***********************************¢¢OL' HACKERS WHO iS WHO? ? ? ? ? ? ?¢¢PRESIDENT..............Alex Pignato¢¢VICE-PRESIDENT....... Jack Gedalius¢¢SECRETARY................Ron Fetzer¢¢TREASURER................Ron Fetzer¢¢BLANK DISK SALES.........Ron Fetzer¢¢LIBRARIAN.............Harold Pegler¢¢DISK NEWSLETTER EDITOR.Alex Pignato¢¢LEGAL-COUNSEL........Jerry Ginsberg¢¢EQUIPMENT-MANAGER......Bob Ulschmid¢¢MEMBERSHIP........... Jack Gedalius¢¢INT'L CORRESPONDANT....Horst Dewitz¢¢NEWSLETTER LIBRARIAN...Alan Sharkis¢¢LIB. COPY MASTER.......Bob Ulschmid¢ and Allen C. Atkins¢¢MAGAZINE LIBRARIAN....Jack Gedalius¢¢NOTE-[*] denotes change in position.¢ *****¢(O.H.A.U.G.) is in no way associated¢with the ATARI Corp.,or any of their¢afffiliates, other than using a great¢product. Atari and Atari related¢products are the Trademarks of their¢respective companies and are used only¢as informational help to our members¢and the Atari user in general. Opinions¢herein are not necessarily those of¢O.H.A.U.G. but those of the various¢individual authors.¢O.H.A.U.G. is a NOT-FOR-PROFIT¢Organization in the State of New York.¢O.H.A.U.G. will NOT tolerate ANY¢referances, directly or by implication¢to piracy or the use of any computer¢equipment for illegal activities.¢¢DEADLINES FOR NEWSLETTER¢¢JAN/FEB DEC 31 JUL/AUG JUN 30¢MAR/APR FEB 28 SEPT/OCT AUG 31¢MAY/JUN APR 30 NOV/DEC OCT 31¢ ¢Submitted articles are preferred as¢disk text files, preferably made on the¢1ST XLENT Word Processor, in 38 columns¢but it will be gratefully accepted as¢hard copy. Send your articles, comments¢to:¢OL' HACKERS Newsletter¢c/o A. Pignato,¢3376 Ocean Harbor Drive¢Oceanside, N. Y. 11572.¢Please refer to the above schedule for¢OL' HACKERS NEWSLETTER deadlines.¢¢ ****end*****¢