(You might want to make sure word wrap is on for reading this file.)
Welcome to 40 Thieves, a challenging and addictive double-deck Solitaire game.
40 Thieves is distributed as ShareWare. That means you get to try it BEFORE you buy it. And if you don't like it, you don't have to pay for it. But we think you'll enjoy it, and we've made the "bite" real easy -- just $5.00 (plus state tax for Washington residents). We think you'll agree that it's well worth the price!
By the way, you'll need at least 800 by 600 (SVGA) resolution or better to play the game. Sorry, 640 by 480 (VGA) just isn't big enough.
To install 40 Thieves, just run the SETUP.EXE program from this directory using any of the standard Windows methods (the Run... command from the Program Manager's File menu or from the File Manager's File menu, or double-click from the File Manager, etc.)
The SETUP program will create a directory on your disk to hold the necessary files. (Certain common files will also be placed in your Windows directories if they aren't there already.) SETUP will then create the necessary Program Manager group and item icons. Once SETUP has completed, just click on the 40 Thieves icon and you're off and running.
NOTE: one required file which is ONLY included on the diskette is VBRUN300.DLL, usually found in your WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. You probably already have a copy of this file, but if you don't, you can download one from CompuServe, America Online, or almost any other bulletin board.
The following files are used during the setup process:
40THIEVE EX_ Compressed EXE
40THIEVE HL_ Compressed HLP
40THIEVE LOG Version notes
COMMDLG DL_ Compressed DLL
QCARD DL_ Compressed DLL
README TXT This file
SETUP EXE Setup program
SETUP LST Used by setup
SETUP1 EX_ Compressed EXE
SHUFFLE WA_ Compressed WAV
TADA WA_ Compressed WAV
THREED VB_ Compressed VBX
VBRUN300 DL_ Compressed DLL -- diskette only
VER DL_ Compressed DLL
Once the setup is complete, you can delete the above files if you wish. The expanded versions of the required files will already be in place. (Make sure you keep the original diskette or ZIP file in a safe place, however, in case you ever need to re-install.)
To register your copy of 40 Thieves, just send $5.00 ($6.00 Canadian) by check or money order to:
Heuristech Software
800 Sleater-Kinney Rd. SE
Suite 189
Lacey, WA 98503
Washington state residents please add state sales tax (6.5%).
We would also welcome any comments or suggestions you might have.