*-*-*¢ MINUTES OF THE JULY 1994 MEETING¢ ================================¢¢ DONATIONS:¢¢ The OL' HACKERS mailed a $25.00¢ contribution to the AMERICAN RED CROSS¢ for the RWANDA RELIEF EFFORT, in¢ Africa.¢¢ We also mailed a contribution to¢ THE MACHINE BBS (516 764-5748) and the¢ NEW NEST BBS (516) 234-4943 for their¢ continued support of the 8-Bit¢ computer.¢¢ VISITOR¢¢ BOB ECKSTEIN and his son STEVE¢ came to our meeting. They are ATARI 8-¢ Bit users and they wanted more¢ information on 8-Bit software. JOHN¢ HARDIE our member who had just¢ returned from Sunnyvale CA. had a ton¢ of software on display for sale, just¢ in time for them!¢¢ CORRESPONDENCE:¢¢ We heard from our member JOHN¢ KASUPSKI, former Vice President of the¢ WEST NEW YORK ATARI CLUB. JOHN has¢ written his first article called "BITS¢ n BYTES" which was printed in the¢ JULY/AUG. newsletter.¢¢ A letter from our member JOHN¢ POWELL from Pheonix, AZ. He lets us¢ know that the COOL Weather there is¢ down from 116 F to 112 F. Now THAT'S¢ COOL!¢¢ ALEX wrote a letter to DAVE¢ EWENS, JEAN BROKAW, DALE WOOSTER and¢ MURRY STUART telling them he mailed an¢ upgrade of MYDOS that can create 2032¢ Sector Ramdisk for the 320K 130XE or¢ the upgraded 800XL. The disk has docs¢ and Source code and UNARC.COM on it.¢ Side two has MYDOS for the¢ 600/800/800XL and creates a 110 sector¢ RAMDISK.¢¢ A letter from BILL SMINKEY our¢ member from California . He told us he¢ had a Hard Drive problem. He contacted¢ BOB PUFF and they were unable to get¢ the matter cleared up. BILL is waiting¢ for a refund from CSS. BILL is feeling¢ better after his operations.¢¢ ALEX wrote to MIKE HOHMANN and¢ informed him that we would be¢ supporting his FINE TOONED ENGINEERING¢ CO. and the 8-Bit products he is¢ selling.¢¢ ALEX read a letter from our¢ member JOE EICHELBERGER in Florida. He¢ said that he was a little confused¢ about dues. It is $2.00 per month.¢ After June 30 you have to pay for the¢ current year plus the next year. The¢ reason we do it that way is because we¢ supply you with a lot of extra disks¢ if you become a member. JOE evidently¢ got the right message and mailed in¢ his dues till December 31, 1995.¢¢ A letter from JOHN PICKEN of the¢ GARDEN CITY ACE in B.C. Canada. He¢ also mailed ALEX two loaded disks. He¢ said that he would be willing to¢ assist any of our members with a USR¢ ROUTINE if they need it. JOHN is the¢ premier 8-Bit programmer in Canada.¢¢ A letter from DAVE EWENS in¢ England. He writes that they have¢ corrected the bug in the game SUPER¢ HOP. He tells us that the new book¢ "THE COMPLETE AND ESSENTIAL MAP OF THE¢ ATARI COMPUTER" is now ready from¢ T.W.A.U.G.¢¢ JIM CUTLER our member in England¢ tells us that he received ALEX'S¢ message on the BBS "THE LAND THAT TIME¢ FORGOT". He also mailed us some disk¢ including the program HOME CARD.( See¢ Demo - it has 20 pages of docs).¢¢ A letter from our member JOE¢ HICSWA in N.J. He mailed us a disk¢ called DRAW POKER that he wrote. ALEX¢ used it, liked it, and sent back a¢ modified copy to JOE.¢¢ ITEM¢¢ JOHN HARDIE and the OL' HACKERS¢ purchased the new book (470 pages)¢ from T.W.A.U.G in England called "THE¢ COMPLETE AND ESSENTIAL MAP OF THE¢ ATARI COMPUTER". It is a new and¢ complete upgraded version of the¢ Memory Map of the 800XL/XE with many¢ new programs and pokes and tips. It¢ corrects all the mistakes of "MAPPING¢ THE ATARI". To order your copy mail¢ 18.5 pounds Sterling, (about $29.60)¢ to T.W.A.U.G to receive it by surface¢ mail.¢¢ JOHN told us about his trip to¢ Sunnyvale and ATARI Corp. He visited¢ BEST ELECTRONICS, B & C ELECTRONICS,¢ AMRICAN TECHNA VISION. He also was¢ with MIKE HOHMANN of FINE TOONED¢ ENGINEERING. They made the rounds of¢ all the California 8-Bit places and¢ JOHN tells us there is plenty of 8-Bit¢ stuff around. He brought several boxes¢ full of games, programs, hardware¢ items to the meeting. We had a field¢ day acquiring all the stuff we never¢ saw before.¢¢ DEMOS:¢¢ RON FETZER demoed the program¢ HOME CARD. The program has 20 pages of¢ documentation. You will need several¢ days to read and digest it. The¢ program is similar to the HOME FILING¢ MANAGER. The program is like a file¢ box where you can put notes on a file¢ card. You can have 337 of these file¢ cards. The retrieval of these cards is¢ very fast. You also have an auto¢ dialer that will dial a telephone¢ number for you that is on the card.¢ You can create mailing labels with it.¢ The font that the program uses is very¢ poor. You create a title card for your¢ file so you know what each line¢ represents. There is also a flow chart¢ that comes with the program. The¢ program is complicated, but complete!¢ Learn to use it, and you will get a¢ lot out of it. It is our library¢ number #492.¢¢ N.W.P.A.C. mailed us a beautiful¢ disk with a very fancy label and¢ jacket. It is our library #493. On¢ side one is BRICK BAT a game. Side two¢ has a variety of games HI-LOW(CARDS),¢ SOLITAIRE, CAVERNS OF KAFKA and ¢ CRIBBAGE. These are some great games¢ to play by yourself.¢¢ Next we saw another disk BUNNY¢ BUSTER a game by our own member¢ CHARLES COLE. On this disk was also¢ PING another game, QUICK DUMP and BOX.¢ We saw PING where you have to hit the¢ disk so it will hit the ball and make¢ the ball bounce. We saw BUNNY BUSTER¢ which is a shoot-em-up game. On the¢ other side there are utilities and¢ some more games. It is library #494.¢¢ The next disk we saw was SHIRLOCK¢ 1050 SECTOR EDITOR. This is for¢ advanced programmers. Side two has the¢ docs. It is an ANTIC program. It is¢ now #495 in our library.¢¢ From H.A.C.E. in Huston TEX.¢ SKYLINE in ARCed form. We did not see¢ it. You will need two disk to unARC¢ it. It is a lot of utilities. Library¢ #496.¢¢ A program from JOHN PICKEN,¢ Canada. This program will load MYDOS¢ 4.51 for 130XE - it will create a¢ 2,032 Sector RAM DISK D8. This will¢ work with an updated 320K memory¢ 130XE. The other side is for the¢ 600/800XL to create RAM Disk. Library¢ #497.¢¢ T.W.A.U.G. JUL/AUG 94. We saw¢ PRINT SHOP utility that shows the ICON¢ on the screen. You can show ALL Icons,¢ selected Icons, Print Icons, Print a¢ Jacket, Save Icon, Save Index. A great¢ Print Shop utility to get. Library¢ #498.¢¢ D.A.C.E. DOM CHRISTMAS DISK 1992.¢ Library #499. It has many Christmas¢ songs on it. On side two is a game.¢ From the same club, from MAR.¢ 1993. It is loaded with a lot of text¢ ALPHABET.TXT, ANTHEM.TXT, BOPEEP.TXT,¢ BRIDGE.TXT, CROSSING.TXT. JAPANESE¢ VOCABULARY, SPANISH VOCABULARY,¢ LAW VOCABULARY. Library disk #500.¢ Again, from the same club, from¢ AUG. 1993. It is a game disk and V-¢ TEXT( A text reader). Library # 501.¢ Another from the same club, SEP.¢ 1993. It has on it FILEEM a program¢ that has all the periodical programs¢ on its DATA BASE. It is library #502.¢¢ DOOR PRIZES:¢¢ ALAN SHARKIS¢ HAROLD PEGLER¢ JOHN HARDIE¢ RON FETZER¢¢ Submitted by RON FETZER ¢¢ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>END<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<¢