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53 lines
This ARC file should contain 5 files....
Sorry! -- The actual program.
Sorry!.Info -- Workbench Icon for the program.
Sorry.Images -- All images used in program.
Sorry.Doc -- This file.
Execute.Me -- Setup file to rename files appropriately.
Sorry! can be started from either the Workbench or CLI. If it is started
from the CLI, the file Sorry.Images must be in the current directory.
Sorry! does multitask, but it is very processor hungry.
When the game starts, it defaults to a 4-player human game. Using the
menu options, you can start a new game at any time. When starting a new
game, click on the raised gadgets to toggle between human players and Amiga
players. The string gadgets may be changed to any identifying string you
desire. The string you select will be displayed during game play at the top
right of the screen. To continue the current game, select Abort. To start
the new game, select Play.
The rules of the game Sorry! can be read from the menu. Other options
can be selected from the menu also. Select Show Choices to see where all
possible moves are during game play. Select Diamond Squares Passes
PlayPieces for a more challanging game.
The game starts out by shuffling the deck of cards and selecting a player
to go first. Each card holds the instructions that the players are to
follow. When a player can make a move, simply click the mouse button over
the game board square that you would want to move to. The playpiece that is
blinking is the one that will move. To move another playpiece, click the
mouse button on the 'Next Piece' gadget. If there are any other moves
possible, the other moves will be displayed. If a player cannot make a
move, or the option to forfeit the turn is given, the 'Forfeit Turn' gadget
will be displayed. To forfeit the turn, select this gadget. When the Amiga
is a player, it will make its move and then wait for you to continue the
game by selecting the 'Continue' gadget.
This file may be passed around as long as there are NO changes made to
this arc file. I make no claim as to guarantee that this software will run
on all computers and will not be held responsible.