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Commodore BASIC  |  2023-02-26  |  1KB  |  50 lines

  1. 11 poke53280,0:poke53281,0:gosub50
  2. 12 dimt(12):forx=0to11:readd:t(x)=d:next
  3. 13 data219,91,219,91,219,91,91,219,91,219,91,219
  4. 14 cr=91:rc=219:sp=32:po=1430:ts=1630
  5. 15 print"[147][150]    keys 1 to 6 to toggle characters"
  6. 16 print"            return [146] to execute."
  7. 17 forx=0to4step2:pokepo+x,cr:next:forx=6to10step2:pokepo+x,rc:next
  8. 18 geta$:ifa$=""then18
  9. 19 ifa$=chr$(13)then27
  10. 20 a=val(a$):ifa<1ora>6then18
  11. 21 a=(a-1)*2:gosub23
  12. 22 goto18
  13. 23 n=peek(po+a):ifn=rcthenn=cr:pokepo+a,n:goto25
  14. 24 pokepo+a,rc
  15. 25 return
  16. 26 end
  17. 27 print"here we go!":l=0:l1=0
  18. 28 c=po+l:c=c-40:c1=peek(po+l):pokepo+l,32
  19. 29 forx=0to11-l1:pokec+x ,c1:pokec-1+x,32:fory=0to40:nexty,x:fory=0to75:next
  20. 30 pokec-1+x,32:c=c+40:pokec+x,c1:
  21. 31 c=po+2:c=c+40:c1=peek(po+l+2):pokepo+l+2,32
  22. 32 forx=lto-2+l1step-1:pokec+x,c1:pokec+1+x,32:fory=0to30:nexty,x:
  23. 33 fory=0to75:next
  24. 34 forn=1to4:pokec+1+x,32:c=c+40:pokec+1+x,c1:fory=1to75:nexty,n
  25. 35 l1=l1+2:l=l+4:ifl<>24then28
  26. 36 forx=12to0step-2
  27. 37 ifpeek(ts)<>t(0)thenx=7:y=2:goto39
  28. 38 x=1:y=2
  29. 39 ifpeek(ts+y)=t(x)then41
  30. 40 goto 44
  31. 41 x=x+1:y=y+2
  32. 42 ify<>12then 39
  33. 43 print"[158]yeah!!! - well done!":gosub63:goto45
  34. 44 print"[151]oops,  not quite!"
  35. 45 print"another go   <y/n>?
  36. 46 [161]a$:[139]a$[178]""[167]46
  37. 47 [139]a$[178]"y"[167][153]"def":[140]:[138]12
  38. 48 [153]"loadcont":[151]53281,6:[151]53280,14
  39. 49 [128]
  40. 50 [153]"loaddef              the shuffle"
  41. 51 [153]"cont         (NULL)tanright$ = = tantanright$ tantanright$ =  ortantan"
  42. 52 [153]"list         (NULL) (NULL) (NULL) (NULL)  (NULL)(NULL)  (NULL)(NULL) (NULL)  (NULL) "
  43. 53 [153]"poke         -tan(NULL) (NULL) (NULL) (NULL)(NULL)  (NULL)(NULL)  (NULL)  -tan"
  44. 54 [153]"print#         (NULL)   (NULL) (NULL) (NULL)   (NULL)   (NULL)  (NULL) "
  45. 55 [153]"         >   mid$tan(NULL)closemid$tan(NULL) mid$tan(NULL)close/tantan/tantan"
  46. 56 [153]"            any key to start "
  47. 57 [161]a$:[139]a$[178]""[167]57
  48. 58 [142]
  49. 63 [129]x[178]0[164]96:[151]53280,x:[151]53281,x:[130]:[142]