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\/_________/ |/ | | | | / /
| | | | Version / / 1.21
An Amiga UnZip Utility | / | / / /
|/ |/ \/
Copyright © 1989 by David Godshall
The program Zippy, the source to said program (not included), and the
documentation are Copyrighted by the author, David Godshall.
Permission is granted to individuals wishing to use the program in a
non-commercial setting for their own personal use. Others must
contact the author and obtain permission in writing (see contribution
section at end of documentation) before using Zippy in a commercial
setting; the only exception to this being a "trial period", not to
exceed three weeks, during which you may use the program before
needing to register it.
The author, David Godshall, can assume no responsibility for damage
caused or thought to have been caused, either directly or indirectly,
through use of the Zippy program. This includes, but is not limited
to, loss of data, mechanical difficulties, insanity, and IBMitis.
Although I try to make the program as safe as possible/feasible, use
is strictly "at your own risk".
About The Program
Zippy is a program designed to extract files from a .ZIP format
archive. Even though there is currently no utility for the Amiga to
create ZIP archives, the ZIP format is such a flexible and powerful
format that it is not unusual to find BBSs with Amiga ZIP archives
(created using an IBM Zip program). The advantages of ZIP over the
existing ARC standard is mainly that the ZIP format was designed not
only with MS-DOS computers in mind, but was created to work with just
about any computer. Thus it does NOT limit the length of the
filename like ARC does! That's the biggest advantage for us Amiga
users, but other advantages include the ability to store directory
structures (so when you unzip something, it will automatically create
the proper directories and put the files in them), better compression
techniques (ZIP files are often smaller than ARC files), the ability
to know what OS the file was zipped under so that when a text file is
unzipped the End-Of-Line characters can be fixed for you (i.e. MS-DOS
computers use both the CR and LF characters to indicate the end of a
line, whereas the Amiga uses only the LF character), the ability for
an archive to span multiple disks (mainly useful for disk backups and
stuff like that -- No ZIP program currently handles that possibility,
but it is definitely in the specs). In fact, it appears that PKWare
(the inventors of the ZIP format) had the Amiga in mind when they
created the ZIP format, and are working (or have hired someone to
work on) Amiga versions of the PKZIP and PKUNZIP programs, which
would be the "official", full-featured versions. Since they have not
been released yet (as of the day I am writing this), a couple of
UnZip programs have surfaced for the Amiga already. Here is another
But! This is not *JUST* another UnZip program. This is the richest,
most featured unzip program I've seen for the Amiga so far. It can
take advantage of most of the features of the ZIP format and it fixes
a bug found in both of the other unzip programs around for the Amiga.
In fact, that bug was one of the main reasons I go started writing
this unzip program. It seems the other unzip programs only had a 256
character buffer for the file comment, and didn't check to make sure
that the file comment would fit in the buffer. The local BBS,
however, puts a 540 byte comment on each ZIP file on their board.
Needless to say, when the unzip programs tried to fit a 540 byte
comment in a space designed to accommodate only 256 bytes, something
had to give. The program would overwrite vital code and then get a
visit from the friendly neighborhood GURU!
Features of this unzip program include:
Full ARP style (superset of AmigaDOS set) wildcards
Works with self-extracting ZIP archives (currently only IBM)
Sort by any of ten list fields
Extract to disk, screen, printer, or nowhere (checksum test)
List the contents of the archive in any of four styles:
40 columns, 76 columns, 96 columns, or multiple line
Automatically create subdirectories to recreate original
directory structure (with switch to disable)
Features not yet supported:
Does not set the filestamp of the files it extracts
Does not add file comments to the extracted files
Does no tweaking of End-Of-Line characters on text files
Does not support archives spanning multiple disks
Does not support encrypted files
Using Zippy
Zippy only works from the CLI, and has a dozen optional arguments and
switches you can use. Zippy requires the presence of the ARP library.
If you don't already have arp.library in your LIBS: directory, be
sure to copy the enclosed arp.library file there, and then see to
getting the full ARP command replacements as soon as possible -- they
represent large improvements over the original AmigaDOS commands.
The general format of ZIPPY is:
1> ZIPPY <major-command> <qualifiers> <zipfile> <internal-files>
The arguments can be in any order, and running ZIPPY without any
arguments is the same as using the HELP qualifier. None of the
arguments or filenames are case sensitive. The following
commands/qualifiers are allowed:
X or -X or EXTRACT = Extract file(s) (default)
C or -C or CRT = Extract file(s) to the current window
P or -P or PRINT = Extract file(s) to the printer (PRT:)
T or -T or TEST = Test integrity of file(s)
L or -L or LIST = Display contents of archive: 40 columns
V or -V or VERBOSE = Display contents of archive: 76 columns
W or -W or WIDELIST = Display contents of archive: 96 columns
F or -F or FULLLIST = Display contents of archive: Multiple lines
-> Note that it IS valid to specify both an extraction command
and a display command, but not more than one of each type.
TO <pathname> = Put extracted files in the directory specified by
<pathname> rather than the current directory.
SORT <field> = Sort archive directory before extracting/listing
<field> can be one or more of the following characters:
N = Sort by filename
T = Sort by type of file (ASCII, Binary, encrypted)
C = Sort by compression scheme
S = Sort by size of original file
Z = Sort by size of compressed file
% = Sort by compression ration (best to worst)
D = Sort by date of file
K = Sort by checksum of file
/ = Reverse direction of immediately following sort type
NOPATH = Strip subdirectory info before processing filenames
NOCOMMENT = Ignore any comments in archive
NOCODES = Force Zippy to use "clean" ASCII -- No CSI codes
This would be the name of the ZIP archive. If you omit the .ZIP
suffix, Zippy will first try finding a file with the exact name
you specified; failing that it will add the .ZIP suffix and try
again. You can include wildcards, in which case Zippy processes
all the matching files it finds in alphabetic order. Note that
if you include wildcards, then Zippy will ONLY process files it
finds that end with the .ZIP suffix.
Here you can specify one or more filenames to tell Zippy which
files in the ZIP file to consider for extraction/listing. If you
don't specify any <internal-files>, Zippy assumes you want all the
files to be processed. These filename can include wildcards.
Past Tense
Version 1.00
First major public release
Support for compression schemes up to Reduced (4)
Bug in UnReduction routine would crash machine periodically
Version 1.21
Extraction routines completely encoded in Assembly Language
Fixed bug in UnReduction routine
Support for Implosion compression scheme
Future Tense
Some items I plan to add/fix in the next version are:
Full Date/Time filestamp support
Adding file comment to extracted file
File Decryption
Text file tweaking (i.e. End-of-Line conversions)
Better handling of overwriting existing files, creating
subdirectories, etc.
More consistant error message handling
Some programs I plan to work on, in chronological order are:
Dizzy - A no-frills version of Zippy, small and residentable
ZipExy - A program to make a ZIP file self-extracting
Zipper - A ZIP format archiver
The Gotcha <Grin>
I have spent several hundred hours over the last many months writing
this program. In addition, I don't have a lot of money, and WOULD
like to buy a hard drive sometime in the near future. I might even
settle for a second floppy or a second meg of memory... And all that
takes is... everybody say it now... MONEY! Thus I am releasing
this program under the Shareware concept in the hopes that I'll be
able to get closer to my goal. (You know a hard drive would REALLY
boost my productivity, and I could write more of these great
programs, and maybe get the "Zipper" program out before Christmas!
Grin.) So...
$25 gets you my gratitude, the latest version of Zippy,
object code for the extraction routines so you can
include them in your own program, Dizzy when it is
finished, the program to make a zip file self-extracting
(if/when I get that done), and the source to the above.
You will also be a registered "friend" and will receive
notices of other programs or upgrades.
$15 gets you all of the above (including my gratitude)
except the source. You will also be a registered
"friend" with all the duties and benefits that
$5 and a disk will get you the latest version of Zippy,
and you still get my gratitude! You will not,
unfortunately, be a registered "friend", and while
that does not mean I won't read your letters or
answer your questions, I will have to take care of my
registered "friends" first and handle my unregistered
"friends" afterwards.
$1 or any other amount will get you my gratitude.
If you decide not to send any money (no pressure... just try not to
think about this poor individual slaving away on a single floppy
based system, swapping disks all day, falling asleep waiting for
compiles to finish... Grin), you may still use Zippy with my
blessing, although you won't get any of the goodies mentioned above,
not even my gratitude! Grin. If you DO use Zippy at least several
times a month, however, please do register it. Remember, that I *DO*
hold the copyright on the program, so you can't try to sell it as
your own or wantonly steal code from it or use it unregistered in a
commercial environment. If you have any questions about that, just
let me know and I'll try to be accommodating.
If you are going to be using this program in a commercial setting,
you are required to register at the $15 or $25 level. Contact me for
information about registering multiple copies for a quantity discount
or site license.
Please use the order form on the next page or the file OrderForm.
Just print it out and fill in the blanks or circle your responses.
Registration form for Zippy
Name: ___________________________________________________ Sex: M F
Address: __________________________________________ Apt: ___________
City: ________________________ State: ____________ Zip: ___________
Zippy will be used in a commercial environment: Yes No
If so, where? _______________________________________________________
Computer: A500 A1000 A2000 Other _____________________________
Number of floppy drives: 1 2 3 4 Other _________________________
Total capacity of hard drives _______________________________________
Do you have a modem? No Yes Model _______________________________
Other neat peripherals ______________________________________________
Favorite use(s) for your computer ___________________________________
Comments ____________________________________________________________
May I release this info to other individuals (not companies)
interested in corresponding with other Amiga users? Yes No
I am sending my contribution of: (Please circle)
$___ because I believe in supporting Shareware!
$25 for the full Zippy registration, next version, & source
$15 for the full Zippy registration & next version
$5 and a disk for the latest version of Zippy
$___ for your gratitude
$0 just to let you know that I have tried the program
and have some comments. Sorry I can't give any
donation at this point.
Total enclosed: $_______________________________
Please send this form and check or money order to:
David Godshall
137 Wagner
Elkhart, IN 46516