-delete-help ))
(choices #cfm-delete-1 #cfm-delete-2)
(default 1))
(set n 0)
(while (set thisfile (select n "BEEP"
"" ))
(set n (+ n 1))
(if (exists (cat "ENV:Canon" thisfile))
(delete (cat "ENV:Canon" thisfile))
(if (>= (/ (getversion) 65536) 37)
(if (exists (cat "ENVARC:Canon" thisfile))
(delete (cat "ENVARC:Canon" thisfile))
( ; else
(abort #cfmdelete)
; ask for kind of printer
(set emul (askchoice (prompt #w-emul)
(help #w-emul-help)
"Canon BJC 880 (CaPSL 4)" ; 0
"Canon LBP (CaPSL 3)" ; 1
"Canon LBP (600dpi, CaPSL 4)" ; 2
"Canon A1,A2 (CaPSL 1-2)" ; 3
"Canon BJC 800 ( Epson )" ; 4
"Canon BJ 130 (BJ)" ; 5
"Canon BJ 300 (BJ)" ; 6
"Canon BJ 200 or 230 (BJ)" ; 7
"Canon BJ 5, 10 or 20 (BJ)" ; 8
(default 8)
(complete (set compl (+ compl 5))) ;70
; ask for: color or b/w if not laser printer
(if (= emul 4)
(set prtcolor (askchoice (prompt #w-color)
(help #w-color-help)
(choices #w-color-choice1
(default 0)
(if (> prtcolor 0)
(textfile (dest "ENV:CanonSuper")
(append "ON"))
; copy CMY dithers to dither-settings
(copyfiles (source "CanonDisk:Dithers")
(dest (tackon prefdisk "Dither-Settings"))
; make directory for color adjustments
(if (not (exists (tackon prefdisk "Color-Settings")))
(makedir (tackon prefdisk "Color-Settings")
(set ditherord "8 8 4 236 60 220 8 224 48 208 132 68 188 124 136 72 176 112 36 196 20 252 40 200 24 240 164 100 148 84 168 104 152 88 12 228 52 212 0 232 56 216 140 76 180 116 128 64 184 120 44 204 28 244 32 192 16 248 172 108 156 92 160 96 144 80") ; order 64
; now check wich kind of printer the user has
(if (= emul 0)
( ; BJC 880
(set printerdriver "CanonBJC880")
(set printerpref "CanonPrefBJC880")
(set adj "0 79 106 127 144 158 171 183 194 204 214 223 231 240 247 255")
(textfile (dest "Env:CanonGDit")
(append ditherord))
(textfile (dest "Env:CanonCDit")
(append ditherord))
(textfile (dest "Env:CanonMDit")
(append ditherord))
(textfile (dest "Env:CanonYDit")
(append ditherord))
(textfile (dest "Env:CanonGAdj")
(append adj))
(textfile (dest "Env:CanonCAdj")
(append adj))
(textfile (dest "Env:CanonMAdj")
(append adj))
(textfile (dest "Env:CanonYAdj")
(append adj))
; *** unpack FontShop to destination
(run (cat "CanonDisk:unpack CanonDisk:packed/LBP-BJC-FontShop.pkd \""
(tackon prefdisk "FontShop")
(if (exists "RAM:StudioTemp")
(abort #abortunpack)
(copyfiles (source "CanonDisk:Prefs/FontShop.info")
(dest prefdisk)
; *** unpack overlay to destination
(run (cat "CanonDisk:unpack CanonDisk:packed/Overlay.pkd \""
(tackon prefdisk "Overlay")
(if (exists "RAM:StudioTemp")
(abort #abortunpack)
(if (= emul 1)
( ; Canon LBP CaPSL 3
(set printerdriver "CanonLBP")
(set printerpref "CanonPrefLBP")
(set adj "0 90 117 137 153 167 179 190 200 210 218 226 234 241 248 255")
(textfile (dest "Env:CanonGDit")
(append ditherord))
(textfile (dest "Env:CanonGAdj")
(append adj))
(if (askbool (prompt (#pagestreamLBP))
(help (#pagestream-help ))
(choices #pagestream-yes #pagestream-no))
(set pagedrawer (askdir (prompt #ask-pagestream)
(help #ask-pagestream-help)
(default "WORK:"))
( if( exists (pagedrawer))
(copyfiles (source "CanonDisk:PageStream/CanonLBP.printer")
(dest pagedrawer)
; *** unpack FontShop to destination
(run (cat "CanonDisk:unpack CanonDisk:packed/LBP-BJC-FontShop.pkd \""
(tackon prefdisk "FontShop")
(if (exists "RAM:StudioTemp")
(abort #abortunpack)
(copyfiles (source "CanonDisk:Prefs/FontShop.info")
(dest prefdisk)
; *** unpack overlay to destination
(run (cat "CanonDisk:unpack CanonDisk:packed/Overlay.pkd \""
(tackon prefdisk "Overlay")
(if (exists "RAM:StudioTemp")
(abort #abortunpack)
(if (= emul 2)
( ; Canon LBP CaPSL 4
(set printerdriver "CanonLBP")
(set printerpref "CanonPrefLBP")
(set adj "0 90 117 137 153 167 179 190 200 210 218 226 234 241 248 255")
(textfile (dest "Env:CanonGDit")
(append ditherord))
(textfile (dest "Env:CanonGAdj")
(append adj))
(textfile (dest "Env:CanonEmu")
(append "1"))
(if (askbool (prompt (#pagestreamLBP))
(help (#pagestream-help ))
(choices #pagestream-yes #pagestream-no))
(set pagedrawer (askdir (prompt #ask-pagestream)
(help #ask-pagestream-help)
(default "WORK:"))
( if( exists (pagedrawer))
(copyfiles (source "CanonDisk:PageStream/CanonLBP.printer")
(dest pagedrawer)
; *** unpack FontShop to destination
(run (cat "CanonDisk:unpack CanonDisk:packed/LBP-BJC-FontShop.pkd \""
(tackon prefdisk "FontShop")
(if (exists "RAM:StudioTemp")
(abort #abortunpack)
(copyfiles (source "CanonDisk:Prefs/FontShop.info")
(dest prefdisk)
; *** unpack overlay to destination
(run (cat "CanonDisk:unpack CanonDisk:packed/Overlay.pkd \""
(tackon prefdisk "Overlay")
(if (exists "RAM:StudioTemp")
(abort #abortunpack)
(if (= emul 3)
( ; Canon A1 / A2
(set printerdriver "CanonLBP")
(set printerpref "CanonPrefLBP")
(set adj "0 90 117 137 153 167 179 190 200 210 218 226 234 241 248 255")
(textfile (dest "Env:CanonGDit")
(append ditherord))
(textfile (dest "Env:CanonGAdj")
(append adj))
(textfile (dest "Env:CanonNoDisp")
(append "ON"))
(if (askbool (prompt (#pagestreamA1))
(help (#pagestream-help ))
(choices #pagestream-yes #pagestream-no))
(set pagedrawer (askdir (prompt #ask-pagestream)
(help #ask-pagestream-help)
(default "WORK:"))
( if( exists (pagedrawer))
(copyfiles (source "CanonDisk:PageStream/CanonA2.printer")
(dest pagedrawer)
(if (= emul 4)
( ; BJC 800 Driver
(set printerdriver "CanonBJ-EC")
(set printerpref "CanonPrefBJ-EC")
; **** copy additional CMYK dithers to dither-settings
(copyfiles (source "CanonDisk:Dithers4C")
(dest (tackon prefdisk "Dither-Settings"))
(set adj "0 79 106 127 144 158 171 183 194 204 214 223 231 240 247 255")
(textfile (dest "Env:CanonGDit")
(append ditherord))
(textfile (dest "Env:CanonCDit")
(append ditherord))
(textfile (dest "Env:CanonMDit")
(append ditherord))
(textfile (dest "Env:CanonYDit")
(append ditherord))
(textfile (dest "Env:CanonKDit")
(append ditherord))
(textfile (dest "Env:CanonGAdj")
(append adj))
(textfile (dest "Env:CanonCAdj")
(append adj))
(textfile (dest "Env:CanonMAdj")
(append adj))
(textfile (dest "Env:CanonYAdj")
(append adj))
(textfile (dest "Env:CanonKAdj")
(append adj))
(if (= emul 5)
( ; Canon BJ130
(set printerdriver "CanonBJ130")
(set printerpref "CanonPrefBJ130")
(set adj "0 72 100 121 138 153 167 179 190 201 211 221 230 239 247 255")
(textfile (dest "Env:CanonGDit")
(append ditherord))
(textfile (dest "Env:CanonGAdj")
(append adj))
(if (= emul 6)
( ; Canon BJ300
(set printerdriver "CanonBJ300")
(set printerpref "CanonPrefBJ300")
(set adj "0 72 100 121 138 153 167 179 190 201 211 221 230 239 247 255")
(textfile (dest "Env:CanonGDit")
(append ditherord))
(textfile (dest "Env:CanonGAdj")
(append adj))
(if (= emul 7)
( ; Canon BJ200
(set printerdriver "CanonBJ5-230")
(set printerpref "CanonPrefBJ5-230")
(set adj "0 72 100 121 138 153 167 179 190 201 211 221 230 239 247 255")
(textfile (dest "Env:CanonGDit")
(append ditherord))
(textfile (dest "Env:CanonGAdj")
(append adj))
(if (askbool (prompt (#pagestream))
(help (#pagestream-help ))
(choices #pagestream-yes #pagestream-no))
(set pagedrawer (askdir (prompt #ask-pagestream)
(help #ask-pagestream-help)
(default "WORK:"))
( if( exists (pagedrawer))
(copyfiles (source "CanonDisk:PageStream/BJ2x0.printer")
(dest pagedrawer)
; *** unpack FontShop to destination
(run (cat "CanonDisk:unpack CanonDisk:packed/BJ-FontShop.pkd \""
(tackon prefdisk "FontShop")
(if (exists "RAM:StudioTemp")
(abort #abortunpack)
(copyfiles (source "CanonDisk:Prefs/FontShop.info")
(dest prefdisk)
(if (= emul 8)
( ; Canon BJ 5, 10 , 20
(set printerdriver "CanonBJ5-230")
(set printerpref "CanonPrefBJ5-230")
(set adj "0 72 100 121 138 153 167 179 190 201 211 221 230 239 247 255")
(textfile (dest "Env:CanonGDit")
(append ditherord))
(textfile (dest "Env:CanonGAdj")
(append adj))
; *** unpack FontShop to destination
(run (cat "CanonDisk:unpack CanonDisk:packed/BJ-FontShop.pkd \""
(tackon prefdisk "FontShop")
(if (exists "RAM:StudioTemp")
(abort #abortunpack)
(copyfiles (source "CanonDisk:Prefs/FontShop.info")
(dest prefdisk)
(complete 75)
; *** unpack driver to destination
(run (cat "CanonDisk:unpack CanonDisk:drivers/"
".pkd \""
(tackon studdisk printerdriver)
(if (exists "RAM:StudioTemp")
(abort #abortunpack)
(complete 80)
; *** unpack CanonPref to destination
(run (cat "CanonDisk:unpack CanonDisk:Prefs/"
".pkd \""
(tackon prefdisk "CanonPref")
(if (exists "RAM:StudioTemp")
(abort #abortunpack)
(copyfiles (source "CanonDisk:Prefs/CanonPref.info")
(dest prefdisk)
; **** copy ENV: vars to ENVARC:
(if (>= (/ (getversion) 65536) 37)
(set n 0)
(while (set thisfile (select n "Beep"
"" ))
(set n (+ n 1))
(if (exists (cat "ENV:Canon" thisfile))
(copyfiles (source (cat "ENV:Canon" thisfile))
(dest "ENVARC:")
(complete 85)
; *** unpack docs to destination
(set docdisk ("SYS:Prefs"))
(if (exists "sys:preferences")
(set docdisk ("SYS:Preferences"))
(if (exists "SYS:Prefs")
(set docdisk ("SYS:Prefs"))
(set docdisk (askdir (prompt #ask-docs)
(help #ask-docs-help)
(default docdisk))
(if (not (exists docdisk))
(set docdisk (askdir (prompt #ask-docs)
(help #ask-docs-help)
(default docdisk))
(set targetsize (getdiskspace docdisk))
(if (< targetsize 190000)
(if (<> (getdevice docdisk) "RAM")
(abort #abortdocs)
(run (cat "CanonDisk:unpack CanonDisk:docs/"
".pkd \""
(tackon docdisk docfile)
(if (exists "RAM:StudioTemp")
(abort #abortunpack)
(copyfiles (source (cat "CanonDisk:"
(dest docdisk)
(copyfiles (source "CanonDisk:more")
(dest docdisk)
(complete 90)
(message (cat #finalmsg1
(complete 95)
(if (>= (/ (getversion) 65536) 37)
(if (exists "sys:prefs/printer")
(run "sys:prefs/printer")
(run "CanonDisk:check")
(if (not (exists "RAM:StudioTemp"))
(message #wrongdither)
(if (>= (/ (getversion) 65536) 37)
(if (exists "sys:prefs/printergfx")
(run "sys:prefs/printergfx")
( ; else
(delete "RAM:StudioTemp")
(if (< (/ (getversion) 65536) 37)
(if (exists "sys:prefs/preferences")
(run "sys:prefs/preferences")
( ; else
(run (cat "\""
(tackon prefdisk "CanonPref")
(complete 100)