¢ o=o=o=o=o=¢¢ MINUTES OF OHAUG MEETING 7/10/99¢¢ In the absence of our Club President,¢ our Vice President RON FETZER took¢ charge of the meeting. After a brief¢ discussion about PC's the meeting¢ opened. An announcement was made¢ that next Saturday, July 17,1999, at¢ 2PM Club members are invited to our¢ President, JACK GEDALIUS home for a¢ barbeque. RON then opened the¢ meeting for discussion.¢¢ TREASURY REPORT:¢ We are in the black.¢¢ ALAN SHARKIS stated that A member¢ from OHAUG in Arlington, TX, GREG¢ GOODWIN is putting together a Mega¢ List of Atari users and he would like¢ all the users groups members names¢ for the list. ALAN asked that¢ members think about this. HARRY¢ TUTHILL reminded ALAN that JOE LEBER¢ would not like his name being on the¢ list. ALAN suggested that Greg¢ Goodwin's name/address be in the next¢ Newsletter & if anyone wants their¢ name included in the list they should¢ send it to him. Everyone agreed.¢¢ DEMONSTRATIONS:¢¢ RON FETZER then gave everyone a copy¢ of a disk he prepared on how to do¢ the Newsletter. He then demoed the¢ disk. He showed how to type new¢ information and how to update the¢ Welcome Screen, how to go to DOS.¢¢ RON FETZER then demoed an ABBUC¢ Magazine disk #57 second quarter¢ 1999. The intro for this disk,¢ prepared by Sysop Fox-1, sent¢ "greetinx" to OHAUG members ALAN¢ SHARKIS and PATRICK MULVEY. On Side¢ 1 was music and included "Adventure¢ Game","The Land of Horror". Then¢ there was a multiplication program¢ called "Word Inventory" all in German¢ (Library #742).¢¢ After the break we tried to use the¢ modem to go on the internet but the¢ library connection was dead. We are¢ going to try to have it restored for¢ the August meeting.¢¢ ALAN SHARKIS then demoed the¢ July/August Newsletter. He mentioned¢ that members should check the email¢ address list for changes. On side 1¢ of the Newsletter he played a fun¢ game of chance with 3 men and the¢ Atari gambling to win and we all¢ enjoyed. After that Alan demoed a¢ music program that was very nice. ¢ Then he showed us a couple of games¢ on Side 2.¢¢ There were no door prizes given at¢ this meeting. The date of the next¢ meeting is August 14, 1999. After¢ that our President Jack Gedalius will¢ arrange the future dates with the¢ library.¢¢ o=o=o=o=o=¢¢¢